

Maggie's POV

Once Joe had finished setting up everything, we all sat on the couch.

So comfortable

"Hello everyo-"

"Is the mic on Joe?" I cut him off. I looked over to Arden and raised my eyebrows as a signal. Joe nodded.

"Hello e-"

"What about the camera?" Arden asked. Joe turned around and frowned at us.

"Alright, take three. He-"

"Are you sure everything's ready?" Will asked. Joe turned around and smacked Will in the head.


"Just start the video Joe. What's taking so long?" Arden asked in a sassy tone. Joe elbowed her.

"Alright, hello everyone, today I'm here with Willbo-Darbo, Maggie, and Arden!" He motioned to all of us.

"I've been forced into this." I said.

"I'm being held hostage." Arden said monotonously.

"I don't even know this guy." Will pointed to Joe. Joe set his face in his hands.

"UGH! Can we start now?" He whined.

"Yes, we can. What are we doing today Joe." Will asked.

"I'm glad you asked Will. Today, we're going to play Who's Most Likely To." Joe smiled.

"Are you copying my video idea?" I asked Joe.

"What? No!" He said and put a finger up to his lips. I laughed.

Joe's POV

"First question, who's more likely to be sent to jail?" I asked. I put up Maggie and then looked around. Will put up Maggie, Arden put up Maggie and Maggie put up herself. Everyone laughed.

"Why did you put up yourself?" Will asked.

"Because I think I'm going to end up doing something really stupid and then end up in the big house." She laughed.

We were on the last question, and so far Maggie's  been taking the beating.

"Thank you for watching and I'll see you next week for another Sugg Sunday! Hoo Hoo!" I did my outro and turned the camera off.

"What should we do now?" Will asked. Everyone looked at each other.

"I have no idea." Arden said.

Maggie's POV

*Buzz Buzz*

Baby💍: Have you checked twitter yet?

Princess💞: No, why?

Baby💍: Everyone is taking screenshots of your ring.

Princess💞: Shit. What do I do?

Baby💍: We can address it when I get back. For now, just, ignore it.

Princess💞: Ugh, okay. Miss you,

Baby💍: Miss you too.

I put my phone away and sighed. Arden looked across at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked sweetly.

"People found out about this." I pointed to my ring finger.

"Oh," She said "it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Well, we were going to keep it a secret." I said.

"It would get out eventually." Joe reasoned.

"Ugh, whatever. We'll address it later." I said.

"Now what should we do, cuz I don't know about you guys, but I'm bored as hell." I said. Everyone laughed.

We ended up watching Notting Hill and falling asleep in the sitting room.

*The next Morning*

Joe's POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I looked around to find Will holding onto Arden, and Maggie had her head flung back snoring like a pig.

9:15 am, might as well make breakfast.

*15 Minutes Later*

Maggie's POV

I woke up to the smell of something I knew so well.

"PANCAKES!" I shouted and ran to his kitchen counter. Will and Arden woke up gasping and Joe almost dropped the pan.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT! And, Sorry, I just love your pancakes." I said sweetly.

"For a skinny girl, you sure can yell." Arden said walking up to me. I laughed and nodded.

We were finishing up with breakfast when I thought of a great idea.

"Arden!" I shouted. She jumped and dropped her fork. She swivels her head towards me.

"Yeeeeees?" She replied.

"Do you want to go shopping with the girls and I todayyyyy?" I asked with a smile on my face. She grinned from ear to ear.

"I'm always up to go shopping." She said.

"Can we come?" Joe asked in a girly voice.

"Hell nah! You got cooties!" I said disgusted. Will and Arden laughed. I texted the girls.


Baby Devil😈: Anybody up for shopping today?

Ardy💋: I already said yes.

Zo Zo💅: Not even a question for me

Carlyyy☠️: HELL YEAH

Sophs😚: I'm innnnnnn!!

Baby Devil😈: Great! Meet us at Joe's at around noon.

Zo Zo💅: Sounds good!

Sophs😚: See you then

Carlyyy☠️: 👌🏻

*At Noon*

We were all in Sophie's car ready to leave for the mall.

"Au revoir, my friends!" I waved out of the window to Joe and Will.

*Buzz Buzz*

Baby💍:Looking good princess😘

Princess💞: Thank you Baby💖I miss youuuuuu

Baby💍: I know, I miss you too, but I'll be back before you know it❤️

Princess💞: Alright bye baby

Baby💍: Bye princess❤️

I shut my phone off, and when I looked up, we were at the mall.

"We're here already?" I asked, looking around.

"Yeah, you just didn't pay attention." Carly laughed.

"Sounds like Mags to me." Sophie said. We all laughed and went inside.

"Where should we go first?" Zoe asked with her hands clapped together.

"How about shoe shopping?" Carly asked.

"Race you there!" Zoe said before running to the nearest shoe shop.

"Should we go after her?" Arden asked.

"I mean, if we absolutely must." I shrugged. We all laughed and set off to find where Zoe ran off to.

*After Shopping*

"Can we go home now?!" Sophie asked.

"Hell yeah! I can't go another minute without dropping to the floor." I said.

"All in favour of going home, say I." I said.

Zoe was the only one who didn't say I.

"Oh come on!" She threw her hands in the air angrily. We turned away and headed to the car.

"Who's place should we go to?" Arden asked.

"Ooh! Let's go to mine. The boys aren't home, so we can do whatever we want!" I squealed.

I put my phone in my pocket, but pulled it back out when I felt it buzz. I had a few notifications on Instagram. They were DM's from Alissa Violet, Miniminter, and Jenna Marbles. Most of my heroes.

Oh my god

I opened, Jenna's first.

jennamarbles: Hi Maggie! Just wanted to say that I love your Instagram pics and you seem pretty cool amazing.


maggieferrier: OMG, are you serious? Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me. I think you're such an amazing and funny woman Gabbie! You're one of my heroes!🌹

jennamarbles: Its no problem! And thank you for the compliment. I hope to see you one day. 😊

maggieferrier: Yeah for sure!

I smiled and opened the DM from Alissa.

AlissaViolet: Hey Maggie, to you I might be just a random fan, but you seem like an awesome girl and I hope to meet you one day.☺️

maggieferrier: Are you kidding me?! It should be the other way around if you ask me. I love your modeling, and everything about you!🌹😊

AlissaViolet: Oh wow, thank you so much. That's so flattering. I'm glad we're already friends😊

maggieferrier: Of course!

AlissaViolet: And I subscribed to your YouTube channel too. (I loved you're impression of me😂 it was 100% accurate)

maggieferrier: Lol, thank you so much. I feel like I've known you for ages already😄

AlissaViolet:Same here!💫💖

And Last but CERTAINLY not least, I opened up Simons DM. I already had butterflies in my stomach.

MiniMinter:Hey Mags, its Simon here. You're probably not going to see this, but I really love your videos (been a fan for a while.) especially your impression of me. SPOT ON

maggieferrier: lol, thanks Simon. If anything, I'm the number one fan of yours. I feel embarrassed now that you know I have a huge crush on you😅

Miniminter: Oh it's nothing😄I'm glad you responded. We should speak soon!

maggieferrier: Duh, 😜🌹

With that, I ended the conversation and shit my phone off. I smiled like a fool.

3 of my YouTube heroes had just DMed me!! God I was so excited.

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