
Meeting Bulma

"Bulma Brief calm down before you do anything rash."

"Calm down... Calm Down!?You borke into my house, broke all of my locks, and stole the dragon ball 5times!"

"Four times." Shiro corrected. ignoring the amused looks his girls sent his way.

Bulma's eyebrow twitched, "That doesn't make it any better!" She growled.

"Well, your rich enough to fix it, " Shiro shrugged.

"Don't you feel the least bit guilty over what you've done!"

"I mean..you fixed your doors right?" Shiro asked calmly.

Bulma spluttered "Yes...but...that's not...."

"and every time i borrowed, your dragon ball, I did return it too you right?"

Bulma's eyebrow was twitching more violently now, Shiro half expected it to explode.

Eventually she let loose a long suffering sigh as her shoulders slumped. "Just give me the dragon ball..."

Shiro smiled, "Now, all you have to do is ask nicely..."

She glared at him, shiro smiled cheekly,

"You are so lucky your so sexy." Bulma growled, before her mouth went over her mouth, a blush went over cheeks, she glared at the snickering Naruko...

"DRAGON BALL PLEASE." She roared she held out her hands, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Yes, of course," Shiro smiled, "On one condition..."

Shiro noticed her blush deepen, "Not...that...you perverted girl..." Naruko's snickers turned to full blown laughter, Hinata was giggling, and Gine covered her mouth.

Goku raised an eyebrow... Naruto and Hiimarwai looked confused, Roku just sighed.


Goku get's to come with you..."

Bulma blinked.

Goku blinked.

"Wait what?"

Wait what?"

The both of them said at the same time, causing the two to glance at each other.

"Bulma, you are collecting the dragon balls right? So, you are going to need someone to protect you, like a...body gaurd..."

Bulma looked thoughtful at this, while Goku gazed at Shiro with an unsure look in his eyes, "Dad, I'm not so sure about this."

Shiro smiled at him, "It will be fine Goku, you need the expirence the world without your family."


"When a person is old enough, everyone is going to be out of this house soon, living on there own, this should help you gain some expierence."

Bulma eventually nodded her head, "yeah, that sounds like a good deal...and uh...Goku-san already proved himself to be a lot stronger before..."

"Shiro raised his eyebrow at goku who had a blush on his face from embarrassment,

"Hold on..." Shiro went up to get the dragon ball from the other room, before he came back and handed it to her, who had an expression of delight on her face.

"Now...what was it Goku did-"

"I uh, gotta go dad, love ya bye, come on Bulma..." Goku shouted quickly before he grabbed Bulma and practically vanished out of the house.

Shiro chuckled.

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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts
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