
INTRODUCTION:-Haru's Fantasy World

'The human existence all started in the 1st AD. More than 7 billion humans. But why do we exist at all, if death was our end,if the world would all eventually end why was it created at the first place? To change something? To make something happen? Why what is happening needed to happen? Why is there good and bad? What if the good was bad so if you were doing a murder people would've gone like wow give him an award he must be so talented. And if good was bad you'd get an execution just to help an old woman cross the road.But to imagine a world without these two extraordinary words at all would be meaningless.

That exactly is where life begins ,here is good and here is bad and then here... is a will. A will to choose. And the entire creation of universe from birth to death, to the circle of a human life, everything wraps up around these concepts.'

'But while everyone is finding the true meaning of life ... What is life to you?'


1. Haru Fujiwara- MALE LEAD- An introverted high school student.

2. Mina Yoshiki-FEMALE LEAD- A clumsy,passionate high school student. Childhood bestfriend of Haru.

3. Yui Sakurai- A talented, easy-going high school student Member of the Literature Club

4. Kazuki Sato- A comical,and enthusiastic high school student.Member of the Literature Club

5. Takashi Ikeda- A genius, fearless and hard-working high school student. Member of the Literature Club.

6. Mitsuo Yoshiki- Former Literature Club member.Elder brother of Mina Yoshiki.

7. Principal Ito- Principal of Shintama High School.

8. Haruto Mori- Chemistry Teacher of Shintama High School.

9. Natsume Ito- A playful and charming high school student, grandson of Principal Ito.

I am completely new to fantasy writing and to webnovel.

Haru's World is one of my best story compared to all the ones I have ever created. Hope you'd like it...there is a hell lot of story plots,twists and turns, suspense,drama etc..etc..

Please stay tuned for the Chapters to be updated.

It's written ...but it needs editing *_*

LaikaMeercreators' thoughts
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