
Chapter 14

As the bell came echoing with an annoying resounding ring. Yet the sound brought comfort to the students who were bored of constant classes. Finally it was break, they could stretched and speak more freely.

David shut his locker with Kyle lingering in his thought, the last time they spoke was when he had to submit the essays of four thousand words and his hands were hurting like hell. Like it was not enough, Kyle just had to keep him on interrogation about his lie and that was just super frustrating.

He slammed his locker snapping out of the thought, though is been two weeks. Two bad weeks Kyle observed his every steps looking to find an error. His punishment was still on and he was slowly coming one with it.

David picked up his phone as it buzzed. He looked at the screen and it was the same Instagram message from the unknown person, who had been assaulting him since weeks.

"I see you, I know you, I... I just can't touch you though I want it so badly."

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