
30. Unveiled-I

I stood there astonished when the man declared his identity. My clouded eyes couldn't leave his sight when those words contracted my ears. Taking a step back from him, I blinked to make the view clear. It was the same man, whom I stamped in the crowd. This cannot be true, all this time- before I could complete my thought other thought interrupted. Is he another kidnapper? Stepping back several steps, I was surveying my driver who was nowhere to be found.

"Levy listen to me." He said while taking a step towards me.

How did he know my name?

"Back off." I snarled, tears leaving my eyes.

"You don't have to fear me." He stepped forward, making me mirror his action oppositely. "Ok, I am not moving." He stood still in this position.

"Who sent you to kidnap me?" I asked. This was a stupid question, why would any kidnapper would tell that. But my mind wasn't running fine to ask any proper question.

"Levy." His voice was composed and calm. "Listen to me girl, I'm not here to kidnap you."

"Oh yes! kidnapper will ask permission before the kidnapping," I said, moving back as much as I can. Do kidnappers follow over the country too? No, this can't be possible. Is he really my father?

"How did you know my name?"

"I am the one who gave you this name."

"There might be some another Levy, I don't have a father," I said.

"You do have a father." this time his voice raised a little.

"I don't." I snapped, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Let me explain." He softened his voice. A voice that wanted me to listen to him.

"Explain what? That you suddenly fall from the sky from nowhere." I don't want to listen to him. He seems real, his words doesn't feel like a lie. I am afraid to face the truth.

"Let me speak."

I kept quiet after that 3 syllables and he began his explanation

"I am your father, I always was." He took a deep breath and continued. "But Clara Troustkey is not your mother."

Those words he said was nothing less than the shooting arrows, piercing every little cell of my body. The intensity of the tears increased by each beat, which was beating abnormally fast. Unable to believe what he said, I told him something which I shouldn't have said.


"It's not a lie." calmness was still maintained in his voice. "Your mother's Margaret."

"You're lying," I shouted at him. "And why would you say all this now?"

"So that you should believe me, that I am your father. Admund and you-" before he could finish, I cut him off."

"Just Admund and me? What about Adam." I don't know what he was saying, but he didn't mention Adam and that was bothering me.


"You don't know Adam?" I asked.

"No." He replied. This time there was confusion in this voice.

"Hah! You don't know Adam, yet you're our father." I threw my hands in the air.

He's lying!

Before any of us could say another word, a beeb-beeb took our attention. I quickly moved away from him, making my way towards the car. Not too soon he caught my hand.


"Leave me, you are no one." I squirmed my hand.

The door of the car opened, revealing Adam, who was calling me from inside. We tilted our heads in that direction. The moment his gaze fell on Adam, he couldn't move it. He was staring at him as if he had never seen a kid. Loosening his grip, he turned to face me.

"Is he-" before he could ask his question, I ran into the car and closed the door.

"Levy why are you crying?" Adam asked the moment I slid into the car.

"Nothing," I said, wiping my tears, but damn those tears didn't want to evaporate.

"Levy." Adam shook me. "What happened?"

"When I said nothing it's nothing."

Moving away from me, he folded his hands. "Fine, cry!"

Tugging my shoes off, I hugged my legs, burying my head down.

Is it true? Is he our father? Where was he all this time?

Recalling every moment and word, I was crying. Not more than five minutes passed, Adam came close again.


"Adam let's not talk about it now." I murmured, audible enough for him to hear.

"Ok." He said and rested his head on my shoulder.

The whole drive home, his words were hanging around my mind. I couldn't comprehend whether what he said was a truth or a lie. If it's a truth, where was he all this time? if not, why was he lying? There's no point in lying. Why would any unknown person claim to be someone's father? He knew my name and brother's too, he must be telling the truth. But he didn't know Adam, how can that even be possible.

We got home and as usual, welcomed by our butler. Running into my room, I shut the door and laid on the bed. Many questions were wandering in my head and there's only one person who can answer them. Watching the hands of clocks, letting the time pass by, I was waiting for brother to arrive. I laid there for God knows how long, when Adam knocked on the door, asking to come for dinner.

Washed my face, I came downstairs where Adam, brother, and Ayra were already waiting for me. I don't know when she came. We started our dinner, unable to hold any longer, I asked.

"Do you know, who I met today?" I asked brother, staring at my plate.

"Don't talk while eating." He replied. Taking a spoon full of food.

"I am not exactly eating," I said and waited for his answer, but he didn't bother to reply.

Did he know? Did the driver report him?

"Do you know?" I asked again.

"We'll talk later about this." He said.

"You know!" I paused, then continued. "Driver told you, right?"

"Levy, have food."

"No! you knew it, all this time." I dragged my chair and stood up.

"Yes." He replied without looking at me, but the plate.

"Why didn't you tell us? Why did you hide this?" I didn't realize I was crying. "Don't you want us to know about him?" I snapped.

He didn't reply, Adam and Ayra were exchanging glances.

"Admund! I am asking you." I stamped my hands on the table.

Again silence. I waited one second, two seconds and more seconds, he didn't reply a word.

Anger was boiling inside me. How can he do this? Was he living with father all these years? His silence was fireballs in my boiling anger. Pushing the chair back into the table, I turned to walk away.

"Levy-" Ayra was saying something but halted her words when I started walking.

Running upstairs, I heard Ayra's voice. "Where are you going now?" probably, she was telling that to brother.

Shutting the door, I fall on the bed, hugging the pillow. I can't just leave things like this, I have to know everything, this time about mother too. But I am not going to talk to him. Shutting my eyes tight, I was trying to get the picture of this puzzle. Nothing, I can not picture any solution to this. Hours passed since I locked up myself, then there was a knock.

"Levy." It was Adam.

I didn't answer, pretended to be asleep.

"Brother wants to-" he paused. "I mean, can I come in." Then added.

Go away, I am sleeping.

This time I was the one throwing silence, but why on Adam? He might be worried about my behavior. No, he's there standing behind the door. I waited for another knock.

"Levy, you're not sleeping, open the door." Brother knocked heavily on the door which I ignored and continued my fake sleep.

If I want to know about it, I must talk to him. There's no point in locking yourself away from him. There was no knock after that. I went into Adam's room, he was sleeping. Slowly, I came downstairs and saw Ayra was sitting on the couch and brother was lying beside her with his head on her laps.

Maybe later.

I turned to leave but halted when Ayra called me.

"We were waiting for you." She waved and walked into brother's room.

He stood in a sitting position and beckoned me to sit beside him. I sat and shoot my first question.

"Who's my mother?"

"What did he tell you?" He asked his side of the question.

"Were you living with him?" I asked mine.

"Did he tell you this?"

"Stop questioning my questions."

"Answer me first." He said.

"He told that mother is not my mother and he doesn't know Adam."

He sighed and rested his head back. "And what else?"

"Nothing," I replied.

He answered all the questions one after another. Believing him was like finding chemistry easy. But it was the truth, what father told. Margaret was my mother, where Clara was the mother of brother and Adam. Damn! This is like a hit by a cannonball. Margaret is father's second wife. We know nothing, when and why he married her. When I was brought from kinder Academy, father told mother about her. At that moment, she asked him to leave because of his betrayal. She was pregnant during that time, so Adam was unknown to him. It's funny, I have two mothers, but none of them is alive. Well, our black hair was inherited from him. He has black and gray hair, brown eyes, just as Admund and Adam. A bearded jaw and a tall old frame.

It's 4 am and I was wide awake, staring at the fan.

"Can I come in?" Brother asked, knocking on the door.


He came and sat beside me. Cleared his throat and asked.

"Well, are you alright?"

I gave him a curt nod.

"So, everything will be the same?" He asked.

"Of course," I said. "Did you ever try to talk to him or does he?" And asked.

"He tried."

"And?" I asked.

"Tried, unsuccessfully." He answered.

There was a little silence after his answer. Asking another question, I broke this silence.

I cleared my throat and asked. "Did you ever mind, me being your sister?"

"Do you think I do?"

"I don't know."

In response, he slightly hit on my head.

"Ouch! What was-"

"Never, ever think of it." He said, cutting me off.

"Sorry," I said.

"Sleep now." He gave a peck on my forehead and left the room.


Thanks for all your wait. Hope this chapter was worthy of it.


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