
18. Kindness

I was on my bed, wide awake staring at the ceiling, listening to the tick-tock of the clock watching hours pass. Why did he kiss me? Who was that red Lady? I couldn't come up with any answers to these questions. Why does my mind freeze in his presence? I stood in a sitting position when I remembered his words before the kiss. I quickly took my phone to translate those words. My thumbs were dancing in front of the screen. "Crap! What were those words?" I almost shout ignoring the peaceful sleep of Adam. I looked down at him. My cute little brother. Kissed his cheek and laid beside him. 

Adam! Did he see me? I have to ask him, but how? What should I ask. 'Did you watch your sisters' first kiss?' 'Oh! Yes, I did'. My imaginary friends replied as Adam. 'Blast! Blast! Blast!' How can I be so careless?

I got off my bed and started walking with the phone in my hand, turning it between my fingers and thumb. Think Levy! Remember those words. I kept on walking without bothering about the time. My trail of thought was cut by the ringtone of my phone. Giving me a mini heart attack, when I saw the caller ID, brother. Should I receive the call or not? For sure he got some news about us. I gulped hard whilst thinking of his questions. Ringing cuts off after some seconds. I sighed heavily and sat at the end of the bed. My phone rang again, I quickly received it, Adam was about to awake.

"H-hello." keep calm Levy.

"Hello." His voice was hard, making hello sounds like a question.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I- I, I mean we. Yes, Adam and I were out. Out for some fun. Yes." I don't know what to say.

"What's the time Levy?" He asked sternly.

I glanced at the clock, it reads 2:30 AM.

"We're back an hour ago." His information was building up nervousness in me.

"Next time you people will not be out at these hours." He warned me.

"Yes, as you say." I blather the words in antsiness.

Will he ask about it?

He then hung off the phone with a good night. He didn't mention anything about it. He doesn't know where we're. He only knows we're out. Yes! Thank God!

I laid again watching time passed, an hour after an hour. It's 5 AM in the morning and I am still awake.

I went to the terrace watching the sunrise. Where birds were singing songs with their chirping voice. The sky turned bright, scattering the pink-white light. It was a beautiful morning with warm sun rays and cold breeze.

After having a little walk, I prepared breakfast and began to eat. I was hungry being awake the whole night. Later, Lady Anna and Adam woke up.

On our way towards Adams' school, I thought of asking Adam about the last night and prepared a lot of sentences in my mind before asking. Then finally made an attempt.


He turned to face me, breaking his view from the window.


"Did you. No, I mean. Did you see me leaving the table last night?"

I mentally punched myself, of course, he did. I was sitting exactly in front of him.

"You mean while having dinner?" He asked.


"I saw you leaving, you walk passed by my side." He said.

"And?" I want to know more than that.

"And what?" He questioned my question.

"And after that, what did you see Adam?"

"And I saw birds on the street light through the window." He replied, confusion in his eyes.

"That's it?" I asked, relieved.

"Why? Did I missed something?"

"No!" My reply was quick.

When I entered college, I could feel a shiver down my spine. It was not from the cold weather but by the thought of facing him. I slowly took my steps towards the class, each step was increasing the level of my heartbeat. When the class was near his voice was audible from inside. My slow-motion made me late for my class. Unable to step in, I hasten towards the library and stood in front of the big door. Crossing 7 floors was an added fillip to my already raced heart.

"No." I threw my hands in the air when I saw Library was locked, with a note stuck on its door. Which said: the library is moving on the ground floor and will be out of use for a week.

I recalled my all classes in order to skip whichever was Lorens'. We had a language class then sports hour which means our class will be empty for 2 hours. I can use it as my hideout for some time. Why did I come to college? I shouldn't have. I have to talk with Loren, but I couldn't do it. I reached my class with my thoughts. I was relieved to see it empty. I took a seat near the window, capturing the beautiful weather. Pinkish-orange sky with wind blowing the leaves. Cold breeze provoking my missing night sleep.

Pain in my left ear awoke me from my sleep, probably caused by the cold wind. I slept again. When I strengthened up, saw Loren in front of me, behind the teacher's table. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and now he was clearly visible. My eyes didn't leave his sight. I kept staring at him. His voice broke my stare. 

"Seen a ghost, Miss. Troustkey."

I quickly averted my gaze. My heart skipped a beat recalling last night. What should I do? Should I ask? I gathered all my courage which was not even ten percent during his presence and walked towards him. Taking a deep breath before speaking, I cleared my throat.

"Lo- Mr. Blake?" I was barely audible.

His eyes met with mine, turning my hands cold and cheeks warm. Again causing hot and cold feeling at the same time.

"Yes, Miss. Troustkey?" He calmly replied and looked at me.

How can he be so calm!

"Well, you-" I couldn't come up with any words and his eyes were drowning me. "Nothing." Was all I said and without giving a thought, I dashed towards the door.

"You have a class to attend Miss. Troustkey." His words made me stop on my heels. This reminds me of our first meeting. Before I could say anything or leave, students started to gather into the class. Aversely, I mirrored them and took my seat. I didn't raise my head during the class. Each minute seems like an hour. Finally ended by the speed of a snail.


On my way to Jacob's place, I stopped by a shop. A shop of musical instruments. I went in, there was a different section for each instrument. When I reached the piano section, I saw Luke at its counter.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am the one who should ask that. I work here." He said with his usual cheerful smile.

"I was just passing by," I said while he was searching something in the drawers.

"Here." He showed me a batch.

"What is it?"

"I won it in an essay writing competition at our school." He said grinning ear to ear. "Topic was the kindness."


Kindness is present in all of us,

But the level may differ for everyone,

Some may have a half of cup,

while others may have a full of a mug.

It can heal a wounded heart,

And repairs a bleeding scar.

A little kindness will leave a spark,

Behind a person's act of art.

Though it doesn't have a language,

It can be understood by a child,

can be seen by a blind.

It can be heard by deaf,

And can be spoken by a dumb.

A simple smile with a kind vibe,

can mean the world in others' life.

"That's good." I smiled at him then supplied. "Add it to your treasure box of success."

With a bye wave, I left him. As soon as I stepped out of the shop someone pulled me by my hood. I tried to balance on my feet but footpath made me fall back which resulted in hitting the torso of that person. Within these seconds a car crossed by my front, leaving a foot distance from hitting me.

"Careful girl." A similar voice spoke.

I turned to face him and saw Rob looking down at me, he's taller than me.

"Levy? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I am going to Jacob's place."

"For the practice." It was more a statement than a question.

"Yes, how's your practice going on?" I asked.

"A competitor will not reveal it." He winked at me with a smirk, shoving in hands in his jeans pocket.

Always strange.

"Whatever. Why are you here?"

"I came to buy drumsticks." He said and walked into the shop. And I was back on my way.


After practicing for hours we sat talking and laughing while having snacks.

"Let's play a game." Jeal clapped her hands with excitement.

"What game?" Jacob asked.

We'll give each other a word and one should say another word which comes first to their mind, then the next person will continue with it.

"I'll start first," Jacob said.

"Kiss, to Jeal."

Why in the world he'd ask that!!

My cheeks warmed up by his word.

"Beautiful," she replied.

Her answer was having more effect on me.

"Beautiful, to Levy." She said, which alert me.

"Car." I do think cars are beautiful.

"Car." I passed to Jacob.

"Love," he replied and passed it to Jeal.

"Sister," she replied. "I love my sister more than anything in this world." she then added with a smile.

I don't have any.

"Wish," I replied when the sister was passed to me.

"Unfulfilled," Jacob replied on his turn for the wish. "Yet." Then added.

"An unfulfilled wished?" Jeal asked.

"You never mention it," I said.

"I don't think it was necessary." He waved the matter in the air.

"That's not fair. I always tell you everything." Then I recalled all the stuff which I hide from him.

"We can help you to fulfill it if you share with us," Jeal said. "I don't have any word on unfulfilled." she tapped her forefinger on her chin.

A new word to Levy. "Jacob."

"He sleeps with a doll." I burst into laughter after saying that, so did Jeal. While Jacob was staring at me with wide eyes.

"I'll kill you!" He snapped and I crawled away from him and hid behind Jeal.

He was trying to catch me and Jeal was protecting me from his claws while giggling.

"That's for hiding secrets from me," I said between my guffaw.

"Get ready for the revenge." He crossed his arms while narrowing his eyes at me.

Time passed while playing, laughing and revealing a few things about each other which made me late for the office.

Just thinking about it gives me a weird feeling.



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