
The girl who changed everything

It had been days since I was taken and I had been placed with several other children. I tried many times to escape but to no avail. When they put us on a carriage I overheard them talking about taking us to extrilla. I braced myself for the long journey as it would take from 10 to 15 days to get there.


When they finally stopped the carriage they unloaded us and guided us into a building in which we headed down two flights of stairs to an cell underground where we would be staying till we were sold.


A couple of days passed and we had been starved and beaten several times. At this point I lost all hope and opted to go along with the flow of the situation.

All of the sudden I heard the door open and prepared for another beating. When they finally came into view they carried a girl that looked to be in her early teens and threw her to the ground before promptly leaving.

When I first saw her she looked to be dead or at least close to it as no movement could be seen coming from her. I thought about going to her but quickly put that thought away.


A couple hours later she jolted upwards and I felt collective jump from the children around me. She looked around several times before it seemed something caught her attention. She seemed to be looking at something and she slowly lifted her hand as if she were reaching to grab something but seemed confused when she failed.

She then turned to us with a gaze that asked if we were seeing what she was. Soon after the door could be heard as two mean came down. The girl that had been kneeling suddenly kept into action as the smaller one managed to open the door.

I watched on in awe it was as if she disappeared for a moment before reappearing at the mans side. She quickly drew his dagger and sunk it deep into his chest. The sound of screaming reverberated all throughout the room as she continually plunged the dagger into his chest. The other man quickly rushes at her and kicks her into the wall a couple of feet away.

The fight went on until she finally came out victorious. When it's over she slowly approaches us. When I see the knife I quickly hide my face when I suddenly feel a hand on my head. Before saying, "It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you."

I felt my face burn and my eyes sting as the tears flowed. I jumped into her embrace as she said, "There, there let it all out."

As I heard those words my mind thought back to my mother. She continued to embrace and pat me until I finally calmed down. Soon after she asked us a question about the how we got here. After finishing all of our stories she seemed angry for some reason. After calming down she explained some kind of magic to us which seemed strange but I decided not to question it.

When she finished explaining she seemed to go into deep thought. A minute later she told the other children to scoot over before squeezing in right next to me. As I continued to be around her the more I seemed to like her.

Not long after the other three men came down the stairs. From what I could gather the smaller one is the leader. He looked around for a bit before spotting the two bodies laying on the floor. He continued to walk over to one and kick it while swearing.

After seemingly venting his anger he told the other two to bring us up to the carriage. As they approached I felt a movement from the girl before she leaped at the closer one cutting his tendons before quickly finishing him off.

As I watch her carry out her almost one sided slaughter I seemed to go into a trance. It was as if I took my eyes off of her the whole world would disappear.

The more I looked the more I wanted. It was almost as if I was falling in love with her. As I thought more about it the more it came to fruition. I could feel my cheeks slowly heating up and my heart rate increase.

'Is this love at first sight' I thought.

Before I even notice the fight is over and she and the leader are gone.

A few minutes later she came back down and I immediately jumped on her looking all over for any injuries. When there was none I was a bit surprised but mostly happy. As my eyes wandered all over her I spot two large scars on each arm. It confuses me that there is no open wound but i do regret I couldn't help her.


More than half a month has passed since than and we are officially a couple. I've learned many new things and am still learning.

Earlier today Shess asked me to help her evolve. I'm quite worried that she might get seriously hurt. The most concerning thing is that I have to gag and hold her down.


It's been a while since we passed the checkpoint. When she points to a clearing my stomach drops. I had been hoping to have to turn back but it was to late, she had already gotten off Gypsy and is leading him to a tree.


It takes another minute before she gets him tied up and has a gag in her mouth while lying on the ground.

I do as I am instructed and hold her down the best I could. When she gives me a nod I know she's started.


A few second pass and nothing happens when suddenly her eyes widen in fear. Almost instantly after that she starts to convulse violently and I am having trouble keeping her down.

After a while she settles and what comes next scares me out of my mind. Her body starts to grow. Where smooth skin once was, fur replaces. She goes from two to four legs in seconds. Right above her cushiony cheeks lay a tail as white as snow. Her facial features go from that of a human to a wolf. All around black lightning sparks every so often. Within her mouth large fangs lay as she takes ragged breaths.

I sit there staring, my most beloved went from human to a 3 meter tall wolf in seconds. As soon as it comes it leaves. She quickly turns back into a human. I was in shock I didn't know what to do. I soon broke free of my daze and shrugged it off as a hallucination.


After my traumatic experience I quickly take out her gag and lay her head on my lap. As I waited my worry grew. It was now thirty minutes since she passed out.


It's been ten minutes now I I'm starting to get really worried. I decide to to take her back into town. When I think a bit more I remember the church has the best healers that might be able to help.


Another couple of hours later I arrive in front of of the church. I quickly leap off and start to drag her up the steps and yell for someone.

"Someone!? Anyone, please I need help" I say as I enter the giant cathedral. A man draped in somewhat expensive looking robes approaches us.

"May I help you" he asks in a calm tone.

"I need help! She just passed out randomly and hasn't woken up" I lie.

"How long has it been?"

"A couple of hours. We went out on a request and she passed out as we were walking and won't wake up no matter what I do!"

"Please follow me" he says calmly.

It was quite annoying how calm he was and it made me kind of want to punch him in the face for making my Shess wait this long. Despite my current dissatisfaction I knew Shess took priority and followed him down a corridor till we reached a big room with several beds lined up in rows with curtains on either side of them.

He led me over to a bed on our right just a few steps away. After carefully laying Shess down, the man called over a woman.

When she came over the man said, "Please step back. She will need to examine the girls body and she requires complete concentration."

Knowing they knew what's best I took a couple steps back and let the woman do her work. As soon as I was a good couple ways away the woman placed her hands on Shess's stomach. As she did this a greenish white light started to encircle her hands.

A bit apprehensively I asked, "What is she doing?"

"She's using healing magic. She's one of our most proficient" he explains.

As the seconds pass I only get more worried when the woman suddenly jolts her head up.

"We must hurry she does not have long to live! We need the best spiritual mages we have immediately" she says frantically.

"What is the matter with her" the man asks.

"She has gone through a forced evolution" she replied.

The face of the man goes grim and he walks off swiftly.


A few minutes later he returned with two people in tow, one a young man and the other a girl that doesn't look much older.

"Is this the person" the young man asks.

"Yes" says the older man.

They both quickly rush over to my Shess and lay their hands on her abdomen. They both close their eyes as that same light appears.


A couple of minutes pass before the girl suddenly starts screaming as if there were a murder before falling to the ground in all fours. The older man rushes over to her and asks, "what happened!?"

"Blood! There was some much blood A-and death, so-so much death! T-there was a-a girl a-and bleugh" she chokes out before emptying her stomach contents.

On the other side the man sat with an expression as if he had met death itself. The older man quickly gets the other woman and helps the girl to a bed after she passed out. He then takes the younger man to a bed a short distance away.

Deciding to ignore them I sit down next to the beautiful creature that is my most beloved. I sit there for the next three days. While there I overheard that the two that the pair of spiritual mages that "helped" would need a lot of help as they were extremely traumatic for something that I didn't care enough to figure out.

When she finally woke up I learned a few things. Such as her hate for the church. I wasn't a big believer either but she had a good enough of a reason.

Soon after we headed back to the inn. When Shess lays down on the bed she opened her status. I personally think it's a bit rude to look at others status for it is almost like looking at them naked but the temptation overwhelmed me and I stole a peek. I instantly regretted it for I was scared out of my wits. My cute 5 foot lover had turned into a demon. I instantly think back to the clearing and my mind races in all different directions.

Unable to except the reality I slowly take a step back. When she notices this she jumps out of bed and slowly takes a step towards me. Instinctively I take another step back and she follows suit. This continues until I've run out of room to run.

As she slams her left hand to the wall she moves her head closer as I close my eyes. I can feel her hot breath beating against my face as my heart rate goes through the roof.

Deep within my mind I knew this girl, the one who changed everything. The one who brought me out of the darkness and showed me love would not hurt me but instinct told me to flee.

As I attempted to duck to her right I feel an arm around my stomach as she brings me into her embrace.

"Hmmm~? Is my little bunny trying to escape? How could you~" she says teasingly.

"I-I would never" I stutter.

"Hmm~? You're not lying are you~? Cause then I would be forced to punish you" she says as she bites my shoulder gently.

"O-of course I wouldn't"

"Then for bring so honest then I'll have to reward you" she says before plunging her tongue into my mouth exploring every nook and cranny for a kiss that seems to last an eternity.


Warning if you font want to lose trillions of brain cells tan I suggest you skip this.

Mwuhahahahahaha I have done it again! I know every last one of you came her for the yuri! Admit it! And once again I have given it to you! Mwuhahahahahaha! Enjoy for it will happen more and more!

Hum hum hum, excuse me I will now tell you something important(at least more important than that ^) so anyway that was a longer chapter coming out at a whopping 2080- something words! Rejoice! For it will not happen for a while now!

So yeah as usual thanks for reading, stay healthy, and have a good morning/afternoon/evening depending on when you read this! GOODBYE~~ also for my other series I will be posting tomorrow (most likely)!

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