
Chapter 13: A Mysterious Occurrence

Arrive at his estate, Agnes, as always, went straight to his study. Opens his laptop and logs himself into the satellite camera; he begins to track the movement of all the shooting stars that appeared from the last two years. While he makes a speculation that maybe supernatural things start appears two days ago, it is still a speculation. No hypothesis can be claimed right until it is proven.

From two till seven in the evening, Agnes did nothing but note down every shooting stars that appeared in Gaiya. Unsurprisingly, there were many shooting stars that appeared in the last two years. As each year there will be about seventeen thousand shooting stars appear, based on a study report, there were about thirty-four thousand shooting stars appeared in the last two years.

But after studies it and noting down everything, Agnes notices something strange. Shooting stars should appear above the atmosphere of Gaiya, or they will come crashing down on it. But in the last two days, he detected several abnormal shooting stars that appeared below Gaiya's atmosphere, and he could not help but be shocked.

It is a miracle that it's not already come crashing down, and what actually makes him shocked is not about the shooting stars but that he did not receive any news of it. If something is happening, no matter big or small, he is the first person that should have known, but his underboss did not tell him anything in their report.

Weird, truly weird, he thought he already cleanses and baptized his organization of any traitors. But it seems like there are still moles lurking around between his gaze. Do they not know they are playing a dangerous game with a very dangerous individual?

Look back at the images of the shooting stars that appear out of thin air; Agnes convinces that this is not natural. Usually, shooting stars form after there is a collision between two meteorites, but this is just impossible. Also, unlike typical shooting stars, this abnormal shooting star is nothing but light. A light that is so bright even the satellite can detect it.

There are many conclusions that he can make out of it. But only three out of the many stood up for him. One, this might be a ploy created by the Emperor to lure out the people like him, but that is very unlikely as he is occupied with the mutant crusade, and this abnormal shooting star gave power or created an unnatural event to whoever sees it according to his current information.

Two, this might be a result of some mad scientist experiment going crazy or not at the same time. There is a deep conspiracy currently, and he can't point out what it is as he doesn't have much information on himself.

The reason why he calls it a conspiracy is that, these abnormal shooting stars all appear in the same region. They all emerge at the very center of the world at The White Isle. To the public knowledge, there should not be anyone lives there as the Emperor dictated it as a national treasure, and it must be preserved from any form of civilization.

But who is he to believe such bullshit? When he looks into it, there are indeed people living there. Soldiers and military, for example. He doesn't know why they station there, but there is definitely something. That is why he calls it a conspiracy.

Anything that has to do with the Emperor, it will immediately be labeled as a conspiracy. No matter how hard one probes into the Emperor, not a single piece of information can be gained out of it, even with billions of Sol invested. His action might be traceable, but he is thorough and thoroughly untraceable.

The security that shrouds the Emperor is far too tight that not even he can see past it, and this is one of the several reasons why the underworld is afraid of the Emperor. There is even a saying to show how much one needs to be fearful of him. To go against the Emperor, be prepared to face the whole world. He who rules the world, he who rules the people, if there no might of titans, don't you there to go against he, who rules the entirety.

The third conclusion he can make sense of is that these abnormal shooting stars are it is but only a natural occurrence. While it might sound crazy, it might also be true. How can he see the soul of a living person is more believable than this? Both of them are bizarre and unnatural.

These are the three conclusions that he thinks are the most believable out of all his conclusions. Don't know if it is true or false, but one of these three or all of them might be the truth. The Emperor might know something that not even the royalties know as always, as he keeps many secrets. That might be a reason why he stationed troops on The White Isle.

It might be a foretold of old or something similar, and it finally comes. Looking back at the history, The White Isle always be a place without an owner. Only after the unification War 500 years ago only then did The White Isle have an owner, and it is the Emperor, yet, even so, it is still claimed as a natural territory.

The Emperor afraid of doing something is unheard of, even so with old's rambling. There must be something more profound than just mere conspiracy. Maybe the Ulevrat Paragons Church also involve in this. The Emperor and his trusted pope. The two most mysterious and dangerous individuals in the whole world. Look like he really needs to go to Vetican to investigate. Who could have thought his split-second excitement mind actually turned out to be useful.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in."

"The food is ready, master."

"I will be down in a few minutes."

"Yes, master."

"Oh, Sebas, before you go. Please asks Nicholas to meet me. Now, if possible."

"Yes, master, I will bring Nicholas to you, and if there is nothing else, I will be going now."

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