
star wars: ideas on the force

There is no light or dark, there is only the force.

I am the Light and the Dark, the force strengths that which I choose.

Chaos from Harmony, and Harmony from Chaos; The Force in both cycles.

To lose myself is to let My own darkness control me, to find myself is to acknowledge my darkness.

At Peace with Emotions, in control of my passions.

To take vengeance without hate, to love without fear; to find power from passion, without bringing my darkness to bear.

Pain is my hope, my strength keeps me alive.

When my time comes to ending, true balance I'll find.

Neither sought for, nor fought for;

In Death: Yet, the Force.


So yeah, a bad/rough attempt at some kind of Force Code/Philosophy.

Basically the concept and key component of it is that the Force is neutral. It has no light nor dark side. The Light or Darkness is within the user alone. It is Their darkness that corrupts them as they use the Force to strengthen it. Or Their light that sustains them as they draw on the Force to strengthen it.


"But what about darkside corrupted planets," you may ask. Well the Force can influence the material world, and the material world can influence the force. Each echoes and reflects the other. So untouched jungle worlds filled with life grow stronger in the force and the force impacts the world more pushing new species to emerge, and eventually force sensitives. Similarly if a world is influenced enough by a powerful enough force sensitive lost to their own darkness, their darkness will echo/ripple through local concentration of the force and others will have their own darkness drawn out more. Think of it as how your day can be "ruined" by a negative confrontation at work or etc: once one thing sets you off you become more and more prone for others to set you off even more. Similarly if there is a big enough influence from the darkened Force Sensitive then their environment and those in it start reflecting that darkness back, and outwards to others. Eventually that darkness spreads enough to become a semi-selfsustaining feedback loop, potentially even a self-destructive one, leading to corrupted and even dead worlds.

As evidence to further support this, compare with worlds like Korriban to someplace like Nar Shadda. Both have seen plenty of deaths and slavery, pain and despair, Nar Shadda in some sources even has a daily death ratio of of something like one out of every several hundred, and with a population in the billions that is millions of deaths every day. Yet Nar Shadda isn't a dead world, it thrives even as its crime does.

As for Light aligned planets, and why I haven't really heard of any, that is either a case of there being a mis-naming of the Jedi Order Promoting the light as opposed to Being the light (an example of a Jedi Being the Light is the history of Jedi Master Fay, and a Jedi Promoting the Light, or rather what their interpretation of it may be, is Master Windu as seen in his handling of the Arkanian conflict and his overly strong attachment to the time corroded traditions of the Jedi Order). Or it is evidence of how far the Jedi Order had fallen even before the rise of Palpatine's Empire and the Jedi Purge. The Jedi Order in the last days of the republic had fallen to a single Temple, granted there were a few off-shoots and splinter groups such as the Corellian Green Jedi but they had their own councils and temples, and had left many old temples and cultural sites to buried in time, not to mention even their one remaining temple was no where near capacity. There are records of them using force nexus/nodes/etc, but they aren't really called Light nexus, which would seem to imply the neutrality (in a Light/Dark gradient rather than Light/dark duality paradigm) of those locations. They preached finding/maintaining the balance yet still talked about being the light.

It seems more like The Jedi, upon the defeat of the Sith Empire/start of the Sith 'Rule of Two', realized that being extreme exemplars of their light, without an equally extreme level of opponents lost to their darkness, would be potentially just as bad for the galaxy as if The Sith had won. Extreme Order and Law is equally bad, no matter the philosophy behind it. Equally so too is anarchy and chaos. Thus the Jedi Order became more and more a tool of the Republic, letting the Galaxy rule itself rather than enforcing their own rule upon it, and stepping in mainly to 'maintain the status quo' by the end. Ending wars but not addressing their underlying causes, enforcing bureaucratic laws even as they led to stagnation and the Core worlds taking advantage of rim worlds.

So in all of that, then is it any wonder then why there are little to no references to any Light side (Blessed?) planets? The jedi themselves likely abandoned them, let them fade away with time, maybe even encouraging their dissolution. When really, they should have been working to disperse the corruption and taint of the darkened worlds. Who knows, if they had done so in the centuries and millennia before Palpatine arose, perhaps the jedi wouldn't have been so blinded by the dark side veil blocking their sight of the future. Maybe they would have been better able to detect and find new outbreaks/ripples of darkness spreading in the force instead of them being obscured with so lingering old/sustained dark ripples.


A Further aspect, is why would jedi be so caught up about balance/a prophecy of a chosen one to bring balance to the force if they thought the Sith Dead before the events at Naboo. Is the reason perhaps because they felt that even without the Sith existing any more the force was still unbalanced? Perhaps that they themselves were unbalancing it? Is that perhaps the reason for why there was no major push/attempt to cleanse locations from the so called 'darkside', because at some point some leader of the order thought that leaving the echoes and impact of those lost to their darkness would counterbalance the jedi order's own unbalancing of the force? That the remains and dark wounds left by the Sith, along with shifting the Jedi structure and philosophy into one focused on balance, would help the Force reach its natural equilibrium?

Basically was the Jedi Order before the Purge truly a Force for the Light, or merely a bastard-child/hybrid of a Gray Order failing to reach/maintain true harmony/balance in the force due to their counterintuitive fear of the dark side, or at least of falling to it, despite their professing that fear is the road to the dark side. Similarly their hypocritical declaration of the necessity of severing all attachments and yet attachments between themselves were key to their entire operation: attachments of youngling cohorts for their years of preliminary training, as they are simultaneously indoctrinated and taught to form an attachment to the Order its self and its many traditions, then the attachment of padawan to their master, and by extension to their master's master as well as the other jedi their master trained before or even after themselves, and to a lesser degree to those similar 'student-siblings' of their own master. And so much of the Order was nothing But Attachments. Heck if there were no attachments there would be no feelings (something else they aren't supposed to have) of betrayal. In that light, the Sith in their rule of two are more in keeping with the no attachments policy of the jedi than the Jedi themselves are.

anyways, enough ramblings and rants. hopefully something in all this can help someone at somepoint in a Star Wars fic. If so let me know so I can give it a read

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