
chapter 21

It was August and the week everyone had been waiting for; graduation week in Caldridge School of Arts. had trickled by, faster than the speed of light, but tainted with memories in between. For the Douglas and Adamson families, watching their kids get celebrated on their graduation had been nothing short of an end to a rollercoaster ride and one which they had looked forward to for a very long time.

Henry Adamson sat in the front row with his wife, smiling and unable to control his emotions as his son, Vukan Adamson got called up. Everything about him had changed for them over the past few months; accessibility, politeness and stability in every regard. In fact, within the few months Vukan had met Oliver, Henry had noted some proper changes in his son and one he proudly boasted about to his wife every single chance he had.

"I actually never thought this day would come", Henry leaned over to his wife as he whispered into her ea. "Seeing him drop out of one school to another was just so impossible to look past".

His wife turned to look at him with a smile. "He simply needed to find something he is passionate about and I think he found it in Caldridge School of Art".

She had secretly snuck into her son's room well enough to see how much progress he was making. His drawings were becoming really wonderful and his sense of imagination colored her mind every time she came across them.

"Well, I am happy", Henry Adamson said before focusing on the podium and those being called.

Oliver Douglas soon got called up, as one of the best graphics designers of his class.

Peter Douglas upped himself from his seat and screamed, "That's my son! That is my son!"

Oliver waved shyly at his parents as no less than five hundred parents seated in the hall applauded them. Oliver's eyes welled with tears as he walked up stage, recounting every single ordeal he had gone through for some time.

"I made it this far", Oliver whispered to himself as he nervously traipsed through the podium, hoping not to fall on his behind.

Down with the crowds, Vukan waved higher than those around him as he did everything within his power to ensure Oliver would spot him.

"Oliver waved right back at Vukan. "Thank you".

Without being able to deny it, the people in his life had helped him get to where he was and equally stood by him while he achieved everything he had done at that moment. Oliver looked down the hall and watched the door swing open with a huge man with a burly stomach and a beer in hand stepping in. The sight was painfully familiar.

"He is here", he thought to himself as the cheers from the crowd slowly began to fade out.

Oliver looked around, before settling his gaze on Vukan. He wished the boy would understand what he had seen and even come to his aid as best as possible, but everyone simply continued to clap and cheer him on and on. Oliver looked back at the door and the burly looking drunk was nowhere to be found.

His knees became wobbly, his ankles threatened to fail him, and his eyes rolled around in their sockets without knowing which destination to look or focus on.

"He was there", Oliver mumbled incoherently. "He was there and I saw him… Oh God!"

He looked to Peter, his father for some measure of insight into his panic attack. His chest had begun to throb and his throat felt as though it was clamping shut too, and preventing him from breathing effectively. Oliver clutched his belly as people continued to applaud him without realizing his current predicament.

He turned his back to the crowd to avoid any form of embarrassment, before counting his breath and assuring himself that what he had seen wasn't actually there.

"Ryan Smith", Oliver whispered.

He was sure the burly looking figure was none other than his deranged biological father who had always found a way to poop on his life whenever something good was ongoing for him.

"He cannot harm you", Oliver assured himself.

Ever since Peter Douglas had filed a report against the abusive man and which had ensured Peter took full custody of Ryan Smith, Oliver had always wondered if his abusive biological father would come back. The man was sent to jail, released and still managed to stalk them, but had never come close enough like the manner in which Oliver believed he had just seen.

He fastened his feet into the ground as he heard the applause simmer into silence. People had begun to whisper and murmur as the Hof his Department called out his name to acknowledge him with some proper handshake.

"Is everything fine with you, Master Douglas?" Sebastian Tom called out from where he stood.

Oliver slowly sucked in some much needed breath, willed himself not to allow such a despicable being or anyone at all to take away his shine and then turned back to look at the crowd. He waved at them and willed himself to walk again until he got to his destination. While he posed for a quick photograph, he locked his gaze on the entrance, hoping to see if his demented biological father would show up again.

Thankfully and to a relieved Oliver, he didn't catch sight of the man.

"You are safe, Oliver", he heard Vukan's voice say.

He felt safe with his family being in the hall. He felt safe from any form of threat, wherever it might come from and from whomever it might rear its head. There was no place he would feel safer than where he was in that moment.

He looked to Vukan, who blew him a tender kiss with a wink, warming his heart in the process.

"Thank you, Vukan", Oliver whispered even though he was certain Vukan wouldn't be able to hear him.

Being grateful was the least he could actually do.


Vukan raced through the crowd until he met up with Oliver. He had caught sight of Oliver speaking with some group of boys in their class and felt rather uncomfortable, but did well enough to hide it upon his arrival.

"I have been looking everywhere for you", he said, almost out of breath and unable to control his breathing either.

Oliver asked, 'Are you alright?"

Vukan looked up with a smug expression and replied, "Am I alright? Well, I just might be soon enough but I need you to come with me fast!"

Oliver opted to decline, seeing he had not taken many official pictures with his parents and they might be searching for him soon.

"Where are we going? When are we getting back?' Oliver asked impatiently. "And why aren't we taking the car?"

Vukan didn't give an answer as he pulled Oliver by his hand and led him through a rather narrow path behind their school until they came through and into the next street. Oliver recognized the street to be close to his house but they headed in the opposite direction, causing him to worry about whatever Vukan was up to.

"Do you trust me?" Vukan asked him. "Do you trust me, Oliver?"

Oliver had not had any reason not to trust Vukan since they bettered their relationship. In fact, he had come to grow fond of the boy and would willingly lay his safety in Vukan's hand if need be.

"Yes", Oliver replied without hesitating or even thinking about it.

Vukan came to a halt and tried to catch his breath. "I need you to close your eyes and I will put a blindfold on but you must promise not to take it off until I ask you to".

Somewhat bewildered, Oliver stood akimbo before asking, "What are you up to, Vukan? Why do you need me blindfolded?'

Vukan sighed in exhaustion and pleaded in response, "Please? Just have the blindfold on until I ask you to take it off and you will soon see".

Oliver begrudgingly agreed, but felt excited by whatever he was about to be shown. It would be the first time Vukan would act all secretive with him and he could only wonder how much effort he must have put into planning whatever he was about to see.

"Just follow me and you will be fine", Vukan assured Oliver. "Take gentle steps, don't be in haste… we are almost there".

Oliver felt Vukan come to a halt, with the sweet scent of fresh air mixed with the melodious tune of water waves bashing into rocks, easing through her senses.

"Where are we? Can I take off the blindfold now?" Oliver sounded in anxiety.

"Wait a moment and then, you can open your eyes", Vukan said.

Melodious music soon broke through the air, with Vukan clearing his throat before asking Oliver to take off the blindfold.

Oliver felt his entire body stiffen as he muttered, "Oh my God!"

The sight before him was unbelievable. Oliver clamped his hands over his mouth, unsure of what he was seeing or what Vukan had gone through to achieve everything before him.

"When? How?" Oliver asked, unsure of what words to speak as he looked around.

Vukan had decorated the entire bridge beautifully and in the most unimaginable manner. Balloons, decorative items and other colorful insignia hung all around the bridge. The melodious sound of Vukan's voice drew Oliver's attention, the dashing young man playing the guitar as he smiled wildly and performed like a true artist.

The gesture not only flustered Oliver, but sent his heart thudding happily. It was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for him and best of all, in such a place which he had a lot of history with. He found himself a good resting place while Vukan continued to marvel him with his beautiful rendition of his favorite song.

His singing finally came to an end and Oliver couldn't stop clapping away as he watched Vukan bow and drop his guitar by the bridge.

"I never knew you could sing so well or even play any instrument for that matter", Oliver said. "Where did you learn to play like that?"

Vukan grinned, smiled and replied, "Promise not to laugh if I told you my secret".

Oliver agreed with an excited nod while he danced on the spot as though he was on the verge of peeing on himself.

"Well, I was lip syncing the entire time", Vukan said, showing him the phone with which he had been playing the pre-recorded song.

It sounded so real and life-like. It would have fooled anyone with the way he stroked the guitar, performed theatrically and even managed to follow the tone of the performance without stuttering in his steps.

"Well, it took some serious practice, but I'm glad it came through as intended", Vukan smiled. 'I was almost stuttering at some point when I locked eyes with you back there".

Oliver had never felt so impressed and he continued to chuckle and laugh at the same time, unable to hide how he truly felt.

"Did I sweep you off your feet?" Vukan asked. "I ask because that was the main intent behind almost breaking my neck to get that balloon up there".

He pointed to the top of the bridge where the farthest balloon had been tied.

"Wow!" Oliver exclaimed.

He wondered how Vukan could have planned the entire thing out without even giving him a hint. They had spoken at length over the past few days and almost every time too.

"I am impressed", Oliver confessed.

His eyes flickered with joy and Vukan could barely contain his happiness at being able to impress Oliver.

"Happy graduation", Vukan whispered as he drew closer.

Oliver remained rooted to the spot, blushing wildly as Vukan managed to breach the distance between their bodies. Slowly, and without being crass about it, Vukan snuck his hands around Oliver and pulled him closer with enough will in his act. The proximity brought stifled breaths between their bodies and while Oliver seemed perplexed as to what was going on, he just couldn't pull himself out of it.

A rather tempting breeze blew past, helping them drown in each other's presence. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Vukan could see nothing wrong in Oliver's eyes, while Oliver could only see the brewing fire in Vukan's.

Oliver parted his lips to speak but Vukan placed a finger to them, asking him to bask in the silence and the moment in which their heartbeats had begun to ram as one.

"Happy Graduation once again", Vukan whispered before leaning closer.

Oliver's eyes slowly clamped shut, and his lips began to widen. Thoughts of how Vukan's lips would taste flushed through his senses and his entire body had never felt so alive. Vukan's hands worked the magic forehand; caressing Oliver's waistline and ensuring that their bodies were pressing against each other's. The wait for their lips to adjoin felt like forever and while Oliver's lips had begun to feel tender and receptive of whatever was about to slide in between them.

"Patience", he recited to himself endlessly. "You have to be patient".

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