
Chapter fifty two

Taking it step by step

Laura said "when will these physiotherapy ends?"

Jakes said "until you get better, let me help you will fall."

Laura said "stop, I will do it myself."

Jakes said "I will be here when you need anything."

Laura said "just frustrating, I'm use to do things on my own and now this. Please help me to sit down and so we can talk."

Jakes said" I am so happy you are alive, please forgive me love I was stupid to get angry about the birthday surprise and celebrating birthdays they don't mean much to you."

Laura said "you had the right to be angry, you were disappointed at me again, just eating a cake with you that's all that matters to me but I should also do what you like celebrate it throw big parties. I am so organized but how I keep forgetting I was not making you a priority."

Jakes said "your travel agent did call me and she did cancel the trip, I'm sorry you will be disappointed at me for what I am going to tell you."

Laura said "what is it, you could never possible disappoint me babe."

Jakes said "I cheated on you, I was angry about you forgetting my birthday again."

Laura said "you cheated, so it's my fault and who did you cheat with jakes?"

Jakes said "my PA, we went on a work function had drinks she kissed me and didn't stop her. I was unfaithful to you and I broke my vows."

Laura said "unbelievable jakes, while I was busy attending counselling, praying to be the good wife and to communicate better with you, you were out there having fun."

Jakes said "I am sorry, I was weak and Susan was always there listening to me, you don't listen when I talk to you."

Laura said "I'm listening talk, look at me jakes do you see how I am now I have to deal with this and oh no you won't turn me into some crazy woman checking your phone and where you are. Why you did do this jakes I'm so mad right now God help me with me."

Jakes said" just breathe please calm down and I am sorry I know won't change anything."

Laura said "I know I struggle to communicate with you but I am working on that. You listened to the devil whispering to your ears that your wife is horrible go get a drink with Susan is that my fault?"

Jakes said "I have been disappointed, frustrated and the devil use that to get me to make such mistake. I take full responsibility for what I did."

Laura said "well you should whether it was the devil or not you cheated and did you think about me or us?"

Jakes said "I didn't, I remember telling my father how he couldn't stay faithful to my mother and he said it was not easy. I was quick to judge him and now I'm just like him."

Laura said "you are not your father, you were unfaithful the minute you went out with her, letting her in your life. Letting her talk baldly about your wife all that led to a stupid kiss."

Jakes said "please forgive me I promise to be faithful to you."

Laura said" I forgive you, all the time in counselling I have learnt that if you can't forgive, forget about getting married and I still want to be married to you."

Jakes said "power of forgiveness, what it can do when we choose to forgive and move on thanks love."

Laura said "'I'm so mad I won't lie, I thought you can handle it better I mean the temptations out there, I talked about it at counselling but never did I fall into the devil traps or being unfaithful to you."

Jakes said "I know was tempted by my own evil desire and who would not want to be with my beautiful wife."

Laura said "with all these scars, now Susan will tell you she is beautiful and that I am not."

Jakes said "forget about Susan, you are still the most beautiful woman I married. "

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