
The Vault of Paper

Sweat dripped down from my forehead and from my arms, an hour or so of cleaning. Finally, all of my stuff have been cleaned, every corner of every gun i have that still requires internal cleaning. And a wiping session for the guns that need less internal cleaning. My hatchet was back to its shining state, rid of the blood it once had.

All lubricated to keep the weapons functioning just right.

What now i wonder. I finished cleaning my weapons, i got a good drink of hot chocolate, cleaned my things. What else can i do?

Fatigue quickly came while i kept thinking of what to do, well it seems i have one thing to do right now. Good timing, i should go for a good night's rest for now.

I walked out of the armory, with all guns on their closets and the hatchet back on the new armor.

I sat down on the bed, fatigue quickly urging me to get to sleep already.

Still in my sweat soaked clothes, i let fatigue take over me. To the world of slumber i go, maybe another vision will come.

My eyes revealed another vision, though this one was blurry. I can make out a large complex, tall shelves? Carrying books? Is this a library?

"Found a good book Thalia?" A female voice asked. I'm looking through Thalia.

Thalia's eyes shifted, also shifting where i was looking, in front is a blurred face i cant make out.

A few seconds, my vision went dark.

My eyes opened, my head suddenly began aching when i woke up. Painful, how can i fix a headache? Maybe the virus can help.

Odd, my vision was blurry, a headache flared up inside my head. The doctor may have something to say about this. In my shirt and pants, i step out, the headache slowly getting worse and worse. I need some water.

Water rushed down my throat after filling a cup from the cooler. Hope it helps with the headache.

Setting the cup aside i prepared to head out, need to talk with the doctor if headaches are supposed to happen. One step out, the cold air hit me. Relaxing but the pain from this damned headache is starting to worsen.

Trying my best to concentrate, the headache continued in my head, hammers slamming in synch, getting harder and harder every minute.

On the elevator, a press of the button sends me up to the strategist's floor.

On the hallway, i banged on the door urging the strategist to open it.

"Damon are you alright? You don't look so good." The strategist asked. Facing at my direction from his table.

"Head....Hurts." I cant even come up with a full coherent sentence. The strategist turned around, typing away on his table.

"I assume you went here to find Maxwell, he's not here actually, well not on the floor we meet him at. He's at the Parabellum Library." The strategist continued with whatever work he's doing right now.

"I assume you know where the library is?" The strategist questioned.

"No....I don't."

"That's....Surprising, alright i'll finish this quick report and help you find it."

All i could focus on were the tapping on the table as the strategist went on with his work. From hammers to needles being inserted inside my head. This pain is driving me crazy, don't even know if my virus is helping to stop it or it's not doing anything.

"Alright, follow me." The strategist steps away from his desk, ignoring me on the chair, heading to the exit. I followed behind.

Back to the elevator, made it all the way here just to go back down.

"It's back at the quarters floor. A large library, low underground. Far from the carnage of the outside, inside you will find archives to books, rare and common. If you're a book geek, you'll definitely have a good time there. Maintained by it's own team, they're in charge of it, from reports of every documented and listed mission mercs of Parabellum do to maintaining the books as well as the library itself. Literature is an important thing." The strategist explained while we descended.

The doors opened, mercs walking around chatting. The strategist walked to the reception area. Talking to the woman seated there.

A brief moment of chatting, he went about. Walking towards the hallway opposite of the quarters. To the hallway containing the cars we used.

"The Library is secluded from the main elevator and area itself. Before the scandal of that spying fiasco, the library used to be open for all mercenaries. But now, only half of the people are allowed, half or less. This issue really affected not only the missions but also how we operate, even the libraries are only for the selected. Sad times this is when even a home of knowledge is locked away from all, and only people we deem alright are allowed in. But better to be safe than sorry, the library may hold some info spies could use against us." The strategist explained.

We stopped at a lone elevator, no label, no sign, nothing. Just an elevator.

"Oh yeah, your team is one of the selected. Mostly because of the daring missions you did and that rescue mission you took." The elevator opened to a small and empty inside. Similar to the elevators other mercs use.

Inside it, the doors shut and it starts its trip down.

The trip took longer than normal, a minute or so passing awkwardly standing around. The pain still lingering in my head.

The doors open to the library, in front of me was a sight to behold. The ceiling is far up high, the shelves taller than a normal library shelf, filled to the brim with books. Hanging signs in between all shelves indicating book genres. The area is partially lit, the light is dimmer, able to see through the area though. Mercenaries sitting on long tables, with reading lamps above all of them, reading away to their hearts content. The atmosphere itself was just peaceful. Silent and the lighting not piercing or interrupting your time in reading. To my left, a desk with a few people working, be it on tablets or sorting some books. Wonder if we can borrow books from this place or not. Maybe i can go here whenever i have nothing to do, when i don't have missions or experiments ran on me. This whole place was warm, no air conditioning or heating appliances in sight.

Rows upon rows is all i see from here. No wonder this place takes a minute or more to get to, it's huge.

This place is huge, and it's solely to hold literature. This felt familiar, oh yeah, Thalia. Wonder if she's still here or already left.

"Damon, i see you entered the library, the home of literature from rare to common. We keep them all secure. Since he's with you i assume you want to talk about the virus more, or experienced a vision." The doctor spoke in a more quiet tone.

"It's better we talk upstairs. Where we can talk freely."

All 3 of us returned yet again to the elevator, heading back up to the hall.

The pain in my head is just worsening, i squeezed my forehead with my hand from the pain.

"Headache huh?" The doctor asked.


"Here" The doctor hands a small pill bottle. The label read "Pain and headache relief"

"It's strong so just take one and eat after, or take a shower." The doctor advised.

"So the headache is from the vision, correct?"

"Yeah, do visions also give headaches?"

"Rarely, still don't know why it happens, for now i just chalked it up to being random."

Outside the elevator, we got back to the hall. Though this one is empty. I took a pill from the bottle, handing it back to the doctor after.

"You should eat something and take a shower, that pill is quite strong after all. By the way what vision did you have now?"

"The library, it was blurry though. I was seeing through one of my teammates."

"Interesting, blurry? Odd." The doctor looked puzzled after i responded.

"Well that's a new thing to note," He stares at the strategist.

"Did you get the orders and reports done yet?"

"Yeah, all done and sorted."

"Excellent, head back now." The strategist walks away without uttering another word.

"That was yet another brief talk, if you have time you can go to the library. Drown yourself in the world of rare and common literature." The doctor walks away, leaving me standing next to the elevator.

He's a doctor, best to heed his advice. Wonder what the cafeteria is serving today.

I head from the hall holding garage doors to the quarters hall, mercenaries on their normal routine of walking around.

The pain from the headache became weaker and weaker as i approached the cafeteria. Inside, they were giving sandwiches. Meat, cheese, and some vegetables, all heated.

I took a sandwich handed to me, heading to an empty table, it's time to eat a snack.

Who knew Parabellum also keeps literature safe.

Enjoy this new chapter huntsmen!

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Thanks so much for your support Huntsmen and have great days!

Razedealercreators' thoughts
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