
Chapter 6

"GIVE ME BACK MY BODY YOU PARASITE!" Turles yelled from in between the two Erlangs struggling to get away from them to get to her target, me. I honestly wasn't expecting this but, I can assume that since our souls didn't fully merge, her soul became the dominant of one half while my own became the dominant in this one. Holding up my hands, I tried to placate her.

"Let's calm down and th-"

"SHUT UP YOU CUM-GUZZLING COCK WHORE!" Huh. Sounds like some shit that I would say in my gaming days. She might have taken more of my personality than I thought. The Erlangs were also shocked by the girl's foul-mouthed outburst. Shocked enough to let their hold on her slacken a bit. Just enough for her to rush me once again. This time though, I was prepared. As she flew at me with her fist cocked back, I slightly stepped to the side with my fist held out in front of me, waiting for the inevitable. And the inevitable did in fact happen. Turles plunged full speed into my fist, causing her to spin, rolling past me like a human tumbleweed. If not for the situation, I would probably be laughing.

"Pffftt!" I lied. It was HILARIOUS! I at least held the rest of the laugh on the inside. Unfortunately, Turles most likely heard me because if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under with a tombstone that read "The Fucker who Laughed". I honestly wouldn't put it past this new Turles, seeing as how she has me in her. That didn't come out right. At all! I meant she has a little me in her. FUCK THAT'S EVEN WORSE! I'll just stop talking.

Turles stood from her position on the ground, a little scuffed up and blood dribbling from her mouth but otherwise fine, and VERY angry!

"You'll only get one of those." She growled, wiping away the blood. She was still staring at me in anger but, it felt contained, controlled, which was not a good thing. I'm sorely at a disadvantage here. A wild, instinctual Turles is predictable. A smart and angry Turles with first hand knowledge of life or death battles? Yeah, I'm fucked. Visible sweat rolled down my face as Turles smiled at me. A smile that promised pain. My only hope was that Erlang would step in but, my hope was dashed as I saw Erlang, now fused back into one being, resting by a large rock.

"Don't mind me! Just don't kill each other!" He said with a grin. Fucking useless! Well, let's get this ass beating over with. I turned back to the grim reaper herself only, she wasn't there anymore.

"Where are you looking!" She said behind me before I was kicked flying towards a formation of rocks in the distance. Catching myself in midair, I turned around, only to find nothing there once again. That kick was painful as hell but I experienced worse from Erlang's spars. I froze. That's it! I forgot all about my training with Erlang! She may have first hand experience fighting for her life but I had experience fighting Erlang! The guy was a fucking powerhouse! And that was all me. Well, it was mostly me with help from Turles' fighting knowledge. But, she only had my memories from the past few months while I had his teachings literally beaten into my bones! I just have to remember what I learned.

Concentrating, I sensed out her Ki in this rock covered wasteland. There! My eyes shot wide open as I dodged the punch aimed at the side of my head. She tried to follow up with a knee to my stomach but she was slow. Very slow. I didn't realize it but I'm stronger than I thought. Catching her knee with one hand, I returned the favor with a punch aimed at her chest only for her to cross her arms dissipating most of the force. With both of our attacks failing, we dashed away from each other and stared. We waited for the other to make a move. Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly a patient person, even with Erlang's help, that part of me hadn't really changed.

Either Turles was just as impatient or my personality was rubbing off on her, because we both dashed at each other, meeting in the middle in a flurry of punches and kicks. As our fight continued, most of our attacks were either blocked or dodged. The few that landed hurt but didn't have any lasting damage. Quickly realizing the pointlessness in this scuffle, we once again broke away from each other and made more distance. I could feel it. This next attack would decide this fight. Turles pulled her arms behind her head, charging a light purple ball of energy in her hands. The charge of energy caused winds to kick up. I wasn't dicking around either, raising one hand to the air and charging a purplish black energy. We both knew what moves we were using but, we felt it only right to use our own moves to prove who is dominant. Pulling my arm down towards Turles, the energy ball grew exponentially from the size of a basketball to the size of a large yoga ball. Turles yanked her hands from behind her head, aiming directly at me.

"Calamity Blaster!/Planetary Devastation!" We yelled as our own original moves shot from our hands, hers a light purple beam while mine a large, dark purple ball of energy. The attacks collided, whipping up a literal storm of wind as we had our ki and or wills battle for dominance. The strain of pushing my energy ball against her ki beam was getting to me. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring a ball to a beam battle. The distance between the epicenter and us moved back and forth constantly as I could feel my energy start to slip.

This is it, I thought as my ki level started to get really low. I guess Turles thought the same as Ki whipped around her, pushing all she had left into her blast. The strain on me became too much. I had to do something damnit! An idea formed in my mind. I'll just steal from the Goku playbook. Concentrating on my energy ball, which was being pushed back faster and faster to me, I poured all the Ki I had left into the ball and changed it. The ball grew larger before shooting out a beam, colliding with Turles' Calamity Blaster. The collision pushed the ball end of my attack back towards me as I braced for impact. The ball collided into my outstretched hands pushing me back a few feet but, other than a few burns, I caught it! Without having to concentrate on keeping the energy ball up any longer, I pushed everything I had into the blast as light purple and dark purple swirled in between us. Suddenly, the blasts became unstable.

"Oh shi-" I got out before the center exploded launching us in two different places. Before I could feel an expected crash, I was caught by a tall figure with his familiar smile, carrying me like a princess.

"You kids sure do get out of hand!" He said with an odd chuckle and sadistic glee in his eyes.

"Dick." I managed to get out before falling into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness.

The next chapter will be posted in a few hours. Also, because I forgot to do this before but, I do not own Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, or Dragonball Super. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama. I only own my Original Characters.

Nbhuocreators' thoughts
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