
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Video showed pictures of the girls together explaining their history. Then one by one holographic 3D images of each one was shown going over their individual personality, likes and dislikes. All the while the big 3 of the counsel is watching over the ones in the room to see if there is a reaction at all. Unfortunately, there were reactions but for the opposite girl.

Xavier had a mate reaction with Shania.

Rocq: Yasminia

Mykel: Alicia

However, the rest had no reaction at all.

Taquelon looked at her 2 partners to see an expression on their faces mirror what she was thinking: whelp what now?

Zander put in a call to I.C.P. about the situation. I.C.P. representative in charge for this time, Jehrn, has decided to have them all meet and explain the situation to the sisters. Instead of them getting married right away, I.C.P. has decided that instead of teleporting the sisters directly to the planet. The Zanderians will come to I.C.P. headquarters and pick them up but ship. Doing it this way, they will have 60 days to figure out who should be with whom. Taquelon has decided to go along while the other 2 council members will remain on Zanderia.

Xavier: We have 24 hours to get everything in order for us to ship out in the morning. Can't believe this has happened!

Daniel: Relax, it may just be that we will only have a reaction in person. Holographs and video just aren't my thing.

Chance: Yeah and if not, maybe we should see if there is a reaction with all of us in the room with the one I.C.P. matched us with before we go gun hoe with what your dick is reacting too.

Ysanel: Or you could be like me and have no reaction to any of them.

Mykel: What!

Lunion: "Don't worry about it too much! This is not the point to stress out. Let's worry about it once all of you actually meet. Go get everything in order and meet Taquelon back her by 0630."

""""" Understood"""""

Conference room emptied and only the council remained.

Yasminia: "Man I can't believe it took us 4 days to empty out this house. Is everyone ready? The I.C.P. representative will be here in 30 minutes."

Shania: "We're ready everything is by the door remember relax Yasi."

Alicia walked inside with Jehrn. Jehrn twisted the ring on his finger and all the things by the door disappeared. A ring similar to Jehrn's was given to each of them.

Shania: "Wow. So, how do we get the stuff back."

Jehrn: "Once you have reached your final destination, all of your things will come out of the ring automatically and put themselves away in the appropriate area. Is everyone ready to leave? When we make it to the meeting point, we will explain what will happen next and about where you all will be going."

The sisters nodded their heads and a whitish blue light enveloped them. When the light dissipated, they were in a conference room made out of metal and glass. They were surrounded by walls of glass of nothing but dark skies and stars on all sides except one. They could see Earth hovering below them.

Jehrn clapped his hands and every glass surrounding the room frosted dark. A small round light in the middle of the large round conference table illuminated. Jehrn began explaining that each girl will have to be implanted with a translator chip. This translator chip can assist in understanding and speaking over 16 million languages even some of the dead languages from Earth. Also, explaining the world of Zanderia.

Yasminia: How do you know so much about Zanderia?

Jehrn: That's because I'm from Zanderia. Each world has a set number of personnel working in I.C.P. so that the people who are coming to our planets will receive accurate information and curt down on the inaccurate or harmful information given by another planet just to sway more people to another planet.

Shania: That's really something that happens.

Jehrn: Unfortunately, it happened all the time in the beginning. I'm glad that this will be my last assignment. I actually will be heading home on the ship that ya'll are on. I've always wanted to try using that in a conversation.

Jehrn: I want to also explain why you three were chosen for this project in its infancy. You three were chosen simply put because of who you are and what you do which will help to give publicity to this project.

Yasminia/Shania/Alicia: WHAT DO YOU MEAN?

Jehrn: The three of you are the last of the Kingdom of Murrfelleton royal house. Or, did you think we wouldn't know since most of the records for the kingdom have been lost? Even though it was a very small country off the coast of what was known as the continent of Africa. We still made sure to do our homework to make sure that every culture that was affected will be revived. We also needed you because of who the three of you are. Yasminia, you put yourself off as just an otaku but you're also a world famous mangaka going under the name Hachi Tatsuya and a romance and fantasy writer under the name Tanin no Keikaku. We've also already spoken to your publishing company to have them let you make a series on your adventures or miss adventures. Whatever the case maybe. Shania, we know that you are a world-renowned doctor and researcher. This is your chance to study another species and show the world that Zanderians and Humans are not all that different. I mean come on none of you knew that I was Zanderian until I told you right. Zanderians look same as humans there are only a few differences. Alicia, you are one of the top Olympic athletes in snowboarding and gymnastics. Plus, you play a plethora of other sports for fun. This will be a way for the three of you to teach us what you know and for you to learn from us. Don't you agree?

A look of shock crosses the three sisters faces.

Jehrn stands up and heads to the door before he begins speaking again.

Jehrn: Why don't we take a little break here and have you guys gotten the translators? We will meet back up after everyone has underwent the procedure. By that time, we will go into more details on how your jobs will work on Zanderia, how it will be sent to Earth, and of course the Zanderian men who are potentially your mates. The rest of the Zanderians will be here by the day after tomorrow, which gives us time to get all of your side mapped out.

Alicia, Shania and Yasminia snap out of their thoughts and follow Jehrn down the hall towards the area of the space station that houses the medical wing. Shania gets excited seeing all the different instruments in different rooms that they pass. Before they finally come to a stop in front of a doctor who is advanced in age along with three male nurses.

Jehrn: This is Dr. Aya Simdol. She has been practicing medicine for over 50 years. She will be performing the procedure today for the three of you but will also be your tutor Shania. The three gentlemen behind her are her nurses/assistants. I'll leave you ladies in capable hands.

Jehrn turns to walk away. But is stopped when he hears Dr. Simdol call out there names and gets them mixed up. He turns around to correct her, but the ladies beat him to it.

Dr. Simdol: That's strange when I looked at your files, I could have sworn that I had it right. I'm deeply sorry.

Hearing that it made Jehrn recall the videoconference he had almost 2 months ago with the council. Jehrn made up his mind to see what exactly is in that material, which was sent to the council to show to their potential mates. Jehrn arrived in a video conference room and had the system pull up what was sent to the council. As the information was displayed for Jehrn to see, he finally understood why the doctor got them mixed up. Some how the information displayed had the wrong images displayed with it. No wonder. Jehrn quickly fixed the errors and recompiled the material to resend to the council.

Jehrn: I guess there is no time like the present to inform Counselor Taquelon and the rest of the mix up. System connect me to Counselor Taquelon, Counselor Zander and Counselor Lunion.

System: Understood

The wall immediately started showing pictures of the council of three. Until one by one each accepted the connection and their pictures were replaced by a live image of them.

Jehrn greets the council and begins by apologizing about the errors in the material that was sent to them. He further explains that there were two people missing from the compiled material. A brother and sister pair, who somehow got left out. Jehrn sent the newly revised information to each of the council members, promising to get the bottom of how the errors occurred before Councilor Taquelon arrived in 2 days' time.

The counselors accepted the information and advised that they will wait to hear his findings. The connection of all three counselors faded out. Once the last counselors image faded out, the look on Jehrn's face changed.

Jehrn was pissed. There was no way he was going to allow his final mission to have errors and stain his reputation. No way no how. Someone's head was going to be served up to the counselors for this. Jehrn checked his watch and saw that he had a little over five hours before he had to be back to greet all parties involved on this side. Jehrn started walking towards the door.

Jehrn: Time to get to work.

Jehrn walks out and the door slides shut. Nothing left but silence.

Do you think it was an accident or on purpose that errors were made?

Let me know what you all think.

Solidgrnd78creators' thoughts
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