
No more degeneration; my mind is set!

It was not merely a few days later but weeks later.

Every time Ji Yuan would say, "One last time."

Fairy Anyang was rendered speechless.

Ji Yuan would always explain, "1 day in the Celestial Realm is 10 days here. Haha."

"My lord, it has been over 2 weeks now." Fairy Anyang reminded him.

"I didn't want to disappoint Xiuyu…"

"3 weeks now…"

"One last time. Xiuyu will be so disappointed…"

But eventually Fairy Anyang good heart and Ji Yuan's mastery of the Divine Heart Recite managed to triumph over Xiang Li's Demon Heart Sutra.

Or maybe Xiang Li got bored, rather.

But regardless of the reasons, Ji Yuan was now determined to stop his degeneration and to salvage whatever leftover of his good heart.

When Xiang Li heard of his determination, she was shocked again. "Big Brother, you are stopping? Why? No!"

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