
January 24, 2021: Huzun

The instant that the van came to a halt, the surroundings appeared to be darker than the current clouded setting in the city. Well, it's in consideration of the fact that they touched down at the underground parking of a certain hospital. Peculiarly enough, other than their convoy, no other vehicles could be seen in the area.

Moreover, the silence was nearly deafening that it rang in the ears of those who could hear it. Soon, the quietude was disrupted by the soft whining of the young lady.

Presently, Syn was wrestling with her body as she tried to raise her it. Although, it was as if no attempt had happened at all, since she couldn't muster even a meagre amount of strength in her limbs.

Tears started to cascade down her pallid face all the while vexation overtook her reason.

Meanwhile, the guards were scrambling for logic that could stop the young lady from what she was about to do.

"Miss Rosenfeldt, please do not move too much. You are gravely wounded."

"Don't worry, miss. We've arrived at the hospital. You'll be treated soon."

A couple of them spoke up, wishing that they could convey some sense to Syn, who was still struggling to sit upright. However, she didn't listen as she continued her agenda. They could have utilized force to make her settle down, but they were explicitly warned to not inflict any form of harm on the lady.

Moreover, granted that they compelled Syn for her own good, the incoming retaliation from their superior was nothing to scoff at. Thus, they opted to use words rather than physical pressure. Be that as it may, it was not that they were afraid of receiving their boss' wrath, considering that they were more fearful of touching Syn's ever fragile body.

As of the moment, after a few minutes of travelling, her complexion virtually lost all of its rosy features. It created the illusion that her skin was that of a Greek statue's. The lady's kaleidoscopic eyes, that were half-closed, no longer had the glints that gave them an enchanting allure.

Her shirt, previously wet from sweat, was well-nigh dry from the air-conditioning inside the vehicle. For all that, several thin flows of blood were still gushing from her wound.

Realizing that she wouldn't be capable to raise her body by herself, Syn slumped on the stretcher as she shut her eyes to wallow in self-pity.

One of the guards scratched his head while procuring his phone from the inner pocket of his coat. He wanted to give his superior a call to ask for assistance in deescalating the situation. Withal, before he could even tap on the call button, the door of the van opened, revealing the figures of three men-in-black.

For all that, one man, whose face was not covered with a mask, stuck out from the group. Ahead of seeing Syn's state, his countenance displayed nothing at all - It was as dispassionate as an expression could be. Howbeit, when his gaze landed on the young lady, sorrow tugged his swayed conscience, creating melancholic glints on his eyes.

The man didn't utter a word, but the sight made him moan of his incompetence - His brief whimper sounded so distraught as he surveyed her whole body. He then turned to look at the man beside him, giving a nod to signal his acknowledgement.

"Please take her to the emergency department. The hospital staff are already prepared to receive her."

"Right on, Sir. The nurses are on their way down here, so first, we're going to transfer Miss Rosenfeldt to a gurney that they provided." The leader of the masked men-in black said, using his hand to beckon his subordinates to start their task.

One of his assistants immediately procured the gurney that was placed by the nearby elevator. Concurrently, Two of the men, who was riding the same van as Syn, alighted it. They proceeded to coordinate with the other two in carrying the stretcher out. To make sure that the process would be the safest that it could, a few men - hailing from different groups - walked over to them to assist in any way possible.

The moment that they transferred Syn to a gurney, they stepped away from it, allowing the unmasked man to nigh the unknowing young lady.

He gripped the side of the stretcher with his left hand, tightly so that his knuckles reddened and became blanched in a matter of seconds. Latterly, he held Syn's left hand with both of his, treating it as if it's his most fragile possession.

"I'm sorry that we're too late. Please don't be afraid anymore. I'm going to make sure that I'll chase Larry and all his roots."

To his surprise, the barely conscious lady was able to grip his fingers, albeit the strength difference was minimal.

"Sir... Konrad? Thank you" Even supposing that her voice was scantily audible and full of air, he didn't let her words escape without them being heard. Though upon harking them, the smile that flashed across his face did not contain amusement nor mere mirth.

Hence, instead of delaying the concern any further, he stepped back and ordered, "You can move her to the upper basement. I suppose that the medical staff are there already."

As he recognized the command, the leader urged his subordinates to advance by motioning them with his right arm, saying, "The four of you, go ahead. Stay in the vicinity so you can guard Miss Rosenfeldt closely."

"Roger, boss." The four men uttered simultaneously, then finally began to saunter as they pushed the gurney.

Thereafter, the leader confronted the man who was in front of him and bowed prior to addressing another situation.

"Mr O'Connor, it's a pleasure to meet you. We were informed that you will be accompanying us in our pursuit."

"I have a question," Tristan said, still staring at the slowly disappearing figure of Syn.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Did you meet up with Mr Brecheisen along the way?"


"I see," Tristan responded, yet his tone indicated that he was unconvinced. However, he dismissed his suspicions right away, knowing that nothing would come out of it.

"I'll be entrusting most of the task to your men. I'm will rely upon your skills that are well celebrated."

Since he had become acclimated with the pressure that his actual employer was constantly giving him, the leader of the men had no qualms regarding bearing Tristan's expectations.

"Yes, sir."

Once they were done conversing, Tristan sauntered back to his car with heavy steps. He had a lot going on in his mind as he processed all that was happening. Withal, there was one thing that occupied his head more than anything.

'Konrad, you did something underhanded again.'

Huzun [Turkish] - A sad feeling that leads you to think that things are in decline and that the situation will probably get gradually worse.

mrmrciacreators' thoughts
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