
Chapter 456: Death Wish

Mina had only just settled into her seat when the country's President walked into the dining room with a smile on his face. Although dressed formally, he had removed his blazer and loosened his tie, so she did not feel underdressed, but she was scared. She turned to Zane mouthing her concern to the man, who seemed to not want to answer. She then watched the president greet everyone by name, until his eyes rested upon her form and he stood beside her.

"And who might this beautiful woman be?" The president grabbed Mina's hand, and it took all her willpower not to slap him with it. "Cameron Lee," he said, looking straight into her eyes. Mina could feel her face turn red, but it was not because she was flattered by the casual greeting.

"My name is Mina Harlow sir."

"Drop the sir. I'm just Cameron today." Mina nodded but she had no intention of dropping any sort of formality with the man.

With everyone seated, conversation began to erupt around the table, and Lisa could not help but to try and subtly nitpick at Mina. She was not openly hostile, but she did throw a few easy to misunderstand questions the woman's way. At first, she brought up Mina's sudden decision not to attend her event. In response, Mina cited communication issues, and a lack of mobility, which put a smirk on Ian's face. He knew Mina was good with twisting the truth, but it still amazed him how easy it was for her.

Lisa eventually rolled the topic around to politics; which Ian was grateful for. He had invited his cousin to meet Mina because when they were drugged, it was one of the things she had said she wanted to do. The only reason he had invited Drax to come was because Mills was bored and Ian saw her as a tool to not have Mina feel uncomfortable as the only woman in the room. He never expected Lisa or Luna to show up to his home.

As Lisa and Cameron were exchanging dialogue, Ian played close attention to Mina. She was her usual quiet self, and even when Cameron tried to pull her into the conversation, she gave him one-word answers. The only person she seemed to be willing to speak to was Zane, and more than a few times, she completely ignored Cameron as he spoke to her, which irked Lisa.

"You know Mina, you should be grateful for this opportunity. Few people get to have dinner with the leader of their country."

"Grateful?" Mina asked. Picking up a glass of water and taking a sip from it without looking at anyone in particular. "I believe in democracy," she said cryptically.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?" Cameron asked, although he knew. Mina scoffed at the man's innocent act and continued to ignore him. "Let me guess, you voted for the other guy?"

"Absolutely not," Mina quipped. "I voted for the only qualified candidate."

"You don't find me qualified?" Mina shot President Cameron a look that needed no explanation, but she answered anyway.

"The fact that you have to ask me that question speaks volumes toward your qualifications." Zane could not take his eyes off Mina, who he had never seen being intentionally combative with anyone except Ian. He found himself loving the confidence Mina was displaying, Ian on the other hand looked perplexed.

Zane knew from Ian that while he and Mina had been under the influence of whatever they were given, they did more than just sleep together. Apparently, they shared in conversation in an attempt to 'get to know' each other before they dove into the main act. It was how Ian knew that Mina wanted to meet the president of Pan, but it looked like she was not a fan of the man, which made Zane curious. He wanted to ask, but Mina and Cameron had begun to bicker.

"What do you mean I am responsible for the increased poverty rate?"

"Don't you have advisors? Shouldn't they be the ones to tell you? You should tell your family to plan ahead before they rig an election." Cameron narrowed his eyes at Mina before turning to his cousin.

"Who is this woman?" Ian did not answer his cousin. It was Mina's birthday, and he would allow her to say and do whatever she wanted. Seeing that Ian was ignoring him, Cameron turned to Mina. "Explain your reasoning."

"Your administration favors practices that do nothing for the average person. All you care about is keeping your family in power, and it's been reflected repeatedly in the policies you lie - I mean, you politicians implement." Everyone's mouth hung open because Mina had basically called the President a liar.

"Do you have a death wish?" Cameron suddenly asked, and Mina nodded.

"You could say that," she replied, still not bothering to look at the man to whom she was speaking. Mills was enjoying the back and forth between Mina and Drax's boss. Although she would never have been able to put her argument as eloquently as Mina had done, she too wanted to say those things to her home country's leaders. She was making mental notes on everything the woman was saying and doing, because if she ever got the chance, she would duplicate Mina's actions in Sani.

"Do you know how many social welfare programs I have implemented?" Cameron stood to make his point, but Mina remained unintimidated.

"So basically, you put a bandage over a bullet wound and considered the injury healed?" Mina still did not look at the man, but he questioned her upbringing which made her shoot to her feet. "I can guarantee that you would've been a better man if my parents had even whispered a single word into your ear." Everyone at the table was shocked into silence by Mina, but no one dared interrupt. Cameron turned to face Ian once again.

"Who is this crazy person?"

"Better to be crazy than an animal."

"You really must be tired of living," Cameron said to Mina.

"I believe I have already answered that question. Try to keep up, will you?" Mills was at the edge of her seat with the exchange, but everyone else was stunned. Not liking where the conversation had ended up, Ian reeled the arguing people in and gestured for their meal to be served.

Mina refused to sit before the President, but Zane tugged on her arm, pulling her back into her chair before whispering something to her. She nodded, understanding that he was right, there was no reason for her to get worked up over things she could not control. If the Lee family genuinely wanted to improve conditions within the country they would, and a person with no power or authority, such as herself, would not be the one they sought for advice.

A plate was placed before Mina, and she noticed it was one of her favorite meals. An involuntary smile crossed her face, and it worked to calm her. She was not entirely upset with President Cameron, because a lot of the things wrong with Pan were not of his doing, but he did little to correct it, despite promising his female voters that he would.

Mina was angry, but her manners had not been affected, and wanting to make sure she represented her parents well, she waited for the men before she reached for her own utensils. She had planned to settle into the dinner without another word, but Miss Lisa had other plans.

"Since no one else is going to say anything, I will. Mina, you should really address that anger of yours." Mina chuckled.

"And you should address your insecurities, but you don't see me pointing it out."

"Ladies," Zane said, while choking on his food. He loved angry Mina, but he did not want to see her night ruined by Lisa.

"That is what is wrong with our country. Some people cannot take correction, and it pulls the whole nation down."

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