
Chapter 175: Love Rival

Ian watched as the woman who was just violently fighting against him whimpered on the ground as if he had truly dropped her. She did not lie, but the way Mina called his nan's name made it seem as if she had really truly been wronged and because his nan was already feeling guilty, she did not even question the girl or even stop to think about what she had witnessed.

"Nan, I can't walk," Mina said, pointing to her dirt and blood coated feet.

Miss Ruby gasped so loudly when she took notice, that a part of Mina started to feel bad for her antics. She had not meant to scare the old woman, she just wanted President Lee to feel as wronged as she felt. Still, if she had known earlier that getting hurt was all she had to do to secure her freedom, she would have done it weeks ago. Mina liked Miss Ruby, but she hated President Lee more.

Ruby approached Mina cautiously. Usually, she was very spot on with the needs of those around her, but lately she had been making small and now, big mistakes.

Ruby had been tired from her frequent back and forth trips to aid her husband in preparing for his retirement, and she was also worried about her daughter who always seemed to be too busy to call or visit.

"Someone come help her," Miss Ruby ordered. Ian bent down to Mina's side, but the woman scooted away from him.

"You might drop me again," Mina said, and Ian glared at her. She was obviously making a scene on purpose.

Indignant, Ian ignored Mina's continued protests and outstretched his arms, but before he could lift her up, someone else plucked Mina off the ground. Ian was surprised, but his surprise soon turned into anger when he realized who had snatched the woman out of his grasp.


Dom gingerly laid Mina on his boss's couch while a very worried Miss Ruby instructed someone to bring water and a towel. He affectionately ruffled Mina's hair, and although he did not speak his concern, his eyes were filled with pity.

"What happened?" Dom asked, his gentleness shocked Mina.

"I hurt my ankle," she replied. Dom swept his gaze toward Mina's lower limbs.

"Why weren't you wearing shoes?" he asked.

"It wasn't a planned jog," Mina joked. A servant entered the room and placed a bowl of water at Mina's feet.

Dom picked up the cloth and moved to carefully wipe the grime away from Mina's soles. There were a few pebbles stuck in the heels of her feet and he knew they would have to be removed with pincers. Dom was not a squeamish man, but he had once received a similar injury and he understood that it would take at least a few days before it would not hurt to walk.

Under normal circumstances, Mina would have been embarrassed by what was going on, but the pain she was experiencing stopped her from noticing the intimacy of having a man wash her feet. All Mina could do was grimace with Dom's rough actions and hope it would be over soon.

Seeing Mina's obvious discomfort, Miss Ruby took the cloth from Dom who was making faces as he wiped Mina's injuries. She could tell that the man was trying to be thorough, but she could also tell that Ian was unhappy about it. Ruby shooed the man away and he respectfully stood and left the woman to tend to Mina's injuries.

Before the incident, Dom had been chatting with the man who monitored the few cameras that were on the Lee property. Both men had witnessed Mina dart through the main doors and squeeze her way out of the gates. From the time she left to the moment she was returned; a full forty minutes had gone by. Dom cringed at the thought that Mina must have run or walked with injured feet for a long time. He looked up at his boss and stated the obvious.

"She may need to see a doctor," Dom said. President Lee held Dom's gaze for a long time, but he did not speak.

"Ian, did you hear him?" Luna said. She had been too afraid to speak when Mina returned because she could tell her brother was angry, but Luna, still oblivious, had attributed her brother's foul mood to the fact that he was smacked by the woman.

Zane on the other hand, still had not spoken a word. He silently took in the unfolding scene and gathered that Ian may have an actual love rival in Dom. Even though Mina only saw the man as a friend, for now at least. Zane watched Ian closely, but his friend said and did nothing.


Ian heard his nan order someone to take Mina to a hospital. Dom was visibly anxious as he once again lifted Mina.

"I do not like this," Mina said. "Please let me walk."

"Suit yourself," Dom replied, as he helped Mina to stand.

Pain seared through Mina's ankle and foot. She winced and wobbled to the ground. Dom laughed and he ruffled Mina's hair again.

"Stop being stubborn," he said. "I already told you, you're not my type." His words were meant to be comforting to Mina, but with the tone in which they were spoken, and with the look he was giving her, she wasn't sure she believed him anymore. He picked her up once again and made his way to the service exit of the mansion; nearest to where his car was parked.

"Where are you going?" Dom heard his boss ask. "My car is in the front, I will take her myself," President Lee said.

"I'm coming too," Miss Ruby interjected.

"Me too," Luna added, and just like that, Dom was cut out from the group. He looked down at the woman in his arms and sighed. It would seem as if the girl could even enchant other women as well.


President Lee had brought Mina to one of the hospitals that was run by his family, so she would be given top quality care. There were eleven tiny pebbles embedded in her skin and the doctor who extracted them told her she could keep them, so she did. The injuries were minor, but because they were in a sensitive area, they felt more painful.

Mina's ankle was not broken, but the doctor still suggested that she refrain from putting pressure on it for seventy-two hours. A wheelchair was bought for her, and Miss Ruby, who had spent the entire ride apologizing, pushed Mina out to the car making grand promises of cookies and cakes. Mina knew how to bake, but she was not much of a baker. However, she loved to indulge in sweets. She felt relieved that the woman was not angry about her slapping president Lee and even more relieved that everyone who had come to the hospital with them, had gone to the Lee building for something more important leaving Mina to the care of Miss Ruby and Dom.

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