
Swallowed Fae

The rocky ground broke apart as the ginormous worm uncurled and lunged after me, but I leapt back, watching the large creature roar with its mouth full of teeth. 

It was covered in thick armour with rows of spikes extending across the length of its body and culminating at the end into a vicious tail spike that dripped with venomous fluid.

Typhon and I could only stare at it in horror like deer caught in headlights.

Unlike the small dark worms, this one was covered in a thick slimy mucus that made its chitinous body change to a dark purple hue. Its spikes tore apart the ground as it moved, and all I could see were the rings of fangs deep inside its cavernous mouth as it roared at us.

Its armoured body brushed aside large pieces of rock like they were nothing as it lunged towards us again. We dived to either side and barely managed to avoid its hulking mass as the creature swept past us with a tremendous force, before colliding with the plateau wall. 

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