
Chapter 14: Training

All the new members of Dix were busy training for their matches.

Raymond was a basic kind of guy. He had a normal amount of aura and he had a normal level of control against it. But he was too proficient in fighting. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing as this got him to become the #10 Dix member with control over only 2 auras but it was not going to be enough to beat his opponent and he knew this. He wanted to see to it that his true strength was giving 'justice', I don't know either.

His training consisted of learning the other elements and becoming able to gather aura in any part of the body. For him this was a big task but it wasn't impossible for someone of his calibre to manage in a week.

The reason he got so far in the competition was yes due to his physical strength and skill but it was another reason too. He talked too much. During his battles he would point at his opponents a lot and start talking about how he was going to win, their aura eventually drained and he won. He was happy that he was winning but he didn't like that it was because he was accidentally stalling his opponents.

Naturally this hit a soft spot on him as he believed he wasn't upholding his justice. But that didn't matter. His opponent would see his continuous talking as stalling, they wouldn't be fooled by the simple mindedness of Raymond. They would either drop their aura and listen or charge in and not. Raymond guessed the latter was going to happen, he left the choice up to a coin too. He flipped it and said if it landed on heads, they would wait and if it landed on tails they wouldn't. He flipped it thrice.

[Thrice is twice but for 3. Basically 3 times, I really like the word. Thrice]

As if divine intervention occurred it landed on tails every time. The reason why the side the coin landed on was important was because he was bad at thinking. Whichever side he landed on was the truth in his eyes and he would train accordingly. It is rather scary to think Raymond might have ended up not even training at all if it landed on heads more times than tails.

Lilith wasn't training for combat. Lilith was very proficient with her aura, she was equal to Liliana when it came to proficiency. But the reason why she was #9 all came down to one deciding factor. She had minimal aura. From the start she struggled to even produce it, she could use all the main aura types water, fire, wind and earth but if she was to learn a mixture of elements she would lose aura too fast to maintain in a fight. Another problem that came due to her low aura reserves was the amount of aura she could produce in a fight around a her body normally.

When describing aura it can either have a light shade which shows it is weak or a thin aura, or a dark shade which indicates a strong thick aura. Lilith had a weak aura. This was bad for her but it helped her. The more aura a person has the harder it is to control and learn more advanced techniques, it is actually quite shocking that if you exclude Kami being a special case that Liliana was as proficient with her aura as she was.

Since she had next to low amounts of aura she could learn advanced techniques more easily. When she fights she always moves her aura around, it is never evenly spread throughout her body as it would make minimal difference if she was hit with no aura or her weak aura. She summarised that she would rather take damage directly if her opponent was using the opposite aura and she couldn't counter it in time than lose aura as losing her aura would mean an instant loss for her and if she guarded but her aura was being opposed she may lose all her aura to the attack.

Her aura could move extremely fast, way faster than anyone else and she could make it way more concentrated than anyone else. The smallest section on the body that most people could put their aura would be a fist. Lilith could do the very tips of her finger. This allowed her aura to be very thick and counter strong opponents who had more than 2 or 3 times as much aura as her.

Her training was one thing and that one thing for the whole week, increase aura reserves. She was a decent fighter so the chances of her slipping up physically were low, her root weakness was the amount of aura she could produce.

During her training she puts all of her fire aura into the tip of her finger and submerged it in a bucket of water. She instantly lost all her aura. Her goal was to be able to continue producing aura whilst her finger was in the water even if it was only for a second. This was training that increases the thickness of aura and ends up also increasing the amount of aura she has as a result. The low amount of aura she had led to a thin amount of aura, this training was perfect. It trained the problems she faced.

Bella and Alex were in a training room basically having a match. To them this was a form of training because they were equals. Each time they fought each other they saw the others weaknesses and would come up with ways to fix them. They were also brainstorming ideas on how to beat stronger opponents with themselves but with double the skill as a base. Although they were fighting there was a huge difference between their fight in their match and their fights whilst training.

Since they had come to a conclusion after their initial fight that it was fine to not be stronger than the other. They viewed the other as the second half of themselves and pretty much came to the conclusion that the reason neither could win was because you can't beat yourself. When considering that they have been together doing stuff the whole of their lives this made sense. The match could've had a clear winner if they went separate ways in life before going to Helix.

Fosig like Lilith had a low amount of aura. It wasn't as minimal as hers was but it wasn't as thick as everyone else. He had gotten to his #7 position by brute strength, he was a city calamity before attending Helix off pure strength alone. Most people who were at Helix were maybe a town, maybe and if they were a city calamity when they first came they already knew how to use aura they just wanted to get better at it faster.

Due to this when he did learn aura he could still batter most people in a fight. If you scaled down Kami and removed Asura who granted him his wishes, you would get Fosig.

For his training he asked Lilith what she was doing as well as how she got so good at using her aura. He listened and built his training around her words. He decided to break the week into two main halves.

He spent the first 3 days getting better at using advanced skills like Lilith under the tutelage of her when she herself wasn't training. And then spent the last 3 days building up his aura and getting better at the advanced skills he hoped to have learnt by then. The final day would be rest.

His plan was smart. He spent the first 3 days only learning advanced skills because they were easier to do with less aura. By knowing how to do them by the 3rd day, he could increase his aura reserves and do maintenance on the skills to make sure he didn't become less efficient during the next 3 days.

For the whole week Lyon was moving his aura around his fists for unclear reasons. He didn't ask anyone for help either. That was all he did in his dorm.

Lynx was focusing on getting more aura. He only used fire aura to get to where he was now and it was all concentrated into his fists. A few people tried to use water aura to try and get around him but that didn't work. His aura was too much. He was truly a scary opponent. He broke trough the guards of everyone that faced him. He seemed to have a plan for why he was doing it though, he was definitively holding back.

Colt and Aiden were working on covering their weapons in aura. They believed their strength was cut in half not being able to use their weapons. This was most likely true, every day they trained with there swords and cleaned them thoroughly. Aiden even cleaned the sheathe for each of his weapons daily. If they could pull it off they would become monsters.

Liliana was trying to change aura whilst she moved her aura throughout her body. Kythrede attempted to beat her by monopolising on her weakness, she couldn't use her ability she named quick draw when her aura wasn't completely covering her body. She started off moving her aura to her hand and doing it, then she...

Kami was working hard in his dorm. Everyone of his roommates were training for the final battles in their dorm. Aiden and Colt occasionally asked for help on how to move their aura onto their weapons whilst Lyon would look up, listen and focus on his hands even more intensely than before.

Kami was learning how to get more aura into Asura. He could get aura into her and in his mind that is all well and good but he could easily collect more on her blade. He was working on getting more in. The problem was that since he was new to the technique he could only put in a certain amount of aura at a time through his hands which is why he originally used two hands before. It was hard to do, he was trying to break free from this and put aura into her as easily as he could produce it.

That led to another problem he decided to give himself. He couldn't unconsciously produce aura. Before he would go to bed he also would release a decent amount of aura through his body and attempt to maintain it. He asked any of the other boys who woke up at night to see if he was doing it still and if he wasn't punch him. He got punched quite a few times.

His reasoning was that if he could do it as easily as breathing and maintain it for the whole day without even realising then he would have more control and doing harder techniques like would feel easier and be easier to do.

He was also trying to finally mix all the elements together and see what they would make. He was rather interested and focused hard on his training.

Along with Kami none of the owners of the dorm left their training unless it was to get food. When approaching the dorm, the fierce aura of all four of them could be felt from a few metres from the closed door. It was heavy and put uneasiness in their neighbours. Some complained saying they couldn't sleep because there was a strong aura coming from the room(Kami's training).

As each day passed they got closer to achieving their goals. They stuck to their plan and some even made theirs harder as they ended up achieving their goal. The final 10 matches in the tournament were going to be rough even for the 2nd years.

The tournament was going from weakest to strongest. The matches in order are as follows: Raymond, Lilith, Bella and Alex, Fosig, Lyon, Lynx, Colt ,Aiden, Liliana and then Kami.

The battle was taking place in a large arena within the school with all students present. Everyone was excited for the matches. This was the only time that there were 2 official Dix at Helix and they fight it out. The only natural reaction was to be excited to see the best of the school battle it out. It was also an opportunity to develop their aura. It was a learning opportunity and was very informative.

The first match was about to take place and Raymond knew he was in for a very hard time.

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