
The Scent of Sweet Roses and Honey

"YaYun, it has been two days already, when will you return She LiangLin his body?" Yu Zhong asked from beside the Emperor.

YaYun was seated at this study, going over piles of reports, happy for once that he was swamped with work. It was the only way for him to postpone returning the body to LiangLin, and also his only chance and excuse to keep QingYu in the palace longer than needed. He hadn't had a chance to see any of the snakes, but they weren't leaving either.

"I'm busy," Zhang YaYun muttered as he folded one of the tax reports and reached for the mountain of notices on his desk, snatching whichever report was nearest to his fingertips.

"But you said all the important reports are solved, the others can wait." Yu Zhong pressed with urgency.

YaYun tossed the report before him on the table, irritation ticking in his brows. What was wrong with him keeping the snakes around? He liked them; they were free-spirited, and not in the least trying to fake before him like so many others only because he was the Emperor. LiangLin even had the guts to punch him on the nose, twice.

"Look, Yu Zhong, the country goes before all else. I'm sure the snakes staying here a few days or weeks longer won't be a problem. So far, they haven't caused us any issues. Have they?"

"But the concubine will arrive soon, YaYun. It won't be good to have competition present the moment they arrive."

Zhang YaYun gritted his teeth. He hadn't even asked for that concubine; they forced him to take one! One more issue added to the pile of things he hadn't asked for but was forced upon him by everyone around him!

"They will stay in the White Lotus Hall as long as I deem it fit! I don't want to discuss it any further." YaYun snapped as he picked up the notice and buried himself in it, too frustrated to see any of the words as he seethed in silence.

Yu Zhong was standing like a statue next to him, clearly willing to argue until the world ended, but he kept his mouth shut, to YaYun's relief.

YaYun was getting back into the rhythm of working when a sudden sharp knock at the door disrupted his reading, and he forgot what he was planning. He raised his eyes, ready to bark at whoever dared to disturb his working time when Wei KaiJun kicked the doors in, disregarding everything about respecting the Emperor or palace etiquettes.

YaYun was boiling, too angry to utter a word. If the monkey was here to complain too, he would order both of them to be beheaded. Childhood friends be damned!

"Oi, YaYun, what are you fuming here for? Go take a walk, get some fresh air." Wei KaiJun said as he sauntered over to the table and sat on it, pushing few reports tumbling to the floor with a lighthearted 'whoop, my bad'.

Zhang YaYun could feel his brain melting from his boiling blood.

"I'm busy."

Wei KaiJun shot him a mischievous, toothy grin. "That's why JingYi and I are here. While you're taking a break, we will read through the reports and help you out."

Just then, the rooster stepped in, carrying with him a heavy cape.

"It's cold outside tonight, YaYun, I brought you this to keep yourself warm."

YaYun's brows twitched. Something was up, he could feel it. Seldom were his friends this... nice. Before he could object, Xie JingYi had wrapped the heavy cape over his shoulders and pulled him out of his seat.

He was pushed out the door with Yu Zhong objecting, but Wei KaiJun kept the ox at bay, and YaYun found himself standing under the faint light of the lanterns, in the otherwise almost pitch-black night. Xie JingYi had closed the doors behind him.

Few stars blinked behind the wisps of clouds as YaYun stepped out of the little yard in front of his study, taking a light stroll around the palace grounds. He wandered around aimlessly, part of him wanting to visit the White Lotus Hall, but he didn't know what to say once he came to see the snakes.

The dynamics had changed; he was no longer a customer and the snakes' entertainers. Every action of his was now under scrutinization. He was the Emperor, a man that ruled over a vast nation. He was limited to rules, expectations, and demands. Acting freely and pursuing the things he wanted shamelessly, was out of the question.

He lived in constant doubt, having to weave through the people who came into close contact with him, having to find out their ulterior motives.

YaYun let out a deep sigh and watched as the cold air turned his breath into little wafts of fog. The palace walls grew high, cold. Nothing in here was laid back. He missed the rowdiness of the people living the carefree life. The little river town of Lushan had been homey. Frankly, anything was homey compared to the palace.

A sweet scent of roses and the lingering waft of fresh honey reached his senses, and YaYun snapped out of his wandering thoughts. A quick scan around him told him he had walked around the imperial palace hall from the outside, and he was nearing those damned stairs that caused him so much pain.

YaYun took a cautious step forward, following the sweet scent that filled his senses, and calmed the tension that held his body in a tight, iron grip. He knew this scent, but why was it here of all places? He crept over to the side of the wall and took a curious look towards the main doors of the imperial hall.

A figure was standing before the wide stairs, holding a little flickering lantern in his hands. The man was quivering in the cold, thin cotton robes barely kept him warm, and the usually high ponytail was now drooping to the side like a wilted flower.

Lan QingYu was shivering in the cold, his teeth clattering against each other as he looked around, confused about which way led back to the White Lotus Hall and where on earth She LiangLin had vanished.

A late night stroll, the white snake had said, then disappeared halfway through the darkened palace. QingYu wrapped his hands around himself in a poor attempt to keep himself warm.

"Brother LiangLin..." Lan QingYu whimpered into the night.

He should have just stayed in bed. LiangLin always came up with tricks that caused him only trouble in the long run. LiangLin was the worst!

Lan QingYu's thoughts halted as something hot blanketed over him in a warm embrace. With widened eyes, he turned around and yelped,

"Ah! Ya- I mean, your highness." Lan QingYu stuttered as the man smiled at him. The soft cape rested snugly over QingYu, perfectly fitted to his tall, lean stature.

Zhang YaYun gave him an approving nod before he asked,

"What are you doing out here at this time?"

Lan QingYu blushed, blinking for a long while before he muttered, "I-I got lost, your highness. Your home is so big."

It was not the only thing of his that was - YaYun cleared his throat, cutting away his less than admirable thoughts.

"Just YaYun is enough."

Lan QingYu frowned, pouting his lips, and YaYun found himself grinning like an idiot at the expression. He coughed to hide his infatuation towards such pretty features.

"But your reputation..."

"When it's just the two of us, you can call me YaYun."

"Oh, ok." Lan QingYu offered him a smile, and YaYun wanted to melt into a pool of goo at the snake's feet.

"Let me take you back to White Lotus Hall." YaYun offered eagerly, and Lan QingYu sighed of relief and let YaYun guide him through the darkness, with his palm resting over the small of QingYu's back. The little lantern popped in QingYu's hand with every step.

The silence that hung above them was somewhat comforting, but neither of them wished to stay silent on this rare occasion they were together without any prying eyes.

"I-" They both started simultaneously and halted. YaYun chuckled and nudged the snake to speak first.

Lan QingYu gnawed on his lip, thinking over what he wanted to say.

YaYun's entire attention was now on the poor lower lip that must be pained from all the nibbling.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble," Lan QingYu whispered, lowering his eyes. "We must be disturbing you. You were away from the palace for so long, you are probably swamped with work."

Zhang YaYun would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised that Lan QingYu was this observant. Somehow, it only made the snake seem even more intriguing in his eyes. The playful, carefree dancer of Lushan had an attentive side to him too. How refreshing.

"No trouble at all." YaYun hurried to assure the snake. If anything, the thought of getting to spend time with them had urged YaYun to work even harder than usual. He had never before in his life exerted this much energy to complete his tasks, and even the officials were impressed at his vigour.

Lan QingYu smiled coyly, batting his long lashes at him.

"How have you liked staying in the palace?" YaYun slowed down his pace. If he walked too fast, they would reach the White Lotus Hall before they had managed to exchange more than two sentences with each other.

"It's pretty," Lan QingYu looked at YaYun with uncertainty in his eyes. "Like a golden birdcage."

The words stabbed at YaYun and nearly drew blood with how accurate and sharp they were.

"You don't like it here?" YaYun both dreaded and waited for the answer. He had never met anyone who didn't want to stay in the palace and have a taste of the life and power of the Emperor as his lover.

Lan QingYu appeared sad as he shook his head. "In Lushan, there are no etiquettes, no rules. We live our lives freely."

YaYun stopped in his tracks, taking hold of QingYu's hand, and pulled him closer until they stood toe to toe.

"What if I let you live freely here? No rules nor etiquettes would concern you." YaYun offered, rubbing QingYu's cold hand between his warm ones.

QingYu's smile didn't reach his sullen eyes. "It's not just that. It's the life, the freedom to come and go as I please. To have a lover who has the time for me, placing me as their priority."

YaYun's hold faltered, but his fingers still lingered on QingYu's, not willing to let go.

"Besides," QingYu whispered, as he lowered his eyes on their intertwined fingers. "I don't like sharing. What is mine, is mine alone, and no one else's."

At least Lan QingYu knows what he wants...

Sorry for the slow updates, guys. _(:_」∠)_

School has been hectic with all the assignments, and I've been more occupied with my other story. (T^T)

I'm not going to drop this story, but the updates will be slow... I'm aiming for at least a chapter per week. So until I can manage my time better, please bear with me. <3

LinShuicreators' thoughts
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