
132. An Extra Priest -1 (Part One)

Translated by: A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


"Excellent. Who would've guessed that the demonic energy reserve of a mere pet would prove to be of such great assistance!" Count Timong spoke loudly as the volume of his voice grew even louder. He was currently staring at the large pit on the ground of the ice castle.

The pit itself was quaking violently at the moment.

The terrain rumbled and a monstrous howl escaping from the hole reverberated thunderously in the sky.

The giant sealed down there was throwing a mighty tantrum, trying to escape from its confines. However, other Jötnar were preventing its escape attempts by blocking the pit with sturdy chains secured to the stakes driven into the ground.

"Be more patient, oh dear Mist Calf. It's still too early for you to wake up from your slumber."

This being was created out of mud by one of the kings of the titan race. It was a mud giant named Mist Calf.

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