
Let the Fight Begin

I dragged Millie away from the crowd. Is she my friend in the novel? I can't really remember. All I know is that she is also a side character who was easily bullied into things by Ilene.

Millie looked at me clearly confused, "What is it?"

"Tell me everything."

"Um. Everything?"

Oh right. I guess that was kind of vague.

"Like, how old is everyone, how old am I? What are the current events? What is everyone's dirty little secrets? Who is my mother and all the people here?"

Millie's confusion quickly changed to worry. Sure enough, she did knock something loose when she fell. Millie began to explain everything to her.

Seri and Millie were both 5 years old. Ilene and her friends were 8, along with William and Dante. As for their secrets, she knew of none. It was obvious that Ilene was helplessly in love with William, but William clearly thought of her as nothing more than an annoyance.

The current event they were attending was something like a tea party for nobles. All of the parents and children would attend it. The ladies would sit and gossip, the men would show off, and the children would play with each other.

However, the real meaning behind the yearly tea party was so the parents could force their children to mingle with each other with full intention on arranging future marriages. (barf)

Who in their f*king right mind would try to assign a marriage to their kid when they were so young?!

Clearly, I didn't pay that much attention to this novel. I thought it was fluffy and adorable. What a dumba** I was. This world is way too intense!!!

Yet, the children all took it way too seriously! They were only children, but the girls were clearly trying to catch the boys eyes. They all dressed up so gaudily and girly, it was almost disturbing.

Wait, if all the girls dressed up to catch a man (or boy), why am I clearly dressed in old clothes?

This is some f*king new age discrimination. Keep at it world and see what happens. I'm the type to hold grudges.

If I recall, the one that Millie told me was my mother was a giant b*tch. In the novel, Seri's father hated his wife and was always away from home visiting his mistress.

Although Seri and her father didn't have a bad relationship, her mother was a different story. Her mother blamed her for her father's absence and was verbally and occasionally physically abusive.

Heh. Bring it on b*tch. I didn't get to where I was in my last life by playing nice. Besides, these children are boring. It's time to go have some fun.

I left the confused Millie and walked in the direction of my mother. I could feel the hatred inside me swell as I got closer.

Alright, Seri. Pull yourself together. We can't be wearing such an angry face. Heh. Smile~

One of the ladies noticed me and smiled, "Oh! Seri! It's so nice to see you again."

I curtsied to show how delicate a flower I was. Good thing I had Millie point out who everyone was. The woman who spoke to me was Williams mother, also known as the head of the Kingdom and the host of the party.

I smiled sweetly at her, "The pleasure is all mine, Queen Luna. You look simply lovely in that maroon dress."

She giggled, "Oh my! How kind of you." She turned to my mother, "Sharon. You never told me your daughter was this sweet."

My mother forced out laughter, "Forgive me. I couldn't possibly brag about my own daughter when you have such an amazing son."

I looked and noticed that William was sitting next to his mother. Wow, I didn't even notice him.

Luna continued, "Oh nonsense. She is lovely." She glanced over to Seri and forced a smile, "My, that dress is very adorable on you Seri."

You trying to fight you dumb b*tch?! Now, now, Seri. Let's not get angry. Smile. Blush. Now bat your eyes. Good. Gotta trick the b*tch to get the Porsche.

I put my hand on my cheek to pretend to be bashful, "Ah, this old dress? I really wish I could have something better. However, I could never be so ungrateful. After all, I would rather see my mother wear the most expensive brand names than bother asking for something so selfishly."

My mother gaped at me. Usually her daughter would hide from her. Why is she trying to start trouble for her now?!

The women at the table surveyed Sharon and realized that she really did wear expensive clothes and forced her own daughter to wear old hand me downs. They all began to criticize her quietly to each other.

Sharon noticed this and cleared her throat, "Oh, my beautiful daughter. What is this now? I've bought you expensive dresses before and you refused to wear them."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I suppose I will wear one to the next tea party." I watched my mother's face twitch and wanted to burst out in maniacal laughter.

Later. Later. I turned back to Luna, "Queen Luna, just what do you use on your hair for it to look like the finest silk? My hair is so ugly in comparison."

Luna clearly seemed to be enjoying the praise. "Nonsense! Your hair is truly beautiful. You are clearly a natural beauty."

I responded smoothly, "No, I would have to work so hard to even try to be a natural beauty such as you."

Really b*tch? All I have to do is tell you you're pretty and you're this happy? Wow. Too easy.

She chuckled, "You are just too sweet. I wish you and my son were engaged."


I forced a natural looking smile and bowed, "I could never hold a candle to your son. He is a natural beauty just like his mother. More importantly, he is engaged to miss Ilene, and they are perfect for eachother. They are a natural looking couple that compliment each other quite well."

William made a disagreeable face. Him and Ilene? A perfect couple?! Dante sat next to him covering his mouth in an attempt to avoid bursting out in laughter. Meanwhile, his mother was smiling like an idiot who didn't realize Seri was insulting her son and Ilene at the same time.

"After speaking with you, I regret my previous decision. I would love to have you as my daughter in law."

I forced myself to blush, "Please. You embarrass me. I could never marry your son."

"Oh? Why's that?" Her smile quickly disappeared.

Sh*t. I stepped on a landmine. "Well, he's just too perfect. I would only embarrass him, I'm afraid."

She reverted back to smiling happily, "Embarrass him? How? You are such a perfect young lady. I have never met someone as young as you with such good manners. If my son isn't your type, then what is?"

What the f*ck is this? F*king girl talk at a sleepover?! I covered my face to pretend to be embarrassed, "Ah! I couldn't possibly answer that."

Luna giggled, "Sharon. Your daughter is too adorable. I must see her again." Her tone grew cold, "You should be more grateful to her since she is your daughter."

I couldn't help but shiver at her sudden change in personality. Now I understand why William has the personality that he does.

I could hear my mother gulp feeling the pressure from Luna's cold gaze. Luna was clearly warning her.

Heh too easy. Now let's leave this boring a** party dear mother.

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