
Chapter 260: Nothing To Live For

An early evening run seemed just the thing to clear my head and give me perspective. Except that, of course, running by the lake made me think about the case and then about Crew and then about the mess and... yeah. Not so clear, right? And perspective? Snort. As if.

I jammed the earbuds deeper and cranked the sound, hoping the pounding beat of the music would shut up my endlessly chattering mind. I'd considered taking up meditation, except every time I tried I quit after about ten minutes of revolving information that wouldn't stop. Last time I made the effort I somehow went from a recipe for pie dough to what the impact would be on our planet if the scientists who wanted to recreate mammoths actually succeeded to the fact that the baseboards in my apartment really needed a good dusting.

Meh. I guess I just wasn't zen. Go figure.

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