
Chapter 258: Repeat Conversation

"I'm actually calling on behalf of Fleming Investigations in Reading, Vermont." Where did that come from? The man grunted faintly in response. "We're looking into Miss Parborough for the town of Reading, Mr...? Buckley, I presume?"

"Yes." He sounded a bit mollified and even slightly eager. Awesome. Eager meant forthcoming, right? "Gordon Buckley, owner."

"Can you tell me how recently Miss Parborough was fired, Mr. Buckley, and the reason for her release?" If I was going to dive head first into this opportunity, I might as well see how far he'd let me take it without proof of who I was. But apparently he'd had it with Heather and was more than willing to spill details. Bless him.

"I told the state troopers everything," he said, "but, in a nutshell, Miss...?"

"Fleming," I said. "Fiona Fleming. Investigative partner." Dad said so, right?

That seemed to give him the confidence to go on. "Miss Fleming," he said. "Say, is your father John Fleming?"

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