
Chapter 56

Acting-Staff Sergeant Jim Dalrymple looked at the members sitting across from him in the tiny office he used in the detachment.

"It is important we set an example to the community. That example means we work together and not get caught up in the trap of racism."

Cam Turcott opened his mouth to argue, but Jim held up a finger and the member shut his mouth again. Jim might only be Acting-Staff, but he was still the Staff-Sergeant and arguing with Staff about calling another member racist names was never a good idea.

Jim nodded at Cam and looked over at Darren. Darren had been working with them for a few years. He arrived at the tail end of a mess that had almost cost Jim his life. The Cree officer had been invaluable in building bridges with the First Nations community since then. They almost trusted the RCMP now. Jim didn't want to jeopardize that because a couple of members couldn't grow up and deal with each other.

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