
12: DANNY - Sneaking Into The Ghost Zone

I walked down the stairs to the storage room door and looked up to see if Sabrina was spying. Luckily she wasn't there so I quickly phased through the door. Once I got inside I said "I'm going ghost."(but not very loudly) and then transformed. To make sure that Sabrina couldn't sneak in and see me again I decided to use my ice powers to freeze the door handle. "I can probably unfreeze it with a little of my ghost ray without breaking the handle." I thought. Then I phased through the ground and went over to the tree and made it and the ghost portal intangible to push it out of the wall, and after I got the portal in place I phased back to the cellar and unlocked the portal. There used to be places all over the world where the ghost world randomly opened but that hasn't happened ever since we left home cause my Parents found a way to fix it, and I'm pretty sure reopening this portal wouldn't cause it again.

I pulled up the chair and sat in front of it feeling depressed again. After waiting around 20 minutes nothing had come out yet so I was nearly 2 seconds away from going inside and finding an old friend to fight. I knew that going into the portal would probably be too risky in case someone came home.

A few minutes later a pretty annoying one I'll always remember came out and said "BEWARE!! I am the...."

"Box ghost" I said as I rolled my eyes and zapped him back just as easily as squishing an ant. I wasn't just dying to go back into the ghost zone to greet everyone again. I texted my parents to see if they were gonna come home soon and they said no so I decided that it was probably ok for just 5 minutes. I was still pretty nervous about what could happen so I went into the bathroom, locked the door, and then phased out. I tucked my phone into my outfit and then flew into the ghost portal to see everything that I loved fighting and exploring so many years ago. I made sure to keep sight of the exit in case someone called. Suddenly one of the doors opened and frostbite(he doesn't hate me)

came out saying "Oh look it's Danny phantom! Where have you been for the last year?" When I was about to answer suddenly the door opened and I got a punch from behind. It was shadow with Johnny 13 next to him. Johnny picked me up and said "Hey kid. Remember me?!"

I was about to reply when suddenly my phone started to ring. I guess my happiness made me lose track of the time. I tried to look but couldn't get out of Johnny's grip so I zapped him away and rushed to the portal exit as I picked up the phone. It was dad saying that Mrs. Spirat had called saying that when she got home her daughters said that they couldn't find me anywhere and they've been looking for a little while. "Please go back and say where you were!" Said dad.

"Ok." I answered as I got out of the portal. I quickly locked the portal and phased it back through the wall when I heard my name being called. The door handle was thawed and I saw Mrs. Spirat and Sabrina looking around in the basement when I phased out. Sabrina said "I know that Danny is in there mom!!" She said pointing to the storage room.

"No he isn't!!!" Mrs. Spirat said. I decided to carry out my bathroom plan but I would need to take a chance and overshadow Sabrina so I went into her body. "Maybe Danny went to the bathroom. Did you check there yet?" I made her say

"No. I thought you said you already did before I got home." Answered Mrs. Spirat.

"Maybe he didn't hear me knock." I made Sabrina say and then I moved her over to the bathroom and knocked hard on the door.

"Are you in there Danny??!!" I made Sabrina say and then I phased out of her body and phased through the door into the bathroom and transformed back.

"Yes I am!! I'm sorry but I think I fell asleep when I was pretty constipated sitting on the toilet. Sorry I made you worry."

"That's ok. I'm just glad we found you Danny. I'm gonna go up and get dinner started now. Come up soon Sabrina." Mrs. Spirat said but Sabrina looked a little woozy from me overshadowing her. "How were you in the bathroom?! I knocked on the door and yelled your name 3 times before and after my mom got home!!!!" Sabrina said.

"I'm sorry. I think I accidentally fell asleep since my stress and depression kept me awake so late." I said.

"I still think that you were behind the door the whole time!!" She said and then went upstairs but as Sabrina went up the stairs I am pretty sure I heard her say "why the heck do I feel so weird?"

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