
Chapter 29

Arriving in the student council room he saw that the whole student council was here, talking among themselves about something that Sephiroth didn't care to know about.

Sephiroth then went to explain what happened with the fallen angel Raynare and what her whole mission was here or plan if you will. When the group heard that she was here to kill sacred gear users, Sona was upset if her face was anything to go by.

When Sona thought about it would make sense that they haven't found any sacred gear users in the city even the more common ones at that, maybe this group or other fallen angels are killing them all but for what reason she didn't know but she intended to find out later, something to bring up to her sister later.

Then he dropped a bomb to the group and let them know that he was able to take Issei Hyoudou sacred gear for himself, the Longinus, Boosted Gear, also known as Dragon Emperor of Domination, Ddraig. Then Sephiroth showed them that he had the boosted gear on his right hand for a couple seconds before willing it to go away again. He explained how he made a deal with Ddraig but wouldn't explain what it was to Sona or her peerage and how Ddraig left something for Issei still but he didn't know what his new sacred gear was.

Before they could ask any questions Sephiroth continued what had happened after he got the boosted gear and informed them that Rias and Akeno showed up together right after he got Issei sacred gear and ended up taking him back to his house where he and Rias stay together and reincarnated Issei into a pawn but he didn't know how many pieces that she used to do it. When it was clear that Sephiroth was done is when Sona asked.

"Let me get this straight here. Issei Hyoudou had the boosted gear originally and now you have it somehow by making a deal with Ddraig the heavenly dragon of domination. Not only that he was able to give Issei another sacred gear granted not as strong by still strong enough that Rias still reincarnated him" Sona said with disbelieve that what she just heard had happened and if it was anyone else telling her this story she would not of believed them but Sephiroth had never lied to her before he never saw the need to.

"Almost correct, Rias doesn't know what Issei has as his new sacred gear and most likely took a chance given her circumstances" Sephiroth stated calmly, expressing to Sona that he knew that Rias was in an arranged marriage but she didn't know how he found out about it.

"That sounds like something Rias would do given what is going on for her," Sona said, sighing to herself about her friend and her reckless behavior using her valuable evil chess pieces on a perverted boy without even knowing what he was carrying in him.

Deciding to move this little conversation forward now Sephiroth spoke "I plan on finishing up with this fallen angel group by the end of this week so I'm cashing in a favor from you Sona. I need the week off"

Sona nodded her head "I understand I'll have it done for you by the end of the today Sephiroth" She then told Tsubaki to write a formal letter and give it to the principal of this school for Sephiroth to be excused for the rest of the week after today.

"I'm sure you and your peerage have some things to talk about so I'll be going" Sephiroth walked away after saying his piece.

After Sephiroth left the rest of Sona's peerage got to talking about what they all just heard.

"Are you sure that Sephiroth isn't a devil, president?" Reya asked one of Sona's bishops to Sona.

"I mean he made a deal much like how we do as devils with our contracts, doesn't that scream I'm a devil?" Tsubasa, Sona's rook, asked her king.

"But he is a fallen angel isn't he?" Tomoe asked in a confused tone of voice unsure now.

"Sephiroth has abilities and powers we probably don't even know anything about, it would do us no good to dig into it," Tsubaki said, hoping to stop her fellow peerage members from asking too many questions of Sephiroth. He isn't the most friendly person in the world and probably wouldn't take well to others snooping on him.

"Tsubaki is right, we will drop the matter on how Sephiroth got the boosted gear but I'm worried what the rest of the underworld will do knowing this information if they were to find out. Someone with the boosted gear who already most likely has the power of an ultimate class devil in power now has a sacred gear that can boost his power to untold heights. I'm afraid that some of our kind won't be able to resist approaching him to get him to join their peerage. What I'm afraid is that when Sephiroth denies them which is most likely will, they will resort to violence" Sona told the group with a good degree of seriousness in her voice making sure they understand how important what she is saying is.

Sona was worried that if someone were to try to force Sephiroth to do anything he didn't want to, he would most likely kill them and this could spark a war again because technically he is a fallen angel right now.

**End of day**

Before Sephiroth disappeared for the week to take care of the fallen angel group he decided to go and spend some time at the ORC with his friends minus Rias and Issei of course.

Upon arriving he found the whole peerage in the room sitting down on the couches and Rias behind her desk all talking to their newest member Issei.

Without saying anything he greets everyone with a nod and sits right next to Akeno surprising her a little because normally he sits either next to Koneko or Kiba when he visits them.

"Ara Ara Ufufu. Did you miss me that much Sephiroth-chan that you had to come and sit next to me" Akeno said while grabbing Sephiroth's hand and putting it on her thigh while overlapping it with her own hand. Trying to get a rise out of him or embarrass him a little, sadly it didn't work like she wanted.

Smirking at what she was doing he sent a small spark of electricity into her body from his hand giving her a slight shock. He knew what this would do to Akeno but it is a part of the game that they play with each other, something that he has come to enjoy doing with her.

When Akeno felt the slight shock of pain that Sephiroth sent through her body her masochism kicked in feeling pleasure in the pain that was caused to her making her have a small blush on her face and tighten her grip on Sephiroth's hand breathing a little harder than normal because of it all.

"Akeno-senpai are you alright" Issei asked but wasn't looking at her face but at Akeno's breasts that were rising up and down quickly because of her breathing harder now because of Sephiroth's action.

"Yes, Issei-kun, just give me a moment and I'll be fine" Akeno said trying to calm herself down from what just occurred. Rias sent a jealous glare toward the two when she saw that Sephiroth was okay with Akeno touching him but when she does it he immediately shakes her off him.

"Pervert '' muttered Koneko while eating her sweats most likely toward Sephiroth for what he did to Akeno, thinking that Sephiroth wasn't going to hear her but he did and just sent her a teasing smile making her blush at being heard and looking down at her plate full of sweats now.

"Anyway, you have great timing Sephiroth, we were just about to have Issei show us his sacred gear to everyone here" Rias said to him trying to get back to what they were doing before Sephiroth showed up here.

"I see, well go ahead then" Sephiroth said while secretly he was drawing small circles with his fingers on Akeno's thigh but no one could see because Akeno's hands were covering his hand. Making Akeno unable to calm herself down and slowly getting her sexually aroused, something that Koneko was able to pick up on due to her youkai heritage making her give them both a glare. This didn't stop Sephiroth from continuing if anything he looked directly into her eyes with his waiting to see if she was going to do anything about it but she didn't in the end and turned away with what looked like a pout on her face .

When Issei was finally able to summon his sacred gear it showed up on his right hand and it looked really similar to the boosted gear just that it was mostly blue with some gold on it here and there. Issei was excited that he was able to call it forth and was looking forward to learning what it was he had and looked toward his king Rias for her to explain.

Rias kindly explained what it is he has which was the Twice Critical: it is a dragon based sacred gear that doubles the power of the user for a certain time. She also mentions that most users that get reincarnated with it only use one or two pieces max if someone was to use pawns but the fact that his took four means that it should be a stronger version of it, a variant basically.

While Issei is all excited about what he has and gets some congratulations for the members of the peerage. Rias is fuming inside her head but on the outside a smile is on her face "Damn it, I wasted four pawn pieces on someone that only has a twice critical even if it is a variant it still doesn't seem worth it". She is upset with herself but there is nothing that she can do about it now and figured that she just has to train him to be useful.

Having finally confirmed what Issei got from Ddraig and quelling his curiosity, he turned to Kiba and asked if he knew of the kendo competition that the kendo club is going to this weekend.

To which Kiba said that he knew of but told the girls that he wasn't going to go and it made sense to Sephiroth he had to stay near his king in case she needed him, while Sephiroth had no such restrictions in what he can and can not do.

After having talked to everyone a little bit Sephiroth turned his head to Akeno who has been silent this whole time but if you looked at her you would see she looks like she is struggling with something and it is making her whole body tremble slightly add that to her deep breathing for a normal group of people this would be awkward but these people are devils so there are not particularly normal so they choose just to ignore what is happening to her and continue talking among themselves.

There were two people who were affected by what was happening to Akeno, Issei wouldn't stop staring at Akeno's body and if the slight drool that was coming out of his mouth was anything to go by he was enjoying the show. While internally Rias was getting jealous and envied Akeno because Sephiroth while he didn't look like it was paying a lot of his attention to Akeno if her state was anything to go by.

"Akeno is there something wrong?" Sephiroth asked with a slight teasing tone in his voice but would be hard to notice if you didn't know him well enough. He has been sending shocks to her body every so often and it is driving Akeno crazy but she didn't want it to stop.

"*Huff* *Huff* No of course not, Sephiroth-chan. Everything is just peeerrrfffeccttt" Akeno answered back but her breathing and heavy blush on her face are a dead giveaway to what she is really feeling.

"That's good, well I'll be going now" Sephiroth then got up to walk out, leaving behind a very sexually frustrated Akeno who looked like she had been wronged somehow on her face. Deciding she wasn't going to let him go just like that after what he had just done to her, she was going to follow him.

"President there is something that I need to do real quick, please excuse me" Akeno bowed and not even bothering to wait for an answer from her king and quickly stepped out to follow Sephiroth before he teleported away.

When Akeno stepped outside she saw Sephiroth leaning against the wall with his arms crossed looking like he knew that she was going to follow him out which he probably did.

"Sephiroth-chan, you did a big no no teasing me like that back there in front of everyone." Akeno said trying to look upset but her lustful smile gave her away showing that she enjoyed it very much. Setting off both her Sadism and Masochism all in one go and because Sephiroth is the one that did it and in front of Rias as well just made it all the better in her opinion.

Sephiroth got off the wall and walked toward Akeno who was curious at what he was going to do, Sephiroth never teased her this much before, this was several levels higher then what he normally does and she didn't hate it at all. If she was being honest she loved it.

"Oh, what will you do about it then Akeno-chan, punish me for it" He whispered in her ear, Akeno could feel his hot breath on her ear with his deep voice making her whole body shiver and let out a bated breath out. Sephiroth had never added chan before to her name, she liked the way it sounded out of his mouth and wanted him to call her that more but also in front of Rias, the look that Rias would make when she heard this, oh she was getting more excited thinking about it.

Lost in her own fantasies and lust not to mention how excited she is right now. She did something she never thought she do for a long time she leaned to the side and grabbed Sephiroh's head with her hands and gave a deep kiss to Sephiroth's mouth not even trying to be delicate about this kiss but she used force to shove her tongue into his mouth enjoying the sensation that she is getting from this experience and never wanted to stop.

Sephiroth while stunned for a few moments that she kissed him wasn't going to stop her and returned the kiss with just as much force and passion battling her tongue for dominance and least to say he won but Akeno didn't seem to care if her reaction to it was anything to go by.

Stopping the kiss he whispered to her ear again, "My little devil is quite fierce isn't she" making Akeno blush for what she just did and the fact that he called her made her heart swell with happiness.

Putting a finger on his lips "Down big boy, we can continue this later. I have to go back to Rias before she comes and checks on me. We will talk later ya" Akeno having said her piece walked away but made sure to put a large sway in her hips giving Sephiroth a great view of her ass when her skirt lifted a little too high while walking back to the club-room.

Staring at her walking figure "So she went with purple lace today huh" Sephiroth muttered to himself when he saw what was underneath her skirt and could have sworn that he saw a wet liquid on her inner thighs.

"Partner, you have some great luck with the ladies it seems. You not only have Yasaka but now this little devil girl Akeno. Not to mention two others that were interested in you as well. My partner does have an interesting love life doesn't he hahahaha" Ddraig said after Akeno walked away, she didn't want to say anything earlier because she didn't want to ruin the moment that he and Akeno had.

"Ddraig what have you been doing this whole time"

"Sleeping, what else is there to do while I'm in this sacred gear, I don't need to advise you on anything you know what you're doing and you don't need help with training given your power already. You are the first host that I don't have to do anything for and I'm enjoying it and relaxing this time around." she stated back not seeing a problem with anything wrong with what she said. He only woke up when he walked out of the club-room and wanted to watch the show, and she wasn't disappointed.

Processing what he heard, Sephiroth had an idea "What would you say if I was able to free you from your prison that god put you in? I'm sure it gets boring in there and given my power there will come a time that I could free you, would you want that? '' Ddraig was silent trying to process what she just heard from his partner. This is the first time that someone offered to help free her from her prison, to say that she wasn't excited was an understatement. If she was to get free she could rub it in Albion's face because of it oh the joy just thinking about it.

"Are you sure partner, if you were to release me in the future you might lose the ability to use the booster gear completely"

"You're my partner, not a tool for me to use when I see fit, if you want to get free some day I have no problem granting you that" Sephiroth said with a serious tone in his voice showing Ddraig that he wasn't joking around.

Ddraig had a couple tears come down his face but Sephiroth couldn't see them, "I would like to be free again partner, my dragon pride was severely wounded when I was sealed by god and I swear that even when I am free I will still see you as my partner no matter and follow you"

"I understand than just wait for me to find the way for you to be free, enjoy your peace this time around" Sephiroth said to his partner while teleporting himself to his home, thinking that tomorrow he will take care of those fallen angels.

But he didn't know that his statement and promises he made to her really touched Ddraig and the good impression of him went up several notches. "You keep this up partner and I may become your partner in a different sense when I'm set free" Ddraig thought to herself, sending herself back to sleep.

He finally getting together with Akeno and I'm happy for it one of my favorites.

We going to meet Asia next chapter how fun will that be

Someone asked me to make a discord so I did so join it if you want to talk about the story and possible ideas for it or just the greatness that is Sephiroth LOL


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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