
Surprise Attack

Before things go out of hand,  Nile decides to exit the area. He no longer wanted to stay there anymore. Besides, apart from self-satisfaction, there is no other thing worth mentioning in there.

Before he departed the area though, Nile left them a warning as well as a threat.

"Be careful who you mess with next time! Tell Browny to be mindful too, or else..."

Nile stared at the group threateningly one last time before he instructed Maximo to depart. 

Being a Level One° Human must have boosted their ego. A newly evolved Level One° Human already has the strength to flip over a car after all. How much more someone like them who already had 6.+ stats of Constitution.

Browny, being the strongest of them all, must also be thinking along these lines. Seeing someone stronger than him must have hit his ego really hard.

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