
Love Somebody

Why do I do this?

Pick you up and put you down and put you through this

Started off as a good thing, a sure thing, you held back but I know

In the moment our lips touched

The rush sent us straight to the moon

I should've known that we'd be coming down

Right to the bottom where we are now, hmm

Started off as a good thing, a sure thing, what the hell did I do? Yeah


The song of Lauv "Love Somebody" was playing in the classroom. Someone has brought their speaker, lightening up the mood as they conversed with their teacher, enjoying their selling and eating activity during their economics class.

Arvid and Arlo were the only ones left in the group as the girls decided to go to the comfort room. The boys were already sharing their extra cake pops to their classmates, the others exchanging products with the other group as well.

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