
A Prelude to Ugernum

Contrary to our expectations there was actually an escort quest posted in the time between us leaving the Guild and returning the next morning. And not only an escort quest but an escort quest that will take us all the way up to Ugernum and it pays well. However, there is a single really small and minor issue, the target we are supposed to escort is the body of recently deceased Marchio and Marchionissa of House Marullinus... oh, and I guess it's a multiparty quest so there's that too, but it's not too important.

Of course, despite being the cause of their deaths we shamelessly take the quest as no one should know that we are the people responsible and it aligns with our goals anyway. With the procedures for registering for the quest finished, we go to the meeting spot to greet our employers and the other adventurers who we'll be working with for the next week and a half.

The one who put this quest up is the City Lord of Luentinum and the Captain of the City Guards. From what we heard from the receptionist at the Guild the City Lord is cousins with the late Marchionissa and after receiving the report of their deaths, he had arranged for their bodies to be brought back to the estate of the Marullinus family for burial.

"So the last group is just a couple of young women? Although I think they had some personality issues, they were my relatives so they should at least be brought back home safely. I'm not about entrusting this task to two young women, not to mention the fact that they're foreigners," says a clean looking middle-aged man.

"I'm sure that they're fine, the quest had an average party rank requirement of C, so they should be sufficiently strong. Moreover, they just arrived and haven't even introduced themselves yet," says a man in armour.

"Very well, you two, what are you waiting for, go and introduce yourselves," the middle-aged man says.

Taking the lead, Lia introduces us, "Lia, an A-rank adventurer. This is Cordelia, a C-rank, but her rank is a little deceptive since she's stronger than me."

"Not bad, an A-rank and a C-rank that's just as strong, see, Baro Dominicus, nothing to worry about."

"Very well, Captain, see them to the briefing room where the rest of the adventurers are. I have some business to attend to so I'll leave this matter in your hands," the City Lord says while leaving the room.

"On behalf of the Baro, I must apologise for his rudeness towards you two. He is a little on edge with the mysteriousness regarding the death of the Marullinus. No one yet knows the details surrounding their death and the Baro worries that he might be next. And much of the nobility do not hold foreigners in high regard, I hope you can put it past him. While he may not be as open as Dux Laevinus, he is still on the less extreme end. Anyway, I'm Captain of the Luentinum City Guards, you can call me Drusus. I'll bring you two over to where the rest of the adventurers are waiting, then we'll begin the briefing soon after."

The more tolerable Drusus brings us over to another room, opposite to the direction the Baro went and as we enter the large room, there are several groups of people spread out around the room. Seven groups, not including us, and they all have around five or so people in them. And one of the groups is one we're familiar with. Julius and his party, minus a certain letch.

Noticing us, Julius walks over to greet us, "Hey there, fancy meeting you here. Been a while since we've seen you," but his face soon turns sullen, "Marcus was still with back then. It's a shame about what happened to him, but our adventurer work is our only source of income and we've got to make a living somehow."

Julius took us around and briefly introduced us to the other parties, but I didn't pay too much attention to the conversations as I didn't see them as having much of an importance. And soon enough, Drusus returns with several other guards in tow.

"Now that everyone's here and have been introduced to each other, let's begin the briefing. I'm sure many are wondering why we have arranged for such a large group. The reason behind that is due to the mysteriousness of the death of Marchio and Marchionissa Marullinus. It's been confirmed that several people had passed by the area of the attack which included a well dug out pit. We aren't yet sure how the perpetrator managed to pull this off, but we are clear that this was a planned attack on the Marchio and his family. Both because we don't know what we're up against and to give face with a large escort, these are the main reasons for the large group. But it is also because of all the uncertainty surrounding this case, the City Lord is reluctant to send out too many of the city guards, and that's where you adventurers come in. But if it was just to fill out the numbers we wouldn't have needed to put a high rank requirement for the quest, we don't know if the perpetrator will come looking for the bodies or make a return attack for any reason. We will be escorting a pair of coffins carrying the bodies of the couple to the Marullinus Estate in Ugernum. This journey will take around a week and a half and we will only make stops in the cities on the way for a single night. We set out in an hour from the west entrance, so go and make your preparations quickly."

Having finished his speech, Drusus and the guards leave the room and the adventurers begin to take their leave to gather any supplies they might need. But having been prepared since yesterday, Lia and I just make our way towards the west entrance to wait for the arrival of everyone else.

This was not something I had thought of doing until I sat down to start writing. Originally, I was just gonna time skip the duo to Ugernum, but then this chapter came to be. I don't even know what brought this idea up.

In other news, I didn'T meet my target of getting asleep at the correct time, but I came close and fell asleep around 9 PM JST yesterday. The bad news is that I have had a collective 10 hours of sleep over the past two days and I'm really tired and my arm still hurts like hell. I'm I supposed to use an ice pack or a heating pad? I have no idea.

Time for me to get some lunch, but I hope everyone else has a better day than me.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts
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