

HANNA clasped her hands together, praying that nothing serious had happened to Nero.

Since she and the others weren't allowed in the emperor's room, the head butler of the Yule Palace ushered them to the drawing room. Now, she was sitting on the sofa while Ruto (who borrowed the kitchen earlier), was serving tea for her.

On the other hand, Lewis was sitting on the chair across from him. The fox boy didn't want to sit initially, but she reminded him that he was currently a guest in the emperor's palace and not as Neoma's knight. Lewis then sat down reluctantly.

[At least he listened to me.]

"This tea will help you calm down, Lady Hanna," Ruston Stroganoff said after he served her and Lewis each a cup of tea that he brewed himself. "Lewis, drink the tea instead of staring at it."

Lewis, who was obviously not listening to Ruston Stroganoff, just continued staring at the teacup in front of him.

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