
My wife's safety is my biggest concern.

Li Xue was also stunned at that voice. Hearing it she turned to look, only to find that the voice from before was no illusion and the man was truly there in flesh. Being surprised at his appearance, she could only tug her brows to ask, "You are here?" 

Feng Shufen's eyes weren't interested to look anywhere. The moment it spotted Li Xue, it got itself stuck at her. Nodding to her words, he said, "Yes, I was passing by when I received a message stating a piece of good news. So, to see it with my own eyes, I came here." He said, and at his words, Li Xue was confused. 

Looking around, she asked, "Good news? What was that?" She thought maybe Feng Internationals would have something to deal with in the mall, that's why Shufen was here. But little did she expect that there was no deal he was aiming to sign, rather he was there just for her. 

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