
Chapter 35

It is very early in the morning but everyone in this mansion was already busy. After wearing his formal uniform, Viel goes straight to his father's office. When he opens the door, Viel saw the marquis looking at the locket with a painting of a woman inside of it. The marquis quickly close the locket and look sternly at Viel.

"You are old enough to know how to knock, Viel." The marquis scolded his son.

"I apologize, Father." Viel said before looking at the pendant on his father's hand. Viel remembers that it was his mother's last gift for the marquis before she died.

"Father, take good care of yourself while I am away. If you feel any pain while working, never hesitate to call Butler Del."

"Brat! You are speaking as if I am really that old!"


At least Viel succeeded in dispersing the gloomy atmosphere in the office.

"About Gian... I assigned someone to take good care of him while I'm away." Viel informed the marquis.

"Alright. That is good to hear."

"Father, I will ask you one last time. Are you really sure that you wanted to stop keeping Gian from now on?"

"If we keep on doing it, Gian will surely hate us to death."

"It is still a better option than putting his life in danger." countered Viel.

"Viel, Gian is not a child anymore. Trust me when I said that I am thinking of doing it years ago. And it was very wrong of us to keep Gian like this."


"You are worrying too much about him, Viel. Stop acting like an overprotective father to that child. I am still his father, not you."

"I am too young to be his father..."

"Viel, it is now time to start our plans."

Seeing the resolution on his father's eyes, Viel can only sigh in defeat. He has an urge to run his fingers through his hair roughly but stops himself remembering that he just fixed it meticulously earlier. In the end, Viel can only hold the sword on his waist tightly.

"We will start our plans after you return from the Eastern region."

Looking at the locket on his hands, Marquis Frederick silently whispers his apology to his wife. He cannot follow Serilla's last wish for Gian anymore.


The Red Tiger knights are now all ready to march towards the Eastern region. The way they stand with a straight body with their stern expression gives the onlookers a stiff and heavy atmosphere. Some knights are checking their food and medical supplies while the others are preparing the horses they will use today. Gian, with the head butler standing beside him, is watching this scene as they wait for the young general to come out of their mansion.

Today is the day where the two prominent knights of this kingdom will march towards the Eastern region. Based on Gian's calculation, the Red Tigers and the Black Pythons will arrive in the Eastern region after two days. After that, it will take them half a year before they can return to the central capital. Within these months, Gian needs to make himself known in society.

Gian stops his train of thoughts when all knights suddenly stop from what they are doing and simultaneously salute for their general. When Gian turns his head, he saw Viel walking towards his direction. His steps weren't long but they were rapid. Viel stops in front of Gian and all of a sudden, he put his hand on Gian's hair and ruffles it.

"Brother, stop it!" Gian growled as he swats Viel's hand as hard as he can. Viel's habit of treating Gian like a child needs to stop now.

"Oh. So fierce! I wonder what will you do the next time I will do it." Before Gian argues with him again, Viel continued. "I will bring you a birthday present when I come back. What do you want this time? Want me to make a personalized dagger for you?"

"Tch. You are talking as if you will return in just a few days."

"I told you last night, didn't I? I am just going there to arrest those lowly rebels. It will be too easy for us." Viel haughtily said.


"You do not believe me?"

"Stop asking a question that you already know the answer."

"Tch, tch, tch. Your confidence in me is too low. How can you easily hurt my pride as a knight?"

There is no need for Gian to argue with his brother.

"Brother, can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Do you personally know General Lewis?"

"That old guy? Well, yes. What about him?"


His brother is really beyond saving. He is clearly younger than General Lewis. Not to mention, that general has more experience as a knight than him. But Viel just calls him 'that old guy' casually without any rhymes.

"Brother, can you order your knights to wear an armor that can cover most of their upper body, especially the chest area? Also, please tell General Lewis to wear a double-platinum pad on his chest and never removes it while facing the rebels."

Viel was caught off-guard after he heard what Gian had said. What kind of request is this? And he wanted him to remind General Lewis? But for what reason? And most importantly...

"You are worried about him? What about me?"

"I told you last night, didn't I? I am pretty sure that you will return as a hero." Gian said and copied Viel's haughtiness a while ago.

"You worry about the others but not with your own brother." lamented Viel.

"Stop whining! I will never coax you just like before! You can never fool me again."

Busted. It seems like Viel's old tricks are not working with Gian anymore. He better makes a new way on how to tease his little brother in the future.

"Fine. But tell me. Why are you asking the knights to do that?"

"I read from a book that the Eastern region has a forest where poisonous plants are growing. Then according to your knights, the rebels who are currently staying there are using an arrow and bow as a weapon. If they combined these two, it will be more dangerous. They can shot poisonous arrows which can harm you and the rest of the knights."

Gian created this reasoning to be more logical as possible. In truth, he does not know if there are really poisonous plants growing in the Eastern region or if the rebels are using an arrow and bow as a weapon. It would be impossible for Gian to tell his brother that he has knowledge of what will happen in the future. His made-up reasoning is still much better than telling Viel the truth.

"Oh. So why are you highly concerned with General Lewis?"

"I respect him as a loyal knight and a General of the Black Pythons."

"...Have you met him before?"



Viel stares at Gian for a while. It seems like he was telling the truth. Of course. How is it possible for Gian to meet with that old guy knowing that his brother stays inside their mansion all the time.

"Alright. Do not worry. I will tell him that later."

"Thank you, brother."

A knight walks towards Viel and whispers something to him. Viel nods his head and instructs his knights to get ready. It is now time for them to depart.

"I have to leave now. You do not have to follow us in the central capital and just stay here."

"Are you not going to say goodbye to father?"

"I already did. Father is busy with his work so I visited his office earlier to say goodbye."

"I see." Gian said as he nods his head. "Then, brother. Take care while you are in the Eastern region."

"Foolish brat! I thought you believe that I will return as a hero? Nothing bad will happen to me."

"Tch. If you do not want my concern, then just say so."

Viel did not respond, but he put his hand again on Gian's head. This time, Viel is ruffling his hair in a gentle manner.

"I will be back before your birthday celebration." Viel promised to his little brother.

Gian did not say anything. He knew that he will not see his brother for the next six months. Viel will miss his birthday but he will surely come back as a hero. Since they will not see each other again for a while, Gian lets his brother do whatever he wants.

After patting Gian's hair for a while, Viel finally retrieves his hand. He orders his knight to bring his horse beside him. Before riding on his horse, Viel looks at Gian before he shows him a salute. This gesture makes Gian really surprised.

"I have to go now. When I come back, I will show you that I am more worthy of your respect than General Lewis." Viel playfully said before he rides on his horse.

The servants and the head butler all bow their heads to show respect to the young general who will depart towards the Eastern region. Viel waves his hand for the last time before ordering his knights to start marching. Gian watches his brother together with his knights marching away from their mansion until he cannot see their backs anymore.

"Tch. What a childish brother." Gian murmurs to himself, but he has an obvious smile on his lips.

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