
Chapter 341 - Pretty Boy

Author's Name: The_Young_Flash

Discord: https://discord.gg/tPwgVgU

Patrêon: https://www.patrêon.com/The_Young_Flash

Fandom: https://crawfords-multiverse-of-madness.fandom.com/wiki/Zeel_Crawford

Note: Ever watched an awesome movie/anime/series that just didn't have the proper ending? Then this is where you belong, as I intend to give all movies/animes/series the proper ending they deserve. Nothing will go untouched.


Alle and Ella floated in their physical forms near Alice and Elizabeth who resided in Himiko's and Ahmanet's arms respectively.

The breath of life had already left both of their faces with Alice tittering on the edge of life with no clear indication that she was willing to remain alive.

Elizabeth had passed away a long time ago but the rampaging divinities inside their bodies were lashing outwards viciously, scarring Ahmanet and Himiko sometimes.

With Ahmanet essentially a mortal and Himiko being the coward she is, Alle and Ella were the only people left who could keep the battle from affecting Alice's and Elizabeth's bodies.

They erected their strongest barrier and waited nervously for Zeel to emerge victoriously.

Still, even if they could keep a dampening barrier around themselves that sheltered everyone from the raging battle outside, Alle and Ella could not restrain Alice's and Elizabeth's souls inside their bodies as Zeel had previously done.

Try as they might, they did not yet have the expertise to meddle in matters of the soul.

Zeel, himself, had little metaphysical knowledge about souls but Homo-Superiors were masters of energy manipulation and he chose to manipulate the soul energy and not the soul itself.

After all, control oxygen to control a human being was not especially effective but it would still yield some results and it was similar to what Zeel had done to manipulate the soul's energy to restrain the soul.

Ella wanted to attempt the same thing but she knew that Alle would restrain her from such an impulsive action.

"They're dead!" Ella yelled angrily, her draconic features taking over slightly as her pink-reddish hair stirred in the air like a blazing flame.

"A sacrifice for father's victory!" Alle stated while gritting her teeth.

Even if Alle was reluctant to admit it, the loss of their mothers had hurt her beyond what should have been possible given she strove to be like her father, Zeel – cold and emotionless.

To Alle, Zeel was a role model who she wanted to emulate in every way possible but she always found herself falling short.

Unwilling to give up, Ella floated Alice and Elizabeth's bodies into her arms and poked her finger directly atop their foreheads, causing a slight leak in their Divine Energies.

"The Divine Energies will have to leak before their souls depart… one of the many things father refused to do because he would rather our mothers die than have a chance at life as weaklings…" Ella murmured and as much as Alle wanted to stop her, she found her body reluctant to intervene.

An overwhelming amount of shame overcame Alle as she realized just how much of a disappointment she would become to her father when he realized she showed weakness to her mothers.

Alle took a strong step forward and pushed Alice and Elizabeth out of Ella's arms with a telekinetic pulse that sent them back into Ahmanet's and Himiko's arms.

Alle's aura flared in a violent rage that showed she was ready for battle against Ella.

Ella flashed a mouth full of sharp teeth as rage almost blinded her…

If there was a competition of who was stronger between the sisters, Ella knew that she would come out on top; however, Alle also had an advantage of her own – she didn't have a bottom line when it came to battles.

Seeing that they both inherited some of Zeel's memories, both girls knew that a true battle between them would end with Alle's victory without a doubt.

All she would have to do was jump to a Universe with a large concentration of humans and Ella would hesitate to fight at her full strength.

Just as Alle was about to release her Draconic Energy for battle, both girls felt the Speed and Dimensional Shift Divinities inside their bodies reduce to accommodate the invasion of a misty black divinity – Death Divinity.

"Death Divinity?" Alle questioned with shock on her face.

It was no secret that both girls shared the Divinities of their father since they used his blood as a catalyst to create their physical bodies, but the invasion of a new Divinity would also harm them.

Thankfully, they were an entirely new breed of species, and hence, their souls had enough space to accommodate more than one divinity so, unlike Zeel, they didn't have to give up one divinity to gain another.

Ella and Alle grew worried to the extreme since it meant that their father had forcefully integrated and switched divinities in the middle of a battle.

To do such a task would require damaging your own soul in ways unimaginable.

It was an act that would only be considered by Gods who were near their end and were fighting for a chance at survival.

Integrating a new Divinity and using it right away was akin to human surgeons slapping a heart inside someone's chest and expecting it to start beating right away – the mere thought of such an action was absurd.

Yet, their father had clearly done it…

Admittedly, the situation was indeed that dire but it was unthinkable for Zeel to resort to such rash actions given his ever-cautious personality.

He was the type of person who had secrets that had secrets made up of secrets that belong to secretive people… secretly.

"Something is wrong… father's plans cannot be so reckless…" Ella pointed out, her draconic features disappearing as she regained her calm.

Sometimes all you required to clear your head and focus on the big picture was a reckless father who switched divinities in the middle of a battle that would determine if you lived or died.

Alle frowned and calculated all the deviations in the plan so far, coming to a scathing conclusion that drove her into a bit of fear "She is refusing to come!"

'That is the only possible conclusion!' Alle thought in surprise and dread.

Ella snarled at Alle "Mother loves father more than anything… she would never deny him help!"

Alle calmed down and found that Ella's words were also undeniable since they could feel mother's love for father during their incubation period/creation.

However, Ella's words could also be untrue because, for all the power their mother possessed, she was first and foremost an airhead whose attention span lasts five seconds on her brightest days.

It wasn't that their mother was stupid, it was just that her mind did not function on a human level… or a Homo-Superior level for that matter.

Their mother's mind focused on the picture frame and not the bigger picture.


With a grand bellow from Zeel that rippled across the Death Dimension, Alle and Ella twirled in the air, shifting their clothing to their best and brightest floral dresses since they could tell that Zeel had called for their mother.

However, five minutes later, Alle's and Ella's faces were scrounged in an eternal frown since their mother failed to make any appearance whatsoever.

Still, they didn't have time to complain because they knew that calling for their mother was Zeel's final trump card.

"Since she will not answer for father… she will answer for us…" Alle said with a vicious gleam in her eyes.

Unlike the kind and forgiving Ella, she was not someone to take a slight such as failure to appear at their father's moment of desperation lightly.

"Now you listen here, MOTHER!" Alle yelled to the night skies of the Death Dimension "If you refuse to show up, then I will severe my connection as your daughter!"

Alle drew a knife from Elizabeth's storage dimension that specialized in cutting relationships and threatened with a determination that rivaled Zeel's own to survive while trapped on the Nameless Planet.

Ella was frightened by Alle's threat but she followed suit wordlessly as a dagger also appeared in her hands and a determined frown on her face.

There was absolute silence for another two minutes before a small white flame flickered to life around Alice's and Elizabeth's bodies, healing their minds, bodies, and spirits slowly.

Alle and Ella breathe a sigh of relief but they fell the next moment when a confused voice entered their minds "Who… you?"

Alle and Ella fell on their faces, smiling bitterly since they finally figured why their mother took so long to answer their callings – she actually forgot her daughters.

"Alle and Ella… your daughters… you know with Zeel Crawford…" the girls replied, opening their minds to send a flood of memories at the voice inside their minds.

"Hmmmm… yea…" The voice whispered intelligible sounds as if thinking deeply about something after processing the memories "Zeel?... Good?"

"Currently fighting for his life and the life of your two adorable daughters…" Alle replied, shedding her tom-boyish attitude for the first time and demonstrating a helplessly, tear-filled face.

The voice paused and Alle could feel her mother staring at her face with confusion "Sure… my daughter… very ugly?"



Ella barely managed to stifle a laugh at the fact that their forgetful mother had referred to Alle as 'ugly', but her moment of enjoyment was cut short the next moment when a voice echoed in her mind "Uglier…"



This time it was Alle's time to laugh but both girls quickly regained their composure when a small painful ripple echoed throughout their Divine Clouds…

The girls' mother also felt the ripple of pain and inquired for finality "Zeel… silver… pretty boy?"

"Yes…" Alle and Ella replied half-heartedly "Our father is Zeel Crawford, the pretty boy with the silver hair that you are obsessed with…"

"Okay…" The voice echoed, fading in the background as it whispered "Coming…"


On the other side of the Death Dimension, where Zeel was currently being stomped to death by Seth, a powerful shattering sound was heard as Seth's Death Dimension was ripped in half by an entity forcing entry.

So yes...

Now you should be able to guess who Zeel was calling this entire time...

It is pretty obvious right now, ain't it?

Well, to me it is, but then again, I am the author and I have unique insight...

Well, if you can't figure it out, then too bad...

I haven't been in the TOP 200 in ages, and that means I don't have as many readers anymore so...

F*CK you guys!

I am not mad about being rated low, I am mad that fanfics with misspelling every sentence can be rated higher than mine...

Thankfully, I write this novel for me and not for you guys...

I am thinking about moving this novel to some other site though since some brain-dead people don't recognize this work of art...


Have a nice day? LMAO...

The_Young_Flashcreators' thoughts
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