
Chapter 61

The following evening the adults and the children of more maturity sat around the largest bonfire in the camp, most of them wrapped in blankets to warm them from the fresh air of the night. Even though they all originated from the cold Shiverpeak mountains where the cold was a lot harsher than down here in the forest the winds that came down from the nearby mountains still brought with it a touch from the cold they had been living in for so long and decided, in order not to risk getting sick, to stay as warm as possible in the nights.

Alvar and Veli were amongst those that were chosen for their maturity and thus had earned the right to partake in the story the two emissaries would share with them. Huddled together, each holding a horn with warm mead and a piece of meat in their hands that was grilled over the bonfire, the two waited like everyone else for the two to start talking of their experiences.

Luckily, they didn't have to wait much longer as the younger of the two men soon began to speak in a calm and collected voice after he had moistened his throat with some drink, mead probably.

"Our journey was, contrary to our expectations, not as easy. We encountered a few problems on the road in the form of a species called centaurs. They are a mix between horses and men and fight, just like their mixed heritage, in a way that gave us some difficulties to adept to. But in the end we managed to push through those obstacles.

After the initial conflicts with the centaurs we came upon more and more small villages inhabited by Humans and made it a lot easier for us to get directions and sleeping quarters. With each passing day we neared divinity's Reach and soon we came upon the city. Words cannot describe the sight of such a city. It carries with it the same majesty as Hoelbrak but is less wild and natural. Instead it has a kind of sophisticated air to it. It is a little hard to explain.

When we first saw how the Humans built the city we were stunned to say the least. Walls higher than the main gates to Hoelbrak surround the mighty city of stone from all sides like a ring. Inside the ring you come upon streets of manufactured stone that seemingly flow from tile to tile without rough edges as if streams of water had polished their sharp edges away.

Besides the streets houses protrude into the skies with balconies that overlook the streets down below and flowers of all colours and sizes framing them. Below them on the streets stalls with vendors or shops for various purposes were located, all filled with bustling Humans that ventured those streets like you only saw happening in Hoelbrak on the marketplace.

We followed one of those streets after getting some directions as we were told that those we were looking for resided in the middle of the city, in the tallest and most majestic building we could find. And those words were not false as we soon found out.

Before we reached the middle of the city we had to pass through another ring of walls which seemingly lead us into an even richer part of the city. The people we saw in that part of the city all wore finely crafted clothes and had a somewhat arrogant air to them but maybe that was just my imagination playing tricks on me after our long and tiresome journey.

After passing through that second part of the city we finally reached the last ring which protected a lot of administrative buildings, as to our observations which may have been wrong, with the grand palace in the middle of them and the city.

The palace itself was a sight I dare say I will not forget for a long time. It is, just like the rest of the city, crafted mainly from stone. Contrary to the other buildings in the city though it has masterfully crafted statues and paintings carved and stationed inside of it while the light of the sun illuminates the interior in many halls in various shades of light due to the windows being made from coloured glass.

Once we were spotted inside the palace and, judged by our dusty appearance no doubt, brought before the chief of security to make sure we had no ulterior motives in mind. Of course our purpose could've not been further from our minds.

After a short conversation with said chief we were brought before the queen who sat upon a throne of white stone with a man standing at her side, decked in full plate armour.

We told of our story and purpose and we are happy to tell you all that the queen did not hesitate to offer us shelter in her city. Of course we had to agree to some conditions but we were prepared for that and thus agreed." The man finished his tale, and took a sip of his drink to moisten his throat once again, after which silence reigned around the bonfire.

Alvar, after being engrossed in the picture the man had painted of the city and now really wished to see it in person, now wondered what those conditions may be and asked without preamble, thus breaking the silence.

"What exactly are those conditions you had to agree to?" He spoke, causing many eyes to fall upon him after which they shifted back over to the man while waiting for his reply.

"First and foremost is the condition of an exchange of knowledge when it comes to the arcane arts. We do not mind that." It went unsaid, even though all those present knew, that not everything would be disclosed as some knowledge would only be passed down from teacher to disciple, not to mention the knowledge a few of those present had that was just too dangerous to simply hand over for nothing but shelter in exchange.

"Secondly there is another check for security all of us will need to go through in order to prevent 'problems' as they had said. Last but not least, should there ever be an attack upon Divinity's Reach, the surviving Norn are required to help in its defence. Of course, only if those participating are of a certain age and qualification." The man finished his telling and thus opened the floor for quiet talking to take place all around the fire.

Alvar and Veli were no different as the two quietly discussed what they had heard until late into the night when they all were ordered to go to bed. Tomorrow they would begin to pack and would soon be on the road again. This time with a purpose besides surviving of course. They finally had found a haven they could take shelter in. A new home. Thus, with dreams of said home filling their minds that night all those present around the fire slept in happiness with the knowledge that they soon would begin their way towards Divinity's Reach.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter^^

bobbarker12creators' thoughts
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