
Approaching Calamity

"What's this? This place is similar to the one before but only smaller."

Aizen checked around the last unexplored passage, this place was very similar to the passage Axel had forcibly broken through a few moments ago and the passage they had deliberately left behind.

"Master Aizen, we'd better leave these two passages untouched. Three places sealed with the same rune do not bode well for us." Axel made suggestions while examining the runes she touched.

"Let's just go back." Ana shakes Aizen's hand. She doesn't feel comfortable with this passage.

Aizen nodded in understanding. All ancient ruins that Axel has ever explored have never had a passage that is sealed as firmly as these three passages.

Not to mention the gate with the terrible impression and evil aura they found at the end of the passage that was forcibly broken into. There must be a secret behind this, and fulfilling curiosity does not mean taking risks that threaten safety.

"Let's go back to the crystal cave treasure room."

Aizen looks at the final passage they decide to leave without destroying any runes before teleporting along with Ana and Axel to the starting location where the six girls are resting.

"Nee~ I managed to get so much valuable loot and left nothing behind!"

After arriving at the crystal treasure room near the crystal cave to which Aizen's barrier and disguise runes were installed, Ana returned to her carefree self.

"Fufu... What I get is much more, even more than a lot." Axel giggled at the twist she made up against Ana.

"Right... You're already in [Rank 9]. Of course, you can. See, the great Ana will catch up with you soon." Ana clenched her fists upward at her new ambition.

"You're still in [Rank 3] though? It takes time, dear." Not having the heart to fade Ana's new ambitions, Axel only tells the truth gently.

"The fastest way that you have prepared for Brother Aizen and me to reach [Rank 9] will still take ten years. That's too long! We need to find a new way."

Ana seemed to be protesting with her dissatisfaction. She also wanted to be as strong and reliable as Axel as soon as possible.

"Isn't that already so fast? Even Axel still took a hundred years to get to that stage by herself. She tried so hard for us. Ana, you don't have to put it that way, it all takes time and you need to learn to be patient."

Aizen lectures her while stroking his daughter's hair gently. The time it took for them was ten times faster than what Axel could accomplish now, and it was already a remarkable achievement.

After being re-explained by Aizen, Ana also felt a little guilty saying it to Axel, actually she did not mean it that way but the circumstances and what she said earlier would lead there regardless of the reason.

"Sorry, Sister Axel. I didn't mean it like that, don't take it personally, okay?" Ana held Axel's hand with pleading eyes like a child who had just made a mistake.

Axel smiled because of Ana's behavior. "What are you saying, Sister Ana. The three of us are already in one system and we already share a lot because we are always connected. We also agreed on our previous discussion on ownership and decision making, right?" Axel tries to lighten the conversation that is starting to get into the wrong topic.

"Hehehe... Right! But we also need to do more research. Who knows, maybe we can find unexpected things that can challenge the heaven's will."

"Hum... That's for sure."

Aizen and Axel nodded in agreement given the many unidentified precious foreign objects they had gathered from the depths of the early ancient ruins to nearly eight thousand kilometers deep.

"So, what are we going to do now? Go back to that crystal cave to rest with the six of them or should we immediately do some research?" Ana is excited about the joint research that awaits them.

"We'd better put both of them on hold for a while. The seven artificial human auxiliary units will be finished with their new bodies in a few minutes."

Axel checked for a moment that everything was going as expected in the [Private Space] where seven bodies were performing their refinement.

"Yes, it's about time. Let's teleport out of these ancient ruins." Aizen also examined the seven of them for a moment before inviting Ana and Axel.

Then, the three of them immediately teleported outside the ancient ruins to bring out the [Axel Goddess] from Axel's Soul Realm by opening the [Dimensional Gap] which was disguised so that it was invisible.

After [Axel Goddess] which is always in an invisible mode completely comes out, the three of them immediately teleported inside to welcome their seven companions as well as servants.

While the three of them entered the [Axel Goddess], about a thousand kilometers underground of the ancient ruins, there was a dark brown-haired man in shabby clothes who was fighting a monster much stronger than that young man.

One who was at the 2nd Profound Spirit Realm level was fighting a Sky Spirit Realm monster that had the appearance of a snake, the same monster Aizen's group had fought before they fell into a dark abyss.

Feng Wuhan vigorously challenged the monster with all he had with the help of the strength of his ring.

"Take this rotten snake! Take this! Take this! Hahaha!"

A hot purple fireball was thrown from his left hand which was constantly enveloped in flames following the ring which gave him great strength against the strongest enemy Feng Wuhan had ever faced.


The snake monster screamed because of the heat that continued to grab its body. then, the monster spat out purple poisonous smoke which quickly enveloped its body and immediately chased after Feng Wuhan.

'Young man, get away from that poisonous smoke!' An old man's voice warned from inside the ring.

"I know, old man."

Feng Wuhan immediately moved away from the reach of the poisonous smoke as he continued to throw a purple fireball in the direction he thought the snake monster was.

A few moments passed, Feng Wuhan was unable to find the exact location of the monster he was fighting while the attack he launched was limited to a blind attack.

'Brat, get out of there, and keep moving!' The old man warned urgently.

Feng Wuhan didn't think much and continued running from his original location when he heard the sudden warning from the old man on his ring.


Instantly a hot and poisonous laser beam attack was launched from the snake monster's mouth at Feng Wuhan who was constantly moving.

"Damn! Another attack! Old man, don't call me brat! I told you to call me young master! Or a young man as usual is fine too!"

Feng Wuhan immediately increased his speed to avoid the deadly laser beam launched by the monster that continued to follow his escape path, an attack that was akin to the surprise attack when he first entered this place.

If not for the help of the old man in this ring and the strength it gave him, he might have turned to ashes without even knowing how he died.

'Tch! Use the full power of this ring and immediately slaughter that monster!' The old man was somewhat irritated as he gathered energy for the ultimate attack.

After the beam launched by the monster finished, Feng Wuhan immediately launched his ultimate attack or rather the ultimate strike from the ring on his hand.

The fiercely hot purple flames shot out like a firestorm from a ring to scorch everything that lay.


The snake monster screamed because it was burned alive from the flames so hot that even its hard scales couldn't protect it anymore. The monster tried to escape but the whole place had become a lake of fire until it finally burned to death and turned into black smoke which was sucked into the ground.

"Sigh... Is this over?" Feng Wuhan saw the sea of ​​flames before him and the monster that had turned to ashes, at least that was what he thought.

'*Snort* How could it be that easy. Whatever that bastard duo makes is always annoying!' The old man grumbled about what Feng Wuhan couldn't understand at all.

Instantly, countless small monsters rushed out from the ground where he was standing. The enormous horde rushed over and ganged up on Feng Wuhan who was just breathing a lot of relief.

"Seriously? When I just breathed a sigh of relief!"

His grueling battles continued once again. Meanwhile, the old man in the ring grinned evilly at what he felt was getting closer and closer.

Have you noticed a slight change in my writing style?

Yes, I feel like my writing skills just got some epiphany thanks to the writing guide.

To my dear readers. Thank you ^_^

YuuZucreators' thoughts
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