Yeah, this house sucks, but that only was because I only had the elements mastered then, I didn't even have the skills of the Naruto world to create the house necessarily.
Bulma from the dragon ball world also gave me some pointers on how capsules. houses work, so I suppose that. could be useful.
Also because I uh, Yeah I figured that this will all be destroyed once the meteor hits, If it is powerful enough to extinguish an entire species, then it is very possible for it to destroy my surface house
Although I could destroy the meteor and then we would be all good. Unfortunately, the dinosaurs will still live, and they need to die in order for humans to live.
Of course, I could kill them all, but that will take time and energy trying to find them and I don't really feel like traveling all over the world just to kill all dinos."
instead, I just decided to reengineer my house. I started the second I reappeared from training.
Using Hagoromo's creation of all things technological, I was able to fix everything that was wrong in this house, of course, it took time, lots of time, but I had eventually fixed it, It looked like an average modern house.
The fear of the meteor that destroyed all the dinosaurs is coming to eventually destroy the house, I had dug a pathway. underground, it was so deep to a point that. it was considered, too dangerous, and. any regular mortal could be killed because of the heat and the pressure.
Once I was a good distance away from where I was sure, that I won't be affected by it, I started to build myself another living space underground, which had basically the same features as the modern house, only this one was slightly futuristic.
The only problem that I had with this one was aany memorieses were rather fuzzy and It took a while to get me to remember things better and that took a lot of time.
Because of this I had to write things down, Everything that I had in my mind, and seal it in my arm so that I could remember when I had forgotten things.
I had created to earth doors, that blend into the floor, from the top as it opens it will open in a way where so could just slide through like a slide in a children's playroom, towards the other underground house. before I had made the door I had to smooth out the sides of the pathway.
It took a while for me to complete this, as I had to figure out how to run things with chakra, but eventually, I had got it done.
I smiled in satisfaction as so looked at my house that I have build from on the surface to underground, truly this was way better than the old house.
Of course, I had used some of the elements as I re-engineered everything, everything on the house turned out fine.