
Don't touch that spot! I'll scream!

Yun Che stepped back and planned to leave the room faster than Xiao Biyu could blink. Not only didn't he want to be a father yet, but having his first child turning out to be a phoenix seemed incredibly unreal.

However, to his surprise, Xiao Biyu opened her mouth and a few seconds later a large egg shot into the air. The egg broke open in mid-air and surprisingly a phoenix soared to Yun Che and landed on his shoulder.

He nearly fainted when he realized that this thing technically represented his new responsibility. His first thought unfortunately immediately had to do with money! How much would it cost to take care of a phoenix, and what would Yun'er say?! After all, even though she said he could have more than woman if he earned it, taking advantage of a women while passing out would indeed be inappropriate.

"FATHER!" The phoenix said with a rather high pitched voice. "I feel like I've known you my entire life! I can't believe how quickly you put the moves on mother! Didn't you just meet her today?!"

"This isn't real. This is a joke," Yun Che definitely wouldn't believe a phoenix talking could be real. He knew that parrots could talk, but a phoenix communicating with him seemed to make no sense. Also, if it happened to be a phoenix, didn't that mean its death could never happen?! Did that mean even if he turned into an immortal he'd be forever responsible for it?!

He took a deep breath before he noticed that the phoenix had flown off his shoulder to Xiao Biyu. She looked incredibly beautiful with the phoenix on her shoulder. The tenderness only a mother could have existed in her beautiful speckled eyes before she smiled and kissed its small little head.

Xiao Biyu: "This is the phoenix of my bloodline called the Royal Blue Phoenix. It's strength is only a tiny fraction of mine now, but it will definitely be a valuable aid to you. However, it's other name is actually the royal pickup bird. Because it has a profound ability to make friends with women!"

'Does that even matter!' Yun Che felt incredibly tense, and in someways duped into having a phoenix with this girl. "Also, how is your condition?! Did your heart beat return to normal?! Would you mind if I check."

"He's curious about what your chest looks like mother. I think he's ready to explore deeper," The 'son' of Yun Che said with his skin turning bright orange and than back to its normal green. "Did you know that?! Hmph, I think it's only fair you give it up after tricking him into having me!"

"Little Phoenix. We haven't even named you yet. Don't force your mother and father to--"

"How is that my child?!" Yun Che tensed his arms into a tight fist before he turned to the door. "Until you have genetic proof, don't think that I'm going to just believe that a bird is my child!"

"Little Phoenix. What do you think of the name Phe?! Doesn't that sound like a nice name?!"

"Hmph, I'm still not sure what gender I should be yet mother," The pheonix replied, but this time with a female voice! That's right, before it had been using a male voice, but suddenly it sounded like a female. It even seemed to grow longer eye lashes right in front of Yun Che's eyes! "If I'm a female, than if father ever gets in trouble I can use my allure to get him out of trouble. However, if I'm a male, then father will be able to use me to pick up women!"

"I'm going," Yun Che replied with a grimace before he abruptly turned and left. "No matter how much I want to believe it. You're fine now, and clearly this isn't my son or daughter. Unless you prove it to me, I'm going to consider this a joke."

Yun Che wanted to wait until he turned at least 28 to have his first child with Yun'er. Actually, he wouldn't mind having child with her when he turned 27, but that wasn't the point! He felt like both the phoenix and Xiao Biyu had planned to trick him. Otherwise, how would it be possible for him to become a father in just a few minutes?! It took him at least three times as long to swap yin and yang with Yun'er, and he literally just met this Xiao Biyu. He didn't even know if she had potential to be a mother!"

"It's fine. I have proof it's your child," Xiao Biyu replied with as mile before she rubbed the phoenix's neck. "Why don't you tell me a secret that only Yun Che knows from earlier today. Since he's made with your dna, he's going to have some of your memories."

Yun Che suddenly realized he just got the blood lust cube today and gulped when the little phoenix extended its eye lashes and began to laugh. It looked at Yun Che like it had caught him in some type of scheme.

"Heh, well… It seemed like two nights ago Yun Che had a pretty fun time with second mother." The phoenix giggled before it stared meaningfully at Yun Che. "However, it seems like today he also had another women, and not just any women, but someone extremely important to the Xiao Clan!"

"Enough! I believe it!" Yun Che screamed before he covered the little Phoenix's mouth. "What do I have to do to take care of 'our' pleasant little androdonyous baby?! How much money does it cost to feed?!"

"Cost?! It gets all its energy from the air," Xiao Biyu laughed and patted Yun Che on the shoulder. "The only thing you have to do is take it with you if you want. Otherwise, the phoenix will be living inside of me until it grows old enough."

"What do you mean living inside of you?"

"Little Phe. Go back inside mother's stomach!" Xiao Biyu opened her mouth and turned towards the Phoenix before she bit down. Yun Che couldnt believe what he witnessed and rushed over to pry open her mouth before Xiao Biyu laughed.

"Oh, I see you're still attracted to me even after having a child with me. Well, if you want to make a child the other way, I suppose now wouldn't be a bad time."

"Is it okay? Is it still alive?!" Yun Che put his hand against her belly before his face twitched. He could feel the heartbeat traveling down her chest and ending up in some strange organ he didn't expect to feel. "Wait, what the hell is this?! You shouldn't have an organ here."

"Ah! I can't believe you found it!" Xiao Biyu moaned and suddenly couldn't take it! "Don't touch that spot or you're going to make me scream!"

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