
Alex's true feelings

''Right, the video'' Willow stepped aside and pointed on the trees, ''make sure that you capture every part of it. I want to also look beautiful in it'' she said and walked towards the trees.

Matthew Hayez smiled and started the video recording, capturing every moment with her. His gaze was on her as he made sure not to miss anything that she was doing. He realised that he enjoyed doing that with her.

''Willow, come here'' he beckoned on her.

''What?'' Willow asked waving her hands at him.

''Let's do a video together'' he said and didn't wait for her response before she went closer and grabbed her closer to himself. He adjusted the camera lens and smiled as he waited for the shutter sound.

Willow flushed and looked at him all that while until she heard the shutter sound. He smiled and said to her.

''Don't look at me, look into the camera''

''I am looking. You just caught me unaware'' she muttered and turned to the camera.

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