
Do You Want Me To?

The next day I invited Arden over again. This time I wanted to tell him about Raphael that's going to get married soon.

"That's wonderful news," Arden said.

"I'll get lonely though," I sighed. "I wanted to stay with my brothers forever,"

"Ezra, you'll always stay with your brothers. But eventually, everyone will do their own thing. Walking on a different path,"

"You're right... are you going to get married too?"

Arden blinked. Then an innocent smile formed on his handsome face.

"You don't want me to?"


W-what?! why is he asking me that?

"I-I was just asking!"

"Hmm," Arden's smile turned int a smirk. "That's a secret,"

"Eh? that's no fun,"

"What about you? Are you going to get married?"

I never thought of that at all. I've been so busy growing stronger. Now that Raphael is getting married, I realized that maybe one day I might found someone to spend my time with.

"I don't know... but you'll stay by my side right Arden?"


Arden's face is indescribable. His golden eyes are searching through mine. My heart skipped a beat when his warm smile arose.

"Do you want me to?"

"... Yes,"

I quietly answered him shyly. Arden chuckled warmly.

I startled when Arden's hand is now on the top of my own. I realized his hand is bigger than mine. It's warm and soft. I blushed at the thought.

Ugh, I feel like a teenage girl.

"Ok," Arden said.

From afar, two boys tried to spy on their little brother. Sehan leaned to Leorys.

"Why is Ezra blushing like that?"

"... Maybe the weather is hot?" Leorys mumbled.

Sehan gulped and leaned away, not breaking his gaze off Ezra. "... You're right,"


"Ah!" Sehan and Leorys yelped in surprise. They turned around to find their older brother, Edgar, standing there behind them. His shirt is crumpled with dirt and leaves on it.

"Well, I guess it's understandable. You guys are oblivious about these kinds of stuff," Edgar snickered.

"It can't be! We're sixteen-year-olds, we're adults!" Sehan argued.

"Then you know what love is?"

"Of course! It's what I feel toward Ezra, Raphael, Chris-"

"No no," Edgar stopped Sehan. "Not that kind of love,"

"There's more?" Leorys blinked.

Edgar crouched to the ground, Leorys and Sehan followed. The three of them huddled closer. Edgar is whispering something. And gradually Leorys' and Sehan's face turned brighter, interested in learning a new thing.

"Oh!" Sehan exclaimed.

"Shh! Ezra would find us!" Leorys hushed.

Edgar grinned. "Yep, it's that kind of love,"

"They never teach us in school about that! I thought you just find a suitable spouse to make kids. I don't know anything about crushes, or falling in love,"

Leorys sighed. "You always ditched class. You ditched most of the classes except for magic and sword-training class. Of course, you didn't know,"

"Then how come you don't know about that kind of love?" Sehan asked.

"... I never see it in real life," Leorys mumbled. "I know the terms of falling in love. But I don't know that you'll get those tingly feeling in your stomach or made your face red when you're in love. I just thought the weather is too hot for Ezra,"

"Now that you guys are educated about that," Edgar started. "Let me explain to you how two boys do it,"

"Do what?" Leorys and Sehan asked in unison.

Edgar started to lean closer again and whisper.

After five minutes passed...


Ezra and Arden turned their heads toward the source of a scream from a distance. Ezra blinked his beautiful ruby-like eyes.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Should we check it out?" Arden asked.

"Hm," Ezra looked to Arden. Then smiled brightly with a faint blush under his eyes. He took a sip on his tea, then shyly play around with his empty teacup. "Nope. Let's just finish our chat, Arden,"

Hello everyone! <3

I have a little announcement to make. I'll post the new chapters

later ;'). There are a couple of things that I need to sort out IRL. I hope you guys understand! ^-^ Thank you~!

coffiecreators' thoughts
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