
Chapter 255

The crowd continued to cheer for a while but then the Queen's screams intensified and the crowd stopped cheering.

He removed his helmet and gave the woman a disinterested look "And pray tell how it was exactly that I cheated."

"Lay it off woman. He won fair and square." The king said.

Cersei shook her head "He couldn't have. He's not a swordsman. If he was then we would have heard of him before. He must have cheated to win."

King Robert didn't gave her another moment to talk and turned to his friend Lord Eddard Stark.

"Ned. Gave the boy his swords. And then see to it that the Kingslayer doesn't dies."

Lord Stark bowed and walked forward the with two swords sheathed in their sheaths and handed them to Lord Bolton in front of everyone.

"According to the bets of the duel, the sword goes to Lord Bolton." Lord Stark stated as he handed him both the Valyrian swords and the crowd burst into cheers once again.

He took Lily and wrapped it around his waist before he turned and looked at Lion's Claw and the Queen who was shouting obscenities and threatening his life.

"This is not over." The Queen said before she turned to the King "Do you think that my father will let an insult like this go without any repercussions. I hope you're ready to pay every single dime you owe him along with the interest."

The King looked tired and shooed her off.

The Queen got up from her chair and was about to leave when he said "Your grace."

The Queen turned and looked at him holding the Lion's Claw in his right hand.

She sneered at him "What is it? Have you not humiliated my brother enough already."

"This is not about your brother. But the Lion's Claw. Do you and your family want it back."

Greed and shrewdness ran in her eyes and she spoke "The sword belong to the Lannisters. You may have tricked these people and taken it from Jamie but you won't fool me." She sneered "Don't think that this will be the end of it."

"But it does not belong to the Lannisters anymore, does it." He said. "That what it means when you bet something. If you lose the bet then the sword goes to the winner. I don't know how they teach the women in Casterly Rock, but if you don't even know such simple things, then that is really disappointing."

"Are you insulting your Queen Lord Bolton?" The Queen asked with an edge to her voice.

"Hardly. I'm merely stating facts." He said "But if House Lannister still wants the Valyrian sword then I have a proposal for you."

The Queen's eyes narrowed at that "What's the proposal?" she asked.

"I heard that in order to build a Lannister fleet, your father paid a great deal of gold to the Summer Islanders to buy 30 of their infamous Swan Ships."

And it was true as well. Swan Ships were some of the best war ships in the world and were excellent in fighting pirates and other low tier ships.

Since the Iron Islanders used similar ships to the ones used by the Pirates, they should be easy prey to the Swan Ships. Maybe that was the reason why Tywin bought them at a high price in the first place as the Iron Islanders were the main Sea threat to the Westerlands.

He had always wanted some of those ships for himself but the Summer Islanders have never sold them to anyone. And buying them by using mind magic would make it look suspicious to others.

He could have also stolen their designs but those ships could only be made from a special wood found in the forests of the Summer Islands. It would like knowing the process to reforge Valyrian Steel but not having any metal on hand.

All in all, he had not thought that he would get his hands on their ships any time soon.

So when he had first heard the news that Lord Tywin Lannister had paid a huge sum of gold to buy those ships, he had lamented not trying more on his part to buy them as well.

It seems like with enough gold, you can buy just about anything in this world.

The Queen's eyes narrowed even more at that, as if challenging him to continue speaking. He did. "30 Swan ships for the Lion's claw. Your father has already shown the Whole Westeros that he's still capable of shitting gold. Why not send some of it my way."

The Queen gaped at his audacity for a few moments before she laughed. Her laugh rang across the entire courtyard as the crowd had gone silent when she started speaking "You might think that your small fleet and this desolate Wasteland will always protect you. But be warned Lord Bolton. Your time will come. I'll see to it myself."

With her piece said, she got up and left the courtyard.

He turned to the King and gave a bow before leaving as well.

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