
Chapter 205


He walked in the solar in silence, seething in silent anger and thinking about what to do next.

"I gave you one task." He said after a long moment. "One. Task."

The Lord Commander stayed silent, probably knowing that he had fucked up this one time.

"It was my mistake." He said "I can see it now. I should have never given it to you in the first place."

"The people of the South are not going to believe us." He said after another long silence "I'm not sure if they would have believed us even if we showed them the Wight. Some of them would have still been skeptical but I would have dealt with that somehow. But now…"

He let the words remain there and shook his head.

"I'm taking the Ice sword from your hands."

The Lord Commander shook his head "It is the Nights Watch duty to…"

"The Night's Watch… is nothing but a hovel at the end of the map where the people of the South throw their criminals to freeze of their balls. It may have been a prestigious institution once but we both know that such is not the case any longer. So spare me the bullshit with the vows that your people break every few days."

"The Wall was built to fight against the White Walker." Lord Commander Jeor Mormont said.

"Is it now?" he asked "I few months ago I swear you told me otherwise."

"We haven't seen the Wight before that."

"And you won't see it again either. Because it's dead. All because of the sheer incompetency of your…" he clutched his hands tightly and controlled his anger.

The unexpected death of the wight had shattered any plan he had of asking for help from the South and wasted 3 months of his time.

Well, at least a lot of influential people from the North had seen the White Walkers and a good deal of the men in the Night's Watch had seen the Wight as well.

That should be enough to get the North on board to prepare against the White Walkers.

Having the wight would have made things easier for him. But it was gone now. And if he wanted another then he would have to go on another expedition and capture one of them.

And he had no plans of going to the North. Not after almost dying at the hands of the White Walker.

He had a feeling that he should have seen this coming. But he had trusted the competency of the Lord Commander.

And even though his trust was not truly misplaced, the Lord Commander didn't have as good control over his men as he once did.

He shouldn't have gone to prepare for the ritual to enhance Varko, Baka and Ygritte's bodies as well. At least not so soon. But his helplessness against the White Walker had rattled him more than he was showing and he had at last realized that without some additional help, the risk of him dying against a White Walker was very high.

"I'll send my men to retrieve the Ice Sword." He said in a tone that made it clear that he would brook no arguments this time.

The Lord Commander opened his mouth but a look from him made him pause and he closed him mouth in the end and nodded.

"Very well then. You can have it's custody." Lord Commander said.

"Good." He said and left the room.

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