
Eyes On Him-II

The tips of Seoyeon's ears turned pink when Jung Hwa's lips prepared to speak. She was not curious of the content of his imagination he called to be wild, but now faced with his continuous provoking words, she can't help but to feel curious of whether the center of his wild imagination was her.

Should she be happy about it? This is Jung Hwa she was talking about, she doubted his imagination would be pure, but she can't help but to feel anticipation about it.

Jung Hwa told her he had the imaginations since he first saw her. What did he think of? Was it-

"Aw!" Seoyeon's eyes that were still fixed at him flew wide open. Her hand quickly covered the side of her shoulder he had bitten and no words could come on her lips. While she was focused on the imaginations he kept on whispering her, as if he was watering a new seed he buried under the soil; and now, that the curiosity had stemmed, Jung Hwa surprised her by biting her shoulder.

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