
As He Said-III

Seoyeon stood in silence making herself unseen by standing behind the wall where it was enough for her to see the older vampiress standing in front of the entrance with Jung Hwa. A smile decorated the woman's face that was beautiful regardless of the fact that she could perhaps be a decade or two older than Jung Hwa.

"Come here," said Jung Hwa and he turned his head toward her. "Seoyeon," he added to make sure his human girl know who he was talking of. 

Inwardly Seoyeon sighed. From what she learned Jung Hwa and his aunt didn't have a great relationship than why should she go? Being in an awkward position with her around would instead turn the mood for worse but Jung Hwa want her to stay with him.

It took one good minute and Valerie who was confused by who Jung Hwa had called casually put a laugh, "I didn't know you were having a guest. A human guest," Valerie corrected herself when Seoyeon appeared and walk toward Jung Hwa.

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