
Power Leveling!

Time went by in a flash, and an hour had gone and passed just like that. Gyarados and Kingler had yet to surface or come back. Gan was starting to get a bit concerned—when a figure landed next to Royce.

It so happened to be his Charizard, who he had ordered to deliver a letter earlier. Gan was just sitting near the shores waiting, but he was just wasting time, he believed. With that, he turned towards the forest thicket, couldn't he be catching Pokemon right now?

"Royce, I want to catch a few Pokemon in that forest thicket over there. The Pokemon in this forest are abnormally stronger than usual, do you mind lending an assist?" Gan couldn't take any chances, he only came here because of Royce's strength and Pokemon typing advantage.

"Of course, Gan my man. Charizard, help my guy here catch some Pokemon in the forest." Royce didn't hesitate and ordered Charizard to help Gan.

Charizard nodded and walked over toward Gan.

"Thanks, much appreciated." Gan had run into more helpful people in this world than he imagined, and this was a good thing.

"No problem, I'll wait here until your other guys appear out of the lake." Royce grinned and assured.

Afterward, Gan, Charizard, and Machop went over to the forest thicket. He wasn't expecting to see any Pokemon right away. Gan pushed branches aside as he slowly, but cautiously advanced through the forest.

Gan summoned Koffing, Growlithe, and Rhyhorn, he may as well take the time to level a few of his Pokemon while Royce wasn't around. The 6 of them were creeping through the forest slowly.

Charizard couldn't understand why they needed to do this, but Gan had his reasons. If anyone of those Pokemon saw and processed Charizard's strength, they would surely make a run for it.

And sure enough, they spotted a group of 3 Exeggcutes and a Bulbasaur someway away eating some berries. Gan couldn't understand, every time he saw a Bulbasaur it was eating berries or something!


|Name: Exeggcute♂

|Type: Grass + Psychic

|Level: 23

|Ability: Chlorophyll

|Potential: ★★

|Nature: Calm

|Moves: Absorb| Mega Drain| Leech Seed| Reflect| Confusion|


|Name: Bulbasaur♂

|Type: Grass + Poison

|Level: 15

|Ability: Overgrown

|Potential: ★★★

|Nature: Modest

|Moves: Tackle| Growl| Vine Whip| Poison Powder| Sleep Powder| Take Down| Leech Seed|


Gan held his hand up, signaling everyone to not act rashly so as to not spook them away.

"Charizard, can you beat that Bulbasaur up a bit, while we attack the Exeggcutes?" Gan whispered and asked. The Bulbasaur actually had a really good talent worth catching and using later down the line.

Charizard looked surprised for some reason, but she nodded nonetheless.

"On three, I want Rhyhorn to use Horn Attack on the Exeggcute in the middle. I want Growlithe to use Flame Wheel on the one on the left. Koffing, use sludge on the one towards the right, and Charizard, you do your thing with Bulbasaur."

Everyone sharpened themselves and finally, they attacked after the countdown. Everyone was taken down in one hit except the Exeggcute that Rhyhorn attacked. They all turned to attack it after beating their targets, easily defeating the Exeggcute.

Gan quickly caught all four Pokemon and continued forward. That Bulbasaur was close to becoming an Ivysaur. They kept walking forward, and Gan's attention was mostly steered toward the treetops of the forest.

Pikachu seemed to love hanging out on the upper zone layers of this forest. Machop wasn't ordered to do anything, since its moves weren't that effective on those Pokemon from before.

Gan and the group continued on and on. They ran into some Oddish and Bellsprouts but nothing new so far. Caterpie and Weedles continued to slither about as usual, but still nothing new.

"BzzzT~!" Gan suddenly heard some buzzing and the sound of wings flapping.

"That sound is all but too familiar." Gan frowned, it could be no other Pokemon than them.

Gan, feeling confident, went over to investigate where the noise was coming from. After walking for a little while, he caught sight of the source. He saw five Beedrills surrounding another bug, but upon further inspection—Gan knew what species of Pokemon it was.

It was a Pinsir much to Gan's surprise. It was big beetle with a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and spikey horns that curved inward on its head. Gan's eyes widened at the sight of this Pokemon; this was a new discovery he couldn't let slip away!


|Name: Pinsir♀

|Type: Bug

|Level: 30

|Ability: Hyper Cutter

|Potential: ★★★

|Nature: Rash

|Moves: Vice Grip| Focus Energy| Bing Seismic Toss| Bind| Harden| Revenge| Vital Throw| Double Hit| Brick Break| X-Scissor|


The Beedrill group was attacking the Pinsir, they would go in for an attack and quickly back off. The Beedrill group had terrible Potential, but their levels were between 20 and 25 respectively.

The Pinsir seemed to have been poisoned, it wasn't going to hang on for long against this gang.

"GO! Attack! Everyone take down those Beedrill, and you, Machop, you use Thunder Punch on that Pinsir." They all ran over in a frenzy, using the same attacks they had used to take down those Exeggcutes.

Pinsir and the group looked over in surprise, only to see a human and a group of unidentified Pokemon attacking them.

Unlike before, Gan ordered Koffing to use Flamethrower this time around. Gan also said it was okay to hit Growlithe with the Flamethrower, in fact, he encourage Koffing to do it. With its Flash Fire ability, it would only serve to make Growlithe's fire attacks stronger.

With this all included, the group of Beedrill couldn't regain their calm in enough time. They were ultimately defeated in the end. Machop's Thunder Punch was canceled out because of Rhyhorn's ability.

So, Rhyhorn took the opportunity to attack Pinsir instead by using SmackDown. This move was more than enough to finish the weakened Pinsir. Pinsir looked on in shock, it glared at Rhyhorn before closing its eyes and fainting.

Gan heard a series of notifications and found that a few of his Pokemon had leveled up quite a bit. Destroying Beedrill was very beneficial to his Pokemon when it came to leveling up.

Rhyhorn was now at level 25, Koffing hit level 30, and Growlithe was at level 27. Machop received nothing from the battle, which angered it a great deal.

Machop pointed at Rhyhorn and started saying something, but Rhyhorn only huffed at Machop before turning away with a half-smile.

"CHOP!" Machop looked to have formed its hand into a chop gesture, was it going to attack Rhyhorn!?

"Hey, Hey! Don't do that! There are plenty of Beedrill around here you can beat down!" Gan was stunned, didn't this fella have some sort of attitude problem or something?

Machop stopped and grumbled while Rhyhorn harrumphed.

Gan scratched his forehead before checking his personal status.


|Gan Arson♂

|Age: 16

|Affilication: Team Rocket| Rank: Grunt|

|Badges: 1

|Pokemon Caught: 63

|Party: Multiple

Money: ₱191,000


Gan wasn't keeping tabs on his personal status, in fact, he had forgotten about it really. Afterward, Gan continued through the green thicket. He needed to catch 100 Pokemon to complete the mission he had in progress, so far, so good.

Gan had run into more Beedrill, but they were defeated by Machop and the rest of his team. He didn't see any other new Pokemon here, besides the Pokemon he caught before. However, there were groups of Rattata and even Raticate.

Machop fought many Pokemon and defeated them over and over with the help of the others. With the number of opponents popping up for it to fight and level, it finally reached level 28. Machop's body was wrapped in white light just like that of Kadabra's, before finally evolving into a Machoke!

Gan rubbed his hands together with a grin across his face, he could never get tired of this process. He thought. Machop was somewhat blocking his other Pokemon off just to fight them all to himself.


"Hoho! You evolved!" Gan scanned Machop's status.


|Name: Machoke♂

|Type: Fighting

|Level: 28

|Ability: Guts

|Potential: ★★★★

|Nature: Serious

|Moves: Leer| Low Sweep| Focus Energy| Low Kick| Foresight| Karate Chop| Revenge| Knock Off| [S]ThunderPunch| [S]Superpower| [TM]Bulk Up| Vital Throw| Wake-Up Slap|


Rhyhorn's eyes dilated seeing Machop evolve, every one of his Pokemon was stunned. Machoke flexed his muscles before glaring at Rhyhorn smugly.

"Congratulations, but don't get arrogant. You still have some ways to go before reaching completion." Gan frowned seeing Machoke's ways, this wasn't something he liked.

Machoke bowed slightly, appearing to say something while scratching the back of its head. Apparently, it was sorry for acting as it did.

"Forget it, just don't do it to a team member, we'll be champions one day. This means all of you will be needed to achieve that someday, together." Gan briefly explained.

Everyone roared out, as to understand; seemingly more determined than before.

"Don't worry, you'll also evolve one day into an even more powerful Pokemon than you are—down the line." Gan patted Rhyhorn's head and assured her of this.

"Horn..." Rhyhorn nodded, feeling relieved hearing those words.

Afterward, they continued their little farming campaign. They mostly ran into Beedrill and even some Butterfree. All of them were attacked, defeated, and caught by Gan. This went on for hours, to be exact, three hours.

Gan had taken a food and water break. Once these guys had reached a certain level, he decided to switch his Pokemon around. Gan was honestly tired and didn't want to do any more battling, but he needed to do this.


Growlithe was at level 31.

Machoke was at level 31.

Koffing was at level 33.

Rhyhorn was at level 30.


This place was currently the best place to train his Pokemon. Gan and his Pokemon even had their own little Guardian Angel watching over them, that being Charizard.

"Let's see." Now, Gan had to choose a new group of Pokemon he wanted to level up. The next group might have a bit of trouble, but some were at least resistant to most Pokemon in this forest.

Despite having so many decent levels, it didn't mean that they could fight well with Pokemon at the same level. They would require actual training from Gan to truly compete against those big-timers in the future. Gan was going to start personally training them after he was done with his business in Pallet Town.

Gan went with Haunter, Kadabra, Grimer, and Graveler for the next round of leveling. Everyone was summoned after he decided, while those from before were recalled.

Charizard's expression changed dramatically—when its nose was assaulted by the terrible stench coming from Grimer.

"Haunter~!" As Gan was covering his nose and growing teary-eyed. He was suddenly licked across his face by Haunter!

"Ahhh!" Gan's body started twitching from being licked—as if static was surging through his body, and he fell to his knees.

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