
Chapter 975 Exit Stage Left, Enter Stage Right

With that somewhat ominous statement Bodeir simply left, saying "The ship will leave at 1:00pm tomorrow and my son WILL be on it. Don't be late, unless you want to be playing catch-up." Bodeir didn't even looked surprised at the door when he looked pointedly at the 'locked' position of the nob. He just made it clear he knew… and then walked out. Kat just sort of… stared at the door for a few moments as everything that just happened washed over her. 

Kat shook her head to clear it and wandered into the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and then head into one of the sitting rooms. The chairs were more… bean bag adjacent things. They were fluffy seating that was set into the floor and mostly circular. Kat threw herself into one and let out a long sigh. "Welp. Now I have to deal with… this… and Lily is sleeping off her power trip. Sue is out probably getting fucked and I'm the only one around so I have to talk this through with myself…"

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