
Chapter 827 Mission Probable

Kat made a rather lackadaisical 'escape' from Jara's house. The guards still on rotation recognising her easily and letting her past. It didn't take long to be in the skies once again and heading towards Apep's house. Things, it seemed, were winding down in a particularly unsatisfying way. Apep seemed to have at least some chance with Zuhra but not for some time. It'd take dedicated effort on his part mostly geared towards dragging the unwilling maid out of her depression completely.

That's not even getting started onto the fact that Gaston's death would have to remain a mystery, for now certainly, and likely for some time afterwards. Kat didn't think it was likely that any demon below Rank 3 would have an ability to see that far back unless it was very specific, and that specificity would cause the price to rise all the same.


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