
Chapter 676 Threw It On The Ground

Green was still dead to the world, Tophat was still glancing around worriedly and Buff was making sure that he was ready to step in should things get serious while Gloves... Gloves was still causing issues with Gray. "Old age must have rotted your brain if you think you've got any useful information left to share. Then again, they say 'those who cannot do teach' so perhaps you've got some wisdom to share." Snickered Gloves

"Boy, just because some people are hacks doesn't mean you should have skipped out on your lessons growing up. They keep the mind sharp… so I suppose it's no surprise you have the attention span of a goldfish, the grace of a drunk hippo and all the majesty present in a dung beetle. I doubt you'll ever take up a teaching carrier though. No wisdom in that nogging to pass on even if you wanted to," sneered Gray right back.

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