
Chapter 125 The Four ‘Best’ Weapons

Kat offered Grace a hand, then pulled her to her feet. Grace promptly dusted off the excess snow and then looked suspiciously at the Timmy's who seemed to be snickering, though of course no sound came out.

"So, you missed the tape, but basically, we get one weapon each, and we can pick whichever one we want, but the four best are at the back. If we do pick one of the four though the other person can't grab it… does that make sense?" said Kat

"Yeah I think so. Do you know what the big four are?" asked Grace

"Nope, we can go check them out together" said Kat.

Kat lead the way deeper into the weapons vault. Mostly ignoring the increasingly large variety of weapons. After a full minute of walking it became clear this was the right decision, as they'd already walked past hundreds if not thousands in that minute alone.

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